The graffiti, titled 'Banksy Slave Labor (Bunting Boy). London 2012', as it was on the side of Poundland store in Wood Green, London. Photograph: Matthew Chattle/Alamy
The graffiti, titled ‘Banksy Slave Labor (Bunting Boy). London 2012’, as it was on the side of Poundland store in Wood Green, London. Photograph: Matthew Chattle/Alamy


‘A Banksy mural has been put up for auction on a US website with a guide price of up to £450,000 after being removed from a building in north London.’

How Obscene!

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5 thoughts on “

  1. Jim Edge says:

    Probably stolen by Idiot Duncan Smith, put up for sale to fund some other scam aimed at crippling the sick and the poor of this shameless 56ifrv5r.

  2. Serenity says:

    teenagers working for nothing on the work program this is forced child labour under threat of removal of means to eat ie JSA. What kind of country is this? What kind of people are we allowing our kids to be exploited like this? A country and a people who do not even love their own children. All the badness in the world is due to children who never knew love only abuse.

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