PSE MEDIA PROJECT – For the Open University

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We are looking for a household in Scotland with an adult of working age, who is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, and who is facing either re-assessment, or who has just been turned down and had their benefit cut, and is appealing against this.

The Poverty and Social Exclusion group (PSE), through the Open University, has commissioned Angel Eye Media to make a series of short films to illustrate what it means to live in poverty in Britain today. The particular short film I’m working on will centre on a person in receipt of DLA or similar.

The PSE research project ( is an independent academic project aimed at measuring poverty across the UK. This research data alongside the short films will be made publicly available online and in the media, for use by anti-poverty campaigners, NGOS, community groups and to better inform anti-poverty policy and practice.

We are currently looking for a Disabled Household inScotlandto take part in this multi-media film project to document the impact of poverty, welfare cuts and social exclusion on their lives now and over the next few months.

The PSE Definition of Poverty

The PSE uses lack of ‘necessities’ as a measure of poverty. Necessities in this context are publicly agreed basic necessities that people require in order to have a minimum standard of living. For the films, we are looking for households who lack 3 or more necessities in addition to being on low income.

Necessities for Adults include: 

• a damp-free home;

• beds for everyone;

• 2 meals a day;

• ability to visit family and friends in hospital;

• ability to afford heating for living areas of home;

• a refrigerator;

• furniture in decent state of repair;

• a warm waterproof coat;

• 2 pairs of outdoor shoes;

• meat or fish every other day;

• celebrations at special occasions such as Christmas;

• savings;

• insurance.

Necessities for Children include:

• 3 meals a day;

• toys for children;

• new properly fitted shoes;

• some new clothes;

• a hobby or leisure activity;

• holiday away from home at least one week a year;

• books of their own;

• bed and bedding of their own;

• ability to have friends around to visit

The aim of the film is to give an understanding of what it is like to be living in a family where disability impacts on the well-being of the family in general and who are living in poverty in Scotland today. If you are interested in taking part, or finding out more, please contact me on the email or telephone number below and let me know the best number to reach you on.

With thanks,

Stuart Brown,, 07785 936 022

Tel +44 (0)845 230 0062

Fax +44 (0)845 230 9562

53 Bothwell Street Suite 7(4th floor) Glasgow G2 6TS – 9 Rudolf Place Miles Street London SW8 1RP

Registered in Scotland No. SC268652 VAT No. 852 52 85 16 Reg Office: 53 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 6TS

Directors: James Harding Richard Osborne


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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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