Out-of-work families with four or more children to face cuts to their benefits

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The dismantling of the welfare state continues


David Cameron will signal today the end of “compassionate Conservatism” with plans for a crackdown on welfare spending for the young, the jobless and those with large families.

In a speech which will appeal to the Tory right, Mr Cameron will demand an end to what he calls Britain’s “culture of entitlement”. He will propose:

* Removing or restricting some benefits from out-of-work families with large numbers of children. This could include cuts to child benefit;

* Scrapping housing-benefit payments to 380,000 under-25s, worth an average of £90 a week, forcing them to support themselves or live with their parents and saving the Government £2 bn a year;

* Making the long-term unemployed carry out full-time community work or lose all their benefits.

Conservative sources suggested that some of the benefit changes could be brought in ahead of the next election.

However, this was disputed by the Liberal Democrats, who said that they would not allow measures penalising the vulnerable to pass during the lifetime of this Coalition Government.

The proposals have also been attacked by charities, which have warned they could lead to a significant rise in homelessness amongst the young.

The Independent


4 Responses

  1. Why dont we ALL march on Westminster, the young, the old, the jobless, pensioners, disabled, vulnerable, in fact every part of society . For these are the people whose lives will be wrecked by this neo-fascist government and its vile policies. They talk about cuts, yet maintain tax avoidance for their chums, they talk about deficit, yet push the whole burden on the people while becoming wealthier themselves by the day. Their evil is simply driven by envy, and there motto is’ you have nothing and we will have everything’.
    Their time in office will be over soon, they are too stupid to realize that the chances of them being in power after 2015 are about the same odds as martians landing in the next week.

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