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Saturday, 9 February 2013

Those tweets

TV appearance: Jonty Oliff-Cooper in the Channel 4 reality series The Edwardian Country  House

TV appearance: Jonty Oliff-Cooper in the Channel 4 reality series The Edwardian Country

Thanks to those who pointed us to this conversation yesterday.  

Incredible, isn’t it?
Let’s just think about what was going on in Doncaster.
It would be quite normal, in a group session dealing with, say, interviews, to talk about the need to be scrubbed up and well turned out.  
It could well be that one or two people in such a group have obvious problems with personal hygiene.  
It should then be up to the adviser to talk to those individuals privately.
Maybe they are homeless.  
Maybe they have mental health issues.  
But the idea that you need to teach a “class” on washing and using toilet paper is extraordinary.  
I’d love to know the reactions of the vast majority of the class.
But then there’s the issue of Olliff-Cooper actually tweeting this.  
What did he think he was doing?  
It’s a vile insult to unemployed people forced onto the Work Programme with A4e.  
It says to potential employers that  there’s no point in even looking at these primitive savages.  
And that can’t do much to help A4e’s profits.
This from the man who is A4e’s director of policy and strategy!
‘Jonty Olliff-Cooper is Director of Policy and Strategy for the social business A4e. Jonty’s work focuses on poverty, exclusion, community and public service transformation.

‘Jonty began his career in the private sector as a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, specialising in retail strategy.

‘Since moving to public policy, Jonty has worked in a variety of strategy functions across Westminster and Whitehall, including at the Department for International Development, the Cabinet Office, ThinkPublic and as an adviser in the Conservative Party Policy Unit, where he led on technology, innovation and public service reform issues.

‘Prior to joining A4e, Jonty was head of the Progressive Conservatism Project at the think-tank Demos.

‘Outside A4e, Jonty is an executive member of the Bright Blue political network and an associate at Demos, and sits on the steering group of the Big Society Network.’
Do you think he was a guest at Cameron’s fundraiser Tory Ball the other night?
SEE ALSO: ‘Director of scandal-hit firm used to work for Cameron’ in: 
Jonty Olliff- Cooper on twitter :

19 Responses

  1. That could be my autistoc son! Maybe if ATOS could pick up people with learning and mh challenges there’d be less need? tweeting that should be a sackable offence: I’d have expected it when I worked in a confidential environment.

  2. I agree Peachy, whatever problems a claimant is having should be absolutely confidential, not bandied around Twitter. How crass and irresponsible. If a ‘customer’ as Oliffe-Cooper calls them – I hate that word used in this context, it implies the individual has a choice – is unable to cope with their personal hygiene needs for whatever reason, either mental or physical problems, why on earth are they classed as fit for work??

  3. Welcome back to the good ol`e days eh ?We only have to look who had the real power then to see what groups are behind it now.What a sad time for the people who know and an even sadder time for those yet to realise.

  4. He’s a director?!?!?!?!?! He doesn’t look old enough to direct a dummy to his mouth. How can he possibly have enough GENUINE experience to be able to direct or comment on anything? I would like to see him demonstrate his ability to live on £71 a week JSA.

  5. Perhaps it is a misinterpretation and it is in fact the Doncaster DWP Staff (Whom are horrific ) that were being taught how to wash and use the loo ?

    Mum Beryl and I unlawfully forced back to Edlington, Doncaster from Aylesham, Canterbury (where HELP pls painted on Mum’s fence since 26.5.2012 everyone hush it up ) and now have Doncaster Police harassing us again !! Three times in ten hours on 9.2.2013 ! How is this not extreme malicious persecution, harassment, trespass, vulnerable adult abuse just like Winterbourne Scandal ??!1ZTPBJ ** Note Mum & I pushed to extremes **

  6. maybe it’s nothing to do with mh or autism, maybe it’s just the immigrants with a different culture to ours, shitting in the sinks and washing their arses afterwards? … we go to wash our hands and they’ve had that soap up their arse!

    • Wunnell, that’s not as ridiculous as it sounds! Some years ago myself and a friend stayed in a youth Hostel Beside Loch Lomond for a week. On the last day you were expected to do some cleaning or help out before you left.

      My friend got to do a bit off Hoovering and i had to give the toilet sinks a quick clean, imagine my horror when i lifted all the face cloths to discover that they were covered in shit! The group of French kids that were staying there had been using them to wipe their arses as there was no bidets!

      The Australian guy who was in charge that week still expected me to lift them! I told him to “Fuck Off” anfd left.

  7. This is the correct link for my above video

    Please note original link WAS correct as I checked it at the time but Telly dot com or the system changed slightly the direct urls for my video’s !!! The dirty vile corrupted bastards!

    Please note was released from my unlawful imprisonment at HMP Elmley on Friday 13.12.2013 this is my THIRD time unlawfully in Prison in ONE YEAR !!!!! Previous two times at Doncaster Marshgate! 2.3.2013 to 11.3.2013 and one night on 17th July 2013 !! (the 17.7.2013 one is being covered up by dirty Doncaster, South Yorkshire Police and Judiciary)!

    Famous ARTIST TAXI DRIVER has also interviewed Mum Beryl and I to on 10.10.2013 very grateful to him but Mum and I are still being manipulated by the system

    This is a good one to “Allen Vincent …and the criminalisation of disabilitie

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