Farage: We Em’bra folk sent him hameward ~ Tae think again!
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(Our highlights)
Why Labour is to Blame for UKIP Posted on May 3, 2013
Ukip plans to ‘stop benefit claimants buying tobacco and alcohol’ posted on March 22, 2013
Eugenics was discredited in most of the world by the revelation of what had happened in the German camps, but Sweden only stopped the sterilisation of asylum inmates in 1975. But many people will have forgotten just how discredited these ideas became by 1945. Worryingly, in 2012 in Great Britain, Geoffrey Clark, a local government candidate for the UK Independence Party in a by-election in Gravesham, Kent posted this on his website:
“Consider compulsory abortion when the foetus is detected as having Downs, Spina Bifida or similar syndrome which, if it is born, will render the child a burden on the state as well as on the family.”
Although UKIP suspended Clark’s party membership when this hit the news, it was too late to cancel his candidacy. He came second to the conservatives with almost 27% of the vote.
See: Nazi persecution of people with disabilities and what this means for us today Posted on January 28, 2013
Eugenics rearing its ugly head again within the mainstream cesspit of British politics:
“If they have a misshapen lamb, they get rid of it. They get rid of it. Bang!”
See: Joint Black Triangle – DPAC complaint against Councillor Collin Brewer submitted to Cornwall Council Standards Committee Posted on May 15, 2013
UKIP’s Disappearing Welfare Policy: Claimants are “a parasitic underclass of scroungers” Posted on March 5, 2013
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8 Responses
He’s only receiving the treatment he advocates for hard working slaving immigrants, and anyone that isn’t affiliated to his Nasty Nazi party ideals.
Could this be why some of the old Tory die-hards are considering amalgamating with his new found popularity amongst the racist patriotic pig-ignorant?
Once we leave Europe then look out for all the working classes fought for for the last 50 years, to disappear, – just like he had to, from Edinburgh!
Reminds us all of a comic version of AH, and if he did ever share power we can expect even worse fascism and misery for all the poor and disabled than we’ve seen so far.
I am sorry to have to say this but I think people who vote for UKIP are politically thick. It is a one policy party. God help us if they get any where near sharing power.
“Clearly this is anti-British, anti-English. They even hate the union jack.” …….. says it all really
This remark tells us more about his bigoted view of the Scot’s than anything else!
Mass immigration was a conspiracy which helped those in power to undercut workers cause a crisis in the NHS and a housing crisis by deliberately not having the infrastructure in place too support this which made those who planned it very wealthy indeed and now being used as an excuse to destroy the safety net of social security and bring in private insurance companies for the new privatised systems. Now their plans are reaching fruition by promoting the extreme far right UKIP on the back of the resentment created by these policies. Don’t blame the immigrants or the EU blame past/present governments.
We can only hope enough people get wise to this before it’s too late!
Someone PLEASE tell UKIP that there is absolutely no red in our beloved Saltire and even the Union flag is an insult to Scots with the St. George cross superimposed over St Andrew’s cross, as if they were the masters and we the subservients, harking back to the days of English monarchy claiming overlordship of our country.
How dare this racist pig farage/garbage call anyone else a fascist the dupliciy and phoneyness of the man leaves me quite incredulous. I’m no fan of the tartan-tories/SNP but they certainly are not racist or sectarian can garbage say the same the immigrant/Islam hating nut job, I’m glad he was sent homewards tae think again! May his ilk never darken our borders again!
They sure were and observant bunch who greeted him in Edinburgh, scum they cried and aint that the truth!
How dare this racist pig farage/garbage call anyone else a fascist the dupliciy and phoneyness of the man leaves me quite incredulous. I’m no fan of the tartan-tories/SNP but they certainly are not racist or sectarian can garbage say the same the immigrant/Islam hating nut job, I’m glad he was sent homewards tae think again! May his ilk never darken our borders again!
They sure were and observant bunch who greeted him in Edinburgh, scum they cried and aint that the truth!