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Posted on March 23, 2013 by johnny void | 7 Comments

Mathew Oakley is now paid with our money to scrutinise welfare reforms he was first paid by the Policy Exchange to promote.

Meet your class enemy, Matthew Oakley.

With protests against workfare set to take place across the UK today, Boycott Workfare have also called for a day of online action against the Policy Exchange.

This Tory think-tank has been behind many of this Government’s bodged social security reforms.  A sneering cabal of failed public schoolboys – too stupid for business and too lazy to get proper jobs – they are paid real money to spout uninformed garbage about poverty.

One of their members, chinless gimp Matthew Oakley, even scrounges £256.80 a day from the taxpayer as a so-called expert on social security. 

Iain Duncan Smith recently handed Oakley a position on the Social Security Advisory Committee where he is now paid with our money to scrutinise welfare reforms he was first paid by the Policy Exchange to promote.  Yet all he did prior to joining the Policy Exchange was some taxpayer funded non-job in the Treasury.  It would be hard for Iain Duncan Smith to find someone who knows less about social security and welfare issues – which is probably why he’s there.

Oakley is on twitter @PXEconomics. Why not ask him how he feels about being the UK’s biggest benefit cheat?

Policy Exchange are on facebook at:

Boycott Workfare also call on people to email the Policy Exchange, perhaps with some light reading material.

Oakley’s email address

The DWP are also begging for new ideas to harass unemployed and disabled claimants, so take some time to submit ideas to:

Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid


The Void Blog


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