A poster about how expensive disabled people are.

60,000 Reichsmarks is the cost to the people’s purse of this defective. People’s comrade That is YOUR money!


David Cameron said of the Mick Philpott case: 'We want to make clear welfare is not a lifestyle choice.' Photograph: Chris Radburn/AFP/Getty Images

David Cameron said of the Mick Philpott case: ‘We want to make clear welfare is not a lifestyle choice.’ Photograph: Chris Radburn/AFP/Getty Images



[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbj3IJcMrv8]

Owen. David Cameron, Iain Duncan Smith, Mark Hoban and George Osborne ARE RESPONSIBLE for those deaths!

They are a daily occurence! Give them NO QUARTER, OWEN! Tell the TRUTH!  

According to the DWP – the true figure for claimant fraud for 2011/2012 is actually 0.8%.

Who is lying to you, all you out there who have been deceived into believing that everyone is ‘swinging the lead’?

How does it feel, to be treated like a mug?

Ask yourselves, why am I being lied to?

Is the government defrauding me?

Are YOU a ‘mug’?

Don’t stand for it! Turn on your real enemy!


FACT Benefit Fraud: It is not Disabled People or Claimants who are Frauds and Scroungers but Neo-Nazi Tory Scum and their Tabloid Tools Posted on April 4, 2013

VOTE Did Britain’s benefits system contribute to the Philpott fire killings? – Telegraph: Please vote No! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/9973820/Poll-did-Britains-benefits-system-contribute-to-the-Philpott-fire-killings.html

Woman whose disabled partner was found hanged warns of “devastating’’ impact of disability cuts Posted on April 3, 2013

Change to disability benefits appeals process could leave people penniless Posted on April 5, 2013

“That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.

“They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation. Now the Tories are pouring out money in propaganda of all sorts and are hoping by this organised sustained mass suggestion to eradicate from our minds all memory of what we went through.

“But, I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying now. Do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. He is a very good salesman. If you are selling shoddy stuff you have to be a good salesman. But I warn you they have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse than they were.”

Aneurin Bevan ~ Speech on 3 July 1948 at the Bellevue Hotel, on eve of the entry into force of the National Health Service.

Martine White is a product of British welfare, not Mick Philpott Posted on April 5, 2013

Lin Lee:

‘To blame this tragedy on a “benefits culture” not only wrongly besmirches the most needy in the country, it does a huge disservice to those living with domestic abuse, who really need to have the blame put where it belongs. This man’s need to “control” was clearly so great that when he was no longer in control of the situation he would go to any lengths without a thought for the consequences… indeed I actually wonder if he has made the connection between his actions and the consequences or whether, in his own mind he has explained it all away in some other way’

Sign here if you agree http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/45058 please sign and RT

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20 Responses

  1. subsidising what lifestyle? everyones circumstances are different…are ALL claimants child killers..? they must be desparate to sink this low..

  2. To link every benefit claimant with Philpot et al is an absolute disgrace and is a slander on all genuine disabled and unemployed. This kind of language and rabble rousing is in fact illegal it is incitement to hatred of disabled people and can be prosecuted if uttered outside Westminster Palace under sec.146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003. Do we have a lawyer who could study this and could we take a class action.

  3. If Mick Philpott had lived in a mansion it would not have stopped him from committing this or some equally heinous crime. He is a narcissistic sociopath. Do we now expect anyone with a large family living on welfare to start murdering their children? Of course not! This so called government gets more ridiculous by the day. They should go and go as far away as possible. They no longer have any respect from the population. GET OUT! Let somebody in who can do the job like adults and not a pack of spoiled little boys!

  4. I bet all of the overpaid incompetent millionaires that we have as MPs all collect their child allowance. And they shouldn’t be allowed to forget that an MP’s salary is really a state benefit because it comes out of taxes.

    So who are the real spongers, those claiming benefits they need because their salary is too low, or those taking money they don’t need just so they can put it into a tax-free off-shore account?

    The best way to save money on the wefare bill is to force companies to pay a living wage so that no working person needs to claim benefits on top of their wages in order to merely survive.

    My father, and both my grandfathers, gave up years of their lives fighting to keep this country free of evil people, and now it is looking as if we will have to fight to rid this country of the current batch.

    • I endorse everything you say Dave. My father and both grandfathers served to rid the world of the fascist scum. They then toiled in pits and mills and on the railways to power the countries recovery working for little reward so that the likes of Osborne, Cameron et al could be born into luxury from the loins of their thieving ancestors. If I had my way I would put them on frontline duty in Afghanistan and invite them to talk to the Taliban using their standard rhetoric. Just for the record I would not allow them anywhere near the true heroes our own troops.

