Aldridge Pryor – a pathological liar whose lies are ludicrous, such as The Nolan Sisters living in his fridge. Pryor is instantly recognizable for his retro dress sense, usually a tartan jacket with a sheepskin collar and a pair of uncomfortable-looking platform shoesm (Viz).

Aldridge Pryor – a pathological liar whose lies are ludicrous, such as The Nolan Sisters living in his fridge. Pryor is instantly recognizable for his retro dress sense, usually a tartan jacket with a sheepskin collar and a pair of uncomfortable-looking platform shoes (Viz).




Nick Clegg explains the government’s reforms to disability benefits, as the introduction of personal independence payments is announced on Monday.

Clegg claims the reforms ensure that the government is ‘protecting the money’ intended to support people with disabilities. The Lib Dem leader also insists that the new system will treat people ‘like human beings’


Clegg tells C4 News: “Even if people don’t agree with the AtoS decision …everybody at least accepts that it has been taken in a coherent way” Posted on July 25, 2012

As Disabled People are Driven to Suicide – Westminster School Eton Fag Clegg Jets off to Davos Posted on April 7, 2013

The content previously published here has been withdrawn. We apologise for any inconvenience.


12 Responses

  1. “The Lib Dem leader also insists that the new system will treat people ‘like human beings’”

    With ATOSsers and Crapita doing the assessments I very much doubt that.

    • atos & Crapita’s medicals are no different from the Nazi’s medicals during 2nd World War. neither medicals are based on any medical data or process purely done to obtain the £50 per person they throw off benefits regardless if the applicant wins at a later date on appeal

  2. Human beings my arse!!!!! jesus thats made me angry again. Every time an mp or Mr Cameron open there mouths shit comes out, and can anyone tell me how this is legal? atos appeals are in the bin trust me! They are trying to wipe us out and they way things are going there doing a great job!Bastards !!!!! where toxic waste and there not quite sure where to dump us incase we resurface when they least expect it. But i for one will not back down, i email my mp every week with a diary of my life or rather lack of of one! still ANRGY

  3. Mr Clegg – Mr Cameron’s Human Shield

    I cannot fortell the result of the next election – I’m no Astrologer, but each time I hear Mr Clegg trying his worst (God help us if that was that was his best) – to defend the indefensible. YES the country is in trouble and YES when it all happened Another party was in power but we’re almost half way into this parliament…and both parties in this government have FORGOTTEN who got us into the mess we’re in – The Banks and their influential pals in the city are still playing fast and loose with The Peoples Money. As for Mr Clegg Has he forget the farce that was his promise on Tuition Fees….If he carries on no matter what Liberal sounding policies his cabinet come up with he’ll be regarded as the man who propped up every unpopular policy the Tories could muster… Including the one where anyone sick or disabled was made a target (WRB)

  4. ATOS should apply for a Nobel Prize because they have apparently found a cure for the incurable and debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis. Two friends of mine with MS have been told by ATOS that they are entitled to NIL disability points, meaning they are 100% fit and healthy and able to hold down full time jobs.

  5. This lot we got in government well clegg look and talks like Cameron and they think this atos is fair who are they trying to kid they not got a clue would have thought Cameron would understand having a disabled child what would have happened to his child had he lived this atos and dwp must all be in for a good bonus just like the banks and the expenses for the mps wow good job take from the tax payers to give to the rich angry I’ve been there and finally lost but doesn’t stop me from my comments as its still free speach well at least I think it is or will we get arrested for not supporting the nazi government to sum it up what a load of idiots we got hear if we don’t get them out we are heading for the biggest disaster this country has had but the rich banks and atos will survive gone with the wind for the rest of us and where are all these jobs for us sick and disabled anyone have a job yet

  6. I have just had my 2 appeals for ESA refused by Tribunal and so after nearly two years of trying to get some common sense, I have now been cured by the DWP lackies. Independent or not surely someone with proven medical conditions and ailments cannot be expected to work. Guess so in con/lib/lab Britain. Where do I go from here? Any ideas anyone? Please help me out.

    • I know this is not really funny however, maybe the government will claim it as one of many miracles at the next general election…my heart and best wishes go out to you…

    • go back to your doc. and get a sick note michael, i know it a pain but it’s all we can do even taking them to court is being taken away from us with the new legal aid rules.

  7. michael
    JSA for a few weeks then go off sick again is all i can suggest. keep doing that till either this lot come to their senses (I know.highly unlikely) or an election is called…..

    how can they make any rules/regs/ laws etc to start in 2015/2016? they are so cocksure of themselves arent they? or do they plan on doing another stunt like shutting polling offices early as they did last time. i heard it was cameron ordered that. though again, how he could have done that lawfully is beyond me.but someone somewhere took the decision.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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