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Joint Statement and Petition by DPAC and Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights on the Labour Party Anti-Bedroom Tax Campaign

Unbelievably, the UK Labour Party, currently in opposition, has launched a campaign against the government Bedroom Tax welfare, but bizarrely, this contains an equally draconian welfare reform.

In the campaign script (page 4) of the document, ‘Labour Party Campaign Against the Bedroom Tax’ (attached), issued by the Shadow DWP Minister, Liam Byrne, we are told:

*“The best way to bring down the benefits bill is to get people into jobs. That’s why Labour is calling for a tough but fair compulsory jobs guarantee.

“We would offer anyone who has been out of work for more than two years a real job – one that they would be required to take, no ifs and no buts…”

“Britain needs real welfare reform that is tough, fair and that works….”



Urge all disabled and non-disabled activists campaigning against Tory welfare reform and in particular, the Bedroom Tax, to call on Labour members, constituency parties, plus affiliated and non-affiliated unions and political groups, to:

Challenge the Parliamentary Labour Party in the strongest terms, on why it considers compulsory labour necessary to combat the Bedroom Tax.

To start with, they should be told:

1. To use the current protests against the bedroom tax by disabled activists and others as a Trojan horse from which to promote a policy of benefits that is conditional on compulsory work is utterly beyond the pale.

This means that those unemployed and disabled men and women, who campaign against the Bedroom Tax within the Labour Party will, in effect, be campaigning for their own forced labour under a future Labour government.

2. We have to be absolutely clear: There is no such thing as a civilized society that treats people in inhumane and degrading ways.

A welfare ‘safety net’ conditional on exchanging labour for an uncertain standard of material life is a contradiction in terms.

3. No real job is compulsory – does the Labour Party understand the economic meaning of free labour? If not, how can it run any kind of economy, let alone a socially just economy?

A Labour Party welfare policy should support those whose lack of social power has reduced their circumstances, not compete with a Tory-led government to smear them as feckless and undeserving of a living wage.

4. Liam Byrne should immediately strike out all references to work conditionality or compulsory work, attached to the Labour Party Campaign Against the Bedroom Tax.


To add your name to this statement, please click : HERE

Eleanor Firman of Disabled People Against Cuts DPAC and John McArdle of Black Triangle reading out the joint statement signed by 1,100 individual members of the public on Monday 25th March 2013 at Southwark, South London

Eleanor Firman of Disabled People Against Cuts DPAC and John McArdle of Black Triangle reading out the joint statement signed by 1,100 individual members of the public on Monday 25th March 2013 at Southwark, South London


See also: Liam Byrne is going too far by endorsing Iain Duncan Smith’s failed programme Posted on March 19, 2013



Urge all disabled and non-disabled activists campaigning against Tory welfare reform and in particular, the Bedroom Tax, to call on Labour members, constituency parties, plus affiliated and non-affiliated unions and political groups, to:

Challenge the Parliamentary Labour Party in the strongest terms, on why it considers compulsory labour necessary to combat the Bedroom Tax.

To start with, they should be told:

1. To use the current protests against the bedroom tax by disabled activists and others as a Trojan horse from which to promote a policy of benefits that is conditional on compulsory work is utterly beyond the pale.

This means that those unemployed and disabled men and women, who campaign against the Bedroom Tax within the Labour Party will, in effect, be campaigning for their own forced labour under a future Labour government.

2. We have to be absolutely clear: There is no such thing as a civilized society that treats people in inhumane and degrading ways.

A welfare ‘safety net’ conditional on exchanging labour for an uncertain standard of material life is a contradiction in terms.

3. No real job is compulsory – does the Labour Party understand the economic meaning of free labour? If not, how can it run any kind of economy, let alone a socially just economy?

A Labour Party welfare policy should support those whose lack of social power has reduced their circumstances, not compete with a Tory-led government to smear them as feckless and undeserving of a living wage.

4. Liam Byrne should immediately strike out all references to work conditionality or compulsory work, attached to the Labour Party Campaign Against the Bedroom Tax.


(This is an open document backed-up every few seconds. Simply add your name by typing below after the last signature. Thank you.)


1. AYE ~ John McArdle, Black Triangle Campaign

2. AYE ~ Dr. Stephen Carty, Member and Medical Adviser, Black Triangle Campaign

3. AYE  Dale Latimer

4. AYE  Steven Eyre

5. AYE Richard Watson

6. AYE Jill Marks

7.AYE Joe Kane

8. “Aye” Ian Polatin-Reuben

9 Aye patricia braiden

Aye, Antony Fern

10 John Smyth aye

11.Aye P

12. AYE Nina Ammundsen

13 “Aye” Polly Birmingham

14 AYE Pauline Gallagher

15. AYE Lesley Rhodick

16. AYE Scott Miller

17. aye june ogden

18. AYE, Nic Murphy

19. AYE John Graham

20. Aye Jackie Bell

21. AYE Lily Zotou

22. AYE Al Reading

Aye S Dyer

m23.AYE kay smith

24. AYE Darren Lorimer

25. AYE Robert Spence

26  AYE John Adey

27. AYE S Porter

28. Graham Casey

29. AYE – Sam Downie, Labour Party member (could become a ex member, it depends…)

30. Aye – Andrew Price

31. AYE Mark Linfield

32. AYE Johann Owen

33. AYE David Owen

34. AYE Anne Selby

35. AYE E. Wilkinson

36. AYE A Fergus

37. AYