Earlier today, Black Triangle made telephone contact with a senior manager of Millennium Hotels in London, Mr. Peter Krijgsman, regarding defamatory statements made by a member of the chain’s staff about Stuart Wyatt, a disabled man who lives in Plymouth, who had been protesting outside The Copthorne Hotel in the city.
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What concerned us most of all was that member of staff’s assertion that Stuart was not, in fact, disabled.
We sent Mr. Krijgsman this email:
Dear Mr Krijgsman,
Further to our brief discussion on the telephone, we are writing to draw your attention to what we regard as a very serious matter:
A member of staff, known only as “James” (featured on the video footage attached) has made a series of gravely defamatory statements regarding the personality and character of Mr. Stuart Wyatt of Plymouth following an incident where Mr Wyatt carried out a one-man protest at your hotel in the city.
Among the defamatory statements made by this member of staff were the assertions that Mr. Wyatt was not in fact disabled and that he was on a “police list” of known “troublemakers” – drunks and vagabonds.
I am sure you appreciate the gravity of this matter and would appreciate your company’s official response to this matter and, in particular, whether the company will be seeking to make amends to Mr. Wyatt for the damage caused.
Yours sincerely,
John McArdle
(Founder Member)
Black Triangle
Anti-Defamation Campaign
In Defence of Disability Rights
Mr. Krijgsman has since responded with this statement:
Dear Mr McArdle,
Thank you for your email. One of my colleagues at Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Plc contacted Mr Wyatt earlier this evening as follows:
“We are grateful that this has been brought to our attention. We are currently investigating the incident, the matters giving rise to it and allegations of insensitive behaviour by an employee. Appropriate action will be taken on conclusion of this investigation. The Company takes matters of this nature very seriously. We will provide an update once our investigation has been concluded.”
Yours sincerely
Peter Krijgsman
To which we have responded:
Dear Mr. Krijgsman,
Your sensitivity to this matter and your prompt reply is very much appreciated.
We look forward to receiving an update from yourselves, once your internal investigation has been concluded.
With thanks,
Yours sincerely
John McArdle
Black Triangle
Anti-Defamation Campaign
In Defence of Disability Rights
Whatever the circumstances, Black Triangle will not tolerate disability denial or the defamation of disabled people – and we stand ready and vigilant to fight it, wherever and whenever it arises.
Black Triangle
Anti-Defamation Campaign
In Defence of Disability Rights
5 Responses
Way to go JJ! I find it very re-assuring that Black Triangle was formed to fight disability deniers and de-criers. Stuart Wyat is clearly an intelligent well-informed man who has rattled The Copthorne’s cage. Good luck to him and all others who don’t tolerate bollox!
Magnificent action on the part of Black Triangle, and once again showing that once these cowards are challenged they back down very quickly, for they know they are wrong, and cannot risk public humiliation. This kind have your motto to contend with , THEY SHALL NOT PASS !
having watched the videos i am appaled by the LIES the hotels rep is spouting !! – i am also a plymouth resident who uses a scooter and am FREQUENTLY blocked / inconvenianced by cars of guests and trades people blocking these ramps – and can confirm that coaches frequently also obstruct one of them – despite what the hotels rep says
and this HAS been going on for years – i protested to the hotel group by letter some years back ( if my late wife where still here ,she would confirm this ) – i have been in and had to speak to the duty manager about this in the past AND have complained to the council about it – the letters are on file somewhere unless they have ben destroyed
so i BACK the gentleman protesting’s claims 100% – AND WILL BE QUITE HAPPY TO STAND UP IN ANY COURT IN THE LAND AND SAY SO !!
i hope also he takes them to task for the derogatory and slanderous comments that the hotel rep made about him
agreed that there are vehicles OTHER than hotel guests parking on the pavement at times BUT as far as the drop ramps go – this is in the main hotel guests – some of whome have verbally abused me in the past when asked to remove their cars ( not all some have been appologetic when i pointed out their error – not thinking of disabled people )
i can ALSO say i have frequently had to take another route to and from the local sainsburys ( next door ) BECAUSE OF VEHICLES blocking the ramps
so judge for yourself
muffie 02 – disabled plymouth resident and scooter user
Thanks for telling us – and we will most definitely pass on your corroboration and complaint to them!