The primary school in Accrington, Lancashire, where Lucy Meadows taught. Photograph: Pat Isaacs/Cavendish Press
The Daily Mail: Fire Richard Littlejohn for victimizing Lucy Meadows, leading to her possible suicide
A vigil has also been organised outside the Daily Mail offices Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT in Kensington, West London, on Monday at 6.30pm. Nearest tube High Street Kensington.
Death of trans teacher Lucy Meadows prompts calls for Daily Mail to sack Richard Littlejohn by Joseph Patrick McCormick 22 March 2013
‘When one gossips, it is as if he kills three people: the one who says the gossip, the one who hears the gossip, and the victim who is being gossiped about.’
~ Talmud (Erechin 15b)
Daily Heil’s Richard Littlejohn on Disabled Protester battered by police Jody McIntyre
Littlejohn & Tories attack Jody McIntyre by Sunny Hundal 2:56 pm – December 14th 2010
‘I feel slightly unclean after posting the image – but here it is in its disgusting entirety.’ ~ Sunny Hundal
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD-THN-5yIg]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKaLiLH1pOI]
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3 Responses
Littlejohn, an authority on everything and anything,he is what is known as a “know it all”he should be sacked.
Update : The story has disappeared from the website for “legal reasons”. Daily mail won’t listen to public opinion – unless it comes from a Court, it seems. Look forward to a Leveson-style apology on the front page, when (and not if) they get a roasting.
So what are Stonewall doing about this injustice against a member of the LBGT community?