  5. The saddest thing about all this, is that there is no real alternative to this lot. Labour should hang their heads in shame. Apart from a few noticeable exceptions all we get is silence. They started this clamp down on benefits, and their silence since has been deafening. I wrote and told my Tory MP what I thought and said that history won’t look kindly on what they have done.

  6. By Osborne s thinking everyone on benefits is a child killer, or every child killer is on benefits, would that make every GP a Harold Shipman or every VW beetle owner a Ted Bundy,or every mediocre builder a Fred West. This lot in power really are the lowest of the low. They would use every opportunity no matter what to score political points.Tell lies till doomsday to cover their crimes and corruption, This lot are bankrupt of all morals and haven’t the intelligence to govern our country. The fact is, none of them are fit for purpose, their only concern is how to get and keep their grubby little mitts on the nations wealth. We must not loose sight of their real motifs to privatize our nation for their own enrichment. Their actions against the most vulnerable in society speaks volumes of who they really are, these pigs are Nazis reincarnate and unfortunately because of the low level of intelligence in the Sun/Mail/Telegraph reader, Typical Tory voters who will swallow every lie they are told by this lot of criminals our country is doomed. It’s at times like this I wish I had a God to turn to, it would seem the usual lot don’t want to listen to the billions of prayers asking for this madness to end.

    • they all sucked up to murdoch because he knew how to talk down to the readership like they were idiots…and were full of prejudices..mckenzie said so..’the ordinary working man in the pub..who hated n*ggers.taking their job..

  7. Wasn’t Philpot in the army when he stabbed his ex girlfriend and her mother. Is Cameron and Osborne linking that stabbing to Philpot being in the army.

    The truth is that Mick Philpot is a violent individual and killing six of his children has nothing to do with him being on benefits. He used women and his children. Most parents, whether on benefits or not, will go without for their children.

  8. This Country since May 2010 has come to More and More Resemble a Nazi State
    with Regards to the Victimisation of the Poor and Vulnerable

    Revolution the Obvious Answer For a Better Britain

    • The left is so fragmented with petty squabbles over the best way forward. We need to go back to the early formation of Labour representation and learn from that. Trade union leaders living millionaire life styles is not acceptable they should all be on the average wage of the workers they represent with reasonable out of pocket expenses to carry out their duties. Likewise with all those who would represent the electorate as MPs. If this present Labour lot carry on as they are then ultra right will fill the gap and the future is frightening.

  9. the utter hatred coming out of conservative central office is not being challenged by labour or anyone else. it appears that these bastards have the tide of change in their favour. the rantings of the looney right on blogs and on tv such as harry cole above are a true indication that this country is fucked.

    meanwhile the labour party and those stupid enough to remain it (meacher etc al) are SILENT – this is criminal

  10. Feed the Daily Hate-Mail/Sun readers- propaganda long enough, and all will be accepted, and these (free) educated fascists know all this! I suppose the hatred is mutual.

    We need Owen as the next PM!

  11. 50% of MPs cheat the outrageously generous welfare system afforded them to look after us, indeed we know criminality is endemic across the political “class”.


    0.7% of citizens cheat the barely subsistence benefits system afforded them to survive while ill or unemployed and being defamed by Britain’s privileged and oblivious criminal class who see conspiracies and project out scumbags wherever they look despite the facts and create ever greater messes for decent citizens to clean up in CMHTs, hospitals, suicide helplines, food banks, breakfast clubs, homeless units and so on and so forth.

    Anyone looking for the truth should consider those statistics.

    The Rev’d Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty describes this as a time of crass misjudgments. I call it and these people evil.

  12. 50% of MPs cheat the outrageously generous welfare system afforded them to look after us, in50% of MPs cheat the outrageously generous welfare system afforded them to look after us, indeed we know criminality is endemic across the political “class”.


    0.7% of citizens cheat the barely subsistence benefits system afforded them to survive while ill or unemployed and being defamed by Britain’s privileged and oblivious criminal class who see conspiracies and project out scumbags wherever they look despite the facts and create ever greater messes for decent citizens to clean up in CMHTs, hospitals, suicide helplines, food banks, breakfast clubs, homeless units and so on and so forth.

    Anyone looking for the truth should consider those statistics.

    The Rev’d Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty describes this as a time of crass misjudgments. I call it and these people evil.

  13. Unfortunately, even if there were recourse to any sort of justice, and these political slime were ever taken to court for their actions, they can never be as effected as many who are now homeless in spiraling debt, and out on their arses while ill or dying!

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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