Herald and Sunday Scotland

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By Judith Duffy 

Sunday 5 May 2013 

SCOTTISH ministers have warned UK Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith that NHS services are coming under “intolerable strain” due to the extra workload created by welfare reforms. 

The letter sent by Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Health Secretary Alex Neil states the high number of successful challenges following fitness-to-work decisions – with 37% of the 39% who appeal winning their case – suggests there is something “seriously wrong” with the assessment processes.

It notes the demand on GPs, who have seen a rise in requests from patients for medical information to support appeals, is creating a “workload problem”, particularly for practices with a large number of benefit claimants.

It states:

“We are also aware some GPs do not provide information as the only fair way to manage an intolerable demand on them. This creates an inequity for those being asked to obtain information from their GP. We would recommend that the DWP undertakes urgent research on the demands that welfare benefit reform is placing on claimants and primary care.”

The letter raises concerns the introduction of the bedroom tax and new assessments for personal independent payments will “place even greater burdens on GPs in the future”.

Last month, the Sunday Herald reported how worried patients were asking GPs for letters to help avoid the bedroom tax, by confirming they need someone to stay overnight.

In February, the DWP announced a fourth independent review of Work Capability Assessments would be undertaken by Dr Paul Litchfield, BT’s chief medical officer.

The letter to the UK Work and Pensions Secretary adds:

“We would hope that after this review you are able to produce an assessment that is fair, equitable and that can get it right first time for the client.

“We urge you to put the acquisition of relevant medical evidence at the heart of the review to relieve the intolerable strain that is being put on our primary care services.”

Yesterday, it emerged that the BMA local medical committee in Glasgow has advised GPs not to respond to requests for reports to support benefits, saying doctors are not in a position to “administer nor to police the benefits system”.

Dr Alan McDevitt, chairman of the BMA’s Scottish General Practitioners Committee, said:

“The BMA has been arguing strongly for the benefits system to be altered so it works effectively, rather than doctors being approached for additional information that puts increased pressure on their workload. There is a real danger that if the number of requests continues to increase, there will be a detrimental effect on patient care and we have taken every opportunity to highlight these pressures to both the Scottish and UK Governments.”

Last night, a spokeswoman for the Scottish Government said it had not yet received a response to the letter. A DWP spokesman said Smith would respond to the letter “in due course”.

The Herald Scotland

NOW SEELeading doctors protest at ‘cruel’ disability assessments ~ Letter  May 5, 2013

See also



7 Responses

  1. He will now prepare a review on the shambolic Work Capability Assessment which is seeing more seriously unwell or disabled people than ever successfully appealing Fit for Work decisions.

    A little snippet about Mr Litchfield from the atosvictims website which just about sums it all up….
    Litchfield has already given an early indication of his true role at the DWP , which appears to be that of a glorified spin doctor. He claims in a statement on the DWP website that: “Any assessment not only has to be fair but must be perceived as being fair.”

    He’s not there to change the assessments, but to change people’s minds about the assessments.

    The man in charge of our National Health Service has been found totally lacking in his ability to manage it with any semblance of credibility .Over a THOUSAND DEATHS caused by his lack of COMPASSION & PATIENT COMMITTMNENT in One Hospital – Stafford .Thatcher brought him in to close all the mental hospitals and implement Ken Clarkes ‘Care in the Community’ in 1990 which caused suicides galore and since then he has run the NHS on Profitability Grounds rather than any Patient Care and Respect .We the British Public owe it to the Victims of all Patients that have suffered under his Callous Regime .Ask yourself before you sign the Petition “Why hasn’t he been sacked” because he knows too much and he would take too many others with him .Please Make A Stand Against Our Ever Eroding Rights As Members of the British Public http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/49715

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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