£16 Billion of benefits people are entitled to go unclaimed every year

£16 Bn a year in benefits people are entitled to goes unclaimed

Welfare fraud is a drop in the ocean compared to tax avoidance

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The rejection of any scapegoating of other claimants of ANY kind (especially refugees) has always been at the heart and soul of our campaign

We must unite and fight against our true common enemies!

Neoliberalism in all its forms, the Banksters and their tools at Westminster in all all three parties. What we need is common ownership of our workplaces, communities and natural resources so that they work for us and not for the 1% who currently call all the shots.

The rot is so putrid we now need nothing less than a revolution to restore social justice and power back to us, the people of these islands and out of the hands of the mega-rich who exploit us, suck our blood dry while usurping power and subverting democracy.




Neoliberalism is killing us, our planet and our children’s future!




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14 Responses

  1. Well, there is definitely NO “genius” in the above: in fact, and this is a horrible but very harsh truth. Those who seek to escape blame for anything – (and especially those who feel ‘blamed’ for the ills of society) will ALWAYS put the blame on their neighbour. It isn’t often as subtle as the above might suggest either and, alas, it too has its corrupting tendrils in the ‘history’ of our Country.

    It is the SAME base instinct which made many in Germany react so violently and even terminally when accused of being a “Jew.”

    Think about that for a moment. The word “Jude” was NOT merely an insult, it was a blemish, an imperfection, a corruption and a value judgement against you. Worse still, it carried with it the most fearful associations, for children and adults were encouraged to ‘inform’ upon those they suspected of being “Jews.” Being Jewish was not merely an ‘accident of birth’ – it was a CRIME against ALL the German People. It was a CRIME for which there was no other remedy than “ARREST” and “DEPORTATION.”

    If you were JEWISH – there were NO LAWS, NO STATUTES, NO CIVIL LAWS.

    JEWS had no RIGHTS, no PROTECTION, no RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT, no RIGHT TO PROPERTY (All Jewish Property was regarded as the ‘Property of the State’)

    IN FACT…


    But not only that: they were also being watched by their neighbours who stood around doing nothing, as helpless as the rest.

    Later, the NAZIS recycled endless jokes about how often it was Jews who were seen to be the most ‘enthusiastic’ among those they set about the task of being ‘overseers’ – especially on “work details” – where Jews were forced to work until they dropped dead of exhaustion. Camp Guards had a lexicon of jokes noting how if they beat a Jew half-to-death, another Jew would beat the same Jew “just to be sure they were REALLY dead!”

    It sounds like it should be funny. It probably was.. unless you were the Jew being beaten to death by another of your own kind!

    So don’t be ‘amazed’ at what happens when people feel angry and ashamed because they have had the equivalent of a little yellow Star of David pinned to them – while they shout and scream their objections, make comparisons between themselves and others or try to shift the humiliation of stigma and shame. Instead. Pity them. Perhaps even pray for them..

    They are YOUR Victims, and every one of them is being CRUXIFIED..

    Don’t smile either.. It’s YOUR turn next IDIOT!!

    • Very well argued, Michael. Human nature when under sustained attack. It makes perfect sense. We fail to learn the lessons of the 1930’s and 40’s at our deathly peril.

      • True. Google ‘Stockholm Syndrom’ for a better understanding of the psychology behind this phenomenon. Victims often identify with their persecutors, in an attempt to somehow deflect the persecution. ‘Divide and rule’ is the oldest trick in the book, and has kept the wealthy and priviledged at the top of the heap since 1066…..

  2. This is so true. The thing is that people claiming benefits are no different to anyone else. They will fall for the scrounger rhetoric. They will scapegoat others whilst justifying their own reasons for claiming benefits. It’s divide and conquer, and only by sticking together will we get anywhere.

  3. anyone who thought all ‘benefit claimants – unemployed – disabled’ are card carrying lefties is bonkers as this highlights. some of the most violent people towards blue badge holders are other blue badge holders who think they are more deserving than anyone else – those who read the Independent (larf, i know) will be familiar with the rantings of one Ed Scott – a boring trogylodyte nazi if ever there was one.

  4. Mike Caics
    their neighbours who stood around doing nothing, as helpless as the rest.
    Later, the NAZIS recycled endless jokes about how often it was Jews who were seen to be the most ‘enthusiastic’ among those they set about the task of being ‘overseers’ – especially on “work details” – where Jews were forced to work until they dropped dead of exhaustion. Camp Guards had a lexicon of jokes noting how if they beat a Jew half-to-death, another Jew would beat the same Jew “just to be sure they were REALLY dead!”

    This might throw some light on the attitude of Lord David Freud, apparently a scion of the (Sigmund) Freud family who were given refuge here during the war.

  5. I am entitled to a mobility badge but would never use it… might as well pin a yellow star on you and your car. People really are stupid. How do they get to be so utterly stupid? The idiotic rhetoric against disabled people is just mindless… Coming from educated rich men… You are not a real man if you attack people just because they are easy targets and too vulnerable to fight back. What utter morons voted these total b’tards in?

  6. The rich have been very successful with their media propaganda campaign, class discrimination is institutionalised they don’t need laws for this apartheid system as they don’t mix with with plebs,they have control of all the best jobs, jobs for the boys, jobs to enact laws to keep us in our place. Our school system is not good enough for their kids. How many patients starve or die of thirst rotting in their own urine who receive private medical care?
    They talk of equality, but practice a apartheid policy which is highly effective of achieving its goal of preferential treatment for the rich.

  7. there is one point that everyone is missing here, when those who are in power go too far what happens. We only have to look at history to see the answer and that is ‘CIVIL WAR/REVOLUTION. it’s happened in this country = Budica v romans..round heads v cavaliers(twice) chinese revolution, russian revolution, french revolution… and not forgetting the american revolution….. the way things are going this country we’re heading for one again…I was in the chemists this morning talking to an elderly woman and she was well informed as to what was happening to the disabled of this country and she told me she was very angry with this goverment for what they were doing ( I won’t say what she said as it may cause your brains to dribble out of your ears) needless to say i’ve never heard anyone of that age talk like that. she was well spoken and fairly shy to start off with but when she got going PHEEEEEWWWWWWWW i was captivated. with just a handfull of people like her they could get this gov back in line and they would not dare to do it again for fear of never being able to sit-down again….spanked botty’s all round i think…. (she was a ‘TIGER’ when she got going. lol)

    • I just thought what my mother and gran told me when i was little=IF IT ISN’T BROKE DON’T FIX IT…. IF YOU DON’T SPEND MONEY YOU DON’T MAKE MONEY……..and last but not least my all time fav’s ====DON’T S##T ON YOUR OWN DOORSTEP.. NEVER START A FIGHT BUT ALWAYS FINISH IT…LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR… and my own saying=ONCE IS A COINCIDENCE, TWICE IS A THUMPING OFFENCE…..government have broken all the commandments above…(WHOOPS).. they just slipped on the bannana skin of life..

  8. So funny reading posts here, why do you guys even bother? Opinion is opinion no matter how much you argue that yours is fact. Stop giving a fuck and live your lives, nothing you type on here will influence anyone or anything.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

Called in for an ESA by Atos? You are not alone, join DWPExaminations Forum

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