‘The formal economy would grind to a halt without all the work that people do for no money at all: caring for others, bringing up children and looking after their families, homes and neighbourhoods.’ Photograph: Alamy
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16 Responses
I Worked in all types of jobs ,many of them unsociable hours , truth was I took and stayed in any job to be independent & self supporting .I have always believed that It is the right thing to support and help those less fortunate and never begrudged paying into a system that does this .Now due to deteriorated health I am in receipt of benefits I paid toward ,and I have had to accept my Health has severely effected my ability to work despite nearly killing myself trying to . I have no choice and am angry with the way these bullies are persecuting those who are already struggling and fighting to keep going .They are the worst of our Nation and I pity their lack of Humanity & Ignorance to the Courage of those suffering .These policies’ are intended to grind down the whole and create fear rather than truly help those who may have a slight option to be productive and earn a sustainable & liveable income .Its is no good throwing sick people into the job market when there are few jobs for the high number of fit unemployed . It is plainly cruel and in breach of International Law that this Nation signed to , but when it comes to Law our Elite pick and chose what to enforce .
A well written article that shows the “Strivers versus Skivers” argument for what it is – Government propaganda.
Splendid article…
Problem is there are so many out there just like you that have worked hard all there lives and have never needed to clam any benefits BUT duo to sickness or disability or just simply being made redundant and needing that benefit to help you mange witch was once an easy thing to obtain BUT know so very different and to those that have worked hard those that have paid there dues to society those that have supported this coalitions desertion to cut and reform the benefit system are now being faced with the dilemma because they cant understand why they are being punished for working so hard all there lives BUT that’s the thing if you can work hard this coalition will hopefully reword you but you must be in work to get this reward BUT if you just happen to be in the situation that so many of use sick, disabled or just simply struggling to find work YOU know see very clearly what we have been shouting about your now in the same static sick, disabled or unemployed stigma & if you thought you where sick now just wait until Atos or one of the other government supported back to work schemes get hold of you- worry O’ your worry and make yourself so sick your start thinking like so many before you have dun & if dangling from the end of a rope seems the only way out like so many YOU maybe will do it But will this coalition come to your add NO because your considered to be a scraggier NOT sick NOT disabled NOT even at the end of your tether But no one will listen to use until they themselves are face with the situation they find themselves in cast off like garbage in a bin forgotten.
I have had three Atos experiences before Barry so know things are going to get worse with the new PIP examinations .We all know that the present Government has set figures that they know their contractors will get the figures they want regardless of the true Client condition . If the tests were truly reflecting the clients medical , physical & mental abilities nowhere near as many would be deemed fit for work as are with the present Domicidal policy .The result would be less appeals ,less taxpayers money wasted & if merely a questionnaire was completed by the Clients medical professional there would be no need for Atos at all saving all the stress, deaths & suicides plus the added bonus of saving millions on the contract for Atos. If the relatives and health practitioners made an accurate list of those pushed to suicide or stressed to death who had died shortly after being deemed “cured”and as a result those remaining started a petition attaching verifiable statements & information we could ask for deputations from our persecuted group who may be able to deliver them UN & EU & to all foreign Embassies with a declaration that our Government is complicit in breaking International Law and those responsible should be tried for acts against Humanity . I am sure there are a number of other countries who would be happy to push this through if only for it`s use as a propaganda tool against our Government .It would probably be the only way to bust through the barriers we face at present .No-one would use the word genocide in Uganda till the bodies started floating over the river into bordering nations .We need a good campaign with accurate figures and evidence & a strong well organised group such as the black triangle to do this .
I like many worked for 30 years in public service It wasn’t until my late 40s that a congenital condition from birth, undiscovered, until I could hardly walk. resulted in me
being retired on health grounds. I have been grateful of the assistance of the benefit system which has allowed me to live a bearable life. Then all of a sudden due to a lying
bitch at ATOS I am faced with the fight of my life. I have never been a skiver, but I certainly feel like one when I read the lies in the WCA report. I am still waiting for a tribunal hearing. I have never been a political animal but I feel abandoned by all the major parties. I am astounded that in this day and age such injustice is allowed to go on. As for the people who have drawn benefit and have been caught playing golf, running in competition and the like, prison isn’t enough for them.
