Copyright Mo Stewart
“The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are immune to the amount of human suffering created since the adoption of various UK social policy reforms since 2010.
The content of the Green Paper guarantees that the suffering will continue.
Various published academic papers have identified the social policy reforms adopted since 2010 as using a fiscal priority, whilst disregarding health and wellbeing. For anyone whose chronically ill or profoundly disabled, and dependent upon the State for financial survival, we are living in very dark times.
The assessment model, adopted to limit access to disability benefit, is constantly incorrectly referred to as a ‘medical assessment’ by various experts, including members of the Justice establishment who monitor the appeals of benefit decisions and are trying to help benefit claimants. What is constantly overlooked is that the assessment model adopted by the DWP to limit access to disability benefits is fatally flawed by design, and failed all academic scrutiny. It is a ‘non-medical functional assessment’, which totally disregards all clinical opinion. This is why so many of those in greatest need suffer the consequences of their health condition being disregarded, regardless of the qualifications of the assessors…
The welfare state has been successfully tarnished and is now a source of fear and distress instead of a source of support, as the government continues with its social re-engineering.
The question remains as to how many more must die when, quite literally, “killed by the state,” before the fatally flawed assessment model is abolished, as demanded by all the Royal medical colleges in the UK?
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