"The issue isn't, and hasn't been for at least 50 years, whether we believe in social justice," he wrote. "The issue is how progressive politics fulfils that mission as times, conditions and objective realities change around us. Having such a modern vision elevates the debate. It helps avoid the danger of tactical victories that lead to strategic defeats. "It means, for example, that we don't tack right on immigration and Europe, and tack left on tax and spending. It keeps us out of our comfort zone but on a centre ground that is ultimately both more satisfying and more productive for party and country."

“The issue isn’t, and hasn’t been for at least 50 years, whether we believe in social justice,” he wrote. “The issue is how progressive politics fulfils that mission as times, conditions and objective realities change around us. Having such a modern vision elevates the debate. It helps avoid the danger of tactical victories that lead to strategic defeats.
“It means, for example, that we don’t tack right on immigration and Europe, and tack left on tax and spending. It keeps us out of our comfort zone but on a centre ground that is ultimately both more satisfying and more productive for party and country.”


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Related VIDEO: Neoliberal Labour Mourner-in-Chief Tory Bliar says “She will be sadly missed on both sides of the Atlantic” Posted on April 9, 2013


Tony Blair warns Labour could be reduced to a protest party as cuts bite ‘Labour in danger of returning to dividing lines of 1980s, when it languished in opposition to Thatcher’s Tories, says former PM’

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15 Responses

  1. Progress means the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life, etc.

    In what way has Britain progressed in democracy, liberty and quality of life?

    We have gone backwards, Labour are supposed to be the party of protest and oppostion especially to a Conservative government whose right wing ideology tramples over people in the pursuit of money. The majority suffer, democracy liberty and quality of life is crushed in support of a moneyed elite.

    Blair should have been a member of the Tory party. His speech is nothing more than meaningless waffle.

  2. Miliband is only doing what Tory Blare did right up until elected kidded the people on when it came to leftist ideas. Blare in some respects was worse than Thatcher, she at least told you to yer face while Blare was back stabbing every one of us, especially here in Scotland where we stuck by labour all through the tory years. Don’t kid yersel that Millipede will do any different

    • Absolutely right!
      Blair is openly saying here that his politics revolve around party and country, by which he means the state and power. If you look closely at what he is saying it becomes clear, that the people, in his estimation, are there only to be manipulated as it suits the occasion, not treated with dignity, allowed to work, or given adequate benefits when they need the support of the country, oh no, just pawns in the game and nothing more.
      Let’s not forget that this man is a war criminal who should not be giving moral lectures about whether it’s in bad taste to celebrate the death of another war criminal, namely, Thatcher.
      This man Blair, should be locked away for the rest of his life, for his crimes against humanity in many countries including this one.

  3. I am sorry to say I think Blair is probably right – at least round here, people seem to have moved significantly to the right. I think this is a disaster for Britain and we won’t put things right until we return to a more democratic socialist government in this country. But to quote Marx “Since when have the majority of necessity been right?”

  4. That Tony Bliar’s eulogy on thehatchet complimented, no, worshipped her and grieved his loss of a mentor(??!!) through her death, he has never commented on the thousands of sick/disabled/vulnerable took who have also died as a direct result of her legacy of greed, greed and, above all, selfish greed.
    So, personally, I look forward to labour moving to the left, and becoming the party of protest. It’s long overdue.

    • Labour moving to the left is a pipe dream. Labour was buried so deep when Blair took over in 97 that it can never be brought back to life. Don’t forget that what we now have is New Labour the party invented by Blair. They quickly dropped the New bit so they could continue to take the piss and kid on they were something else. What New Labour can’t do is to become a socialist party or the party of protest because they are entrenched in the Thatcherite legacy.
      The sooner this is realised, the sooner people will undersatnd that a new order is necessary. Simply swinging from one set of capitalist millionaires to another is not the way forward for the populace, it would only result in more austerity and repression.

  5. can somebody tell me what jobs miliband has done before he became leader of the tory-lite party? it is important in relation to how much weight he gives bliar’s little missives. between them they could be the end of not only the labour movement but about 50% of the population

    • What people fondly call Labour died in 1997 at the hands of Blair, Brown and others. New Labour is what we have had ever since. It doesn’t matter that they dropped the “New” bit of the title in order to kid on that it is still (old) Labour, the fact is that it’s as much a Tory party as the Tories and in fact on some occasions it has out-Toried the Tories.
      Please don’t forget that it was Labour that started the campaign for welfare reform because they wanted to slash spending and reduce the incomes of the most vulnerable of our society. Like it or not, the truth is that Labour will not reverse the austerity measures you are now seeing. A vote for New Labour is a vote for more of the same.

  6. Tony Blair’ s ideal person, is of course, himself!

    Nobody has done anything, ever as good as him, according to him, since he left politics.

    Bitter and twisted, he continues to mutter in the background. He was a legend in his lunchtime!

    Pissed with power and seeing his hold on his office waning, he decided to beef up his image by going to war…….

    Lies and deceit catapulted our country into a no win situation. It was a vanity to bolster opinion polls. We are still paying for this idiots vanity, the cost will never be fully known. Whether it be calculated in pounds sterling or human life.

    Ignore the murmerings of this madman and go forth into the battle……….

    Who needs enemies with people like him?

    Stick to your celebrity money grabbing world speech circuit. They might clap abroad but your crap here…….

    Now run away you naughty boy and consider your bank accounts above all else whilst forgetting the injured and dead you left in your wake.

    You probably have more houses than you have friends………

  7. Miliband has no intention of remodelling of capitalism from the left, he is just saying that as he thinks there will be votes in saying such at the next election and Blair knows that. As for Blair saying as he has, well, he thinks it will help him to gain support from european leaders, big money support when he runs for president of the european council. All a very sophisticated, clever deception, manipulation, distortion, and falsification to once again fool people to vote for them.

    • Absolutely right! The Labour Party, as anyone with a brain knows, is a capitalist party following the Thatcher legacy.
      They are engaged in deception and manipulation in order to gain votes.

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