Agreed RG , a relatively small number by their greed , dishonesty and laziness have caused masses of suffering by their actions .
Don’t we understand that the whole notion of ‘strivers and shirkers’ is a social construct delivered by a rabid nazi mob as part of their ideological destruction of resistance to their economic plan to rob the wealth of the country for themselves and their friends – they are entitled
We know it alright Jed but the Question is how the heck are we going to stop it short of suicide bombers taking out the main offenders & you can`t exactly pick up a C4 waistcoat from B & Q , not that I would suggest anyone resorts to this.
we could do what the icelandic people did and boot their government out and put something better in it’s place..
Thats the spirit!
Best comment so far.
Statistically the more people they drive to suicide, the more the chances that one of the suicides will decide to take the cause of their suicide with them. I would never suggest this as an option, and I sincerely, deeply hope that no more get driven to suicide in the first place, but if someone does get that desperate, they just might decide that taking out a few politicians with them will have made their life and death worthwhile. If it happens the politicians will only have themselves to blame, and they won’t get any sympathy from me.
If you for one mint think the changes they are bring to DLA are not going to bring grater numbers of suicides you very mistaken – it was hard anoth for people on incapacity benefit but for those on one or more levels of DLA its going to be totally devastating take for instants this 30 y/o women with a mental age of 3 found fit for work by Atos if they can find this person fit for work perhaps as David Cameron’s personal advisory assistant haha then how many on the top rate of DLA do you think will still keep it? I unforchantly only get low rate mobility not a lot but beneficial to my needs like all the drugs I take beneficial to my needs but if found no longer eligible for DLA dose that also mean I can stop taking my drugs NO but why not according to the assessor I’m ok I’m fit I’m not ill so why do I need them, ha lets just do away with the professional doctors its overuse they dote know as much as Atos or the government because according to them there’s nothing wrong with use, where just trying to get a few extra quid in the back – the good thing is Cameron will not get re-elected he want have the police guarding him 24/7 them maybe someone will accordantly run him down to witch he becomes disabled needing help to get around but will he be found fit for work NO will he be found non-disabled NO because it’s a scam a rich mans scam only the poor low waged are fit to work no matter haw ill or disabled they are.
Embodiment of Amoral Degenerate State of ” Modern Democratic Britain ”
Going Past a Disused Church with Beer Cans Broken Glass and Two Alcoholics
Summons Up the State of Britain Care Worn and Lacking Moral Direction
Proves the Need for a Moral Resurgence in the Land to Sweep Aside Decades
if Not Centuries of Moral Collapse and Degeneracy
Alcoholism is an Evil which Wrecks the Moral Health of a Nation
The Ruling Class want People to be Thick and Degenerate they are Easier to
Control Then
Excuse me if I have miss read but this statement has hit hard not that I drink or take non prescribed drugs “Summons Up the State of Britain Care Worn and Lacking Moral Direction” NOT all sick and Disabled are alcoholics or on drugs and most DO have moral direction in there lives! Some say being a alcoholic is an illness I say no one but you put the drink in your hand and no one forced you to drink it so how can you call it an illness yet it is an addiction witch in its self is an illness like drugs are addictive and many other things to some who suffer with addiction these people do have an illness because they can’t stop there habit but did you also know the marguerite of addictive people do work and it is a very small marguerite that dote so your statement is misleading and secondly I can ashore you the marguerite of sick and disabled are far from Thick and Easily control tiredly witch government made it policy that premises could sell alcohol 24/7 so its not the people that drink that have bruit about the Moral Collapse and Degeneracy it’s the government that allowed premises to sell alcohol at any time of day/night at cheep prices and it’s the wealthy that sell it to whom ever wishes to buy it the ones that made hundreds if not thousands of £££ out of peoples addictions.
“IDS caught fiddling his figures – again”
I’m surprised IDS used statistics. Usually he just makes it up based on personal experience. Probably stories he read in the Daily Heil or Torygraph.
They have admitted that the cap will save no real money, the message is work must pay.
Not sure how all these people are going to be able to pay these extortionate rents on minimum wage jobs if they can find one.
Of course registering every landlord in Britain and capping how much they can charge for rent would be taking money off their rich chums. Can’t have that can we, much better to empty London of the poor.
Please sir can I have some more?
A cry you will never hear in the capital city anymore. Even the Victorians never managed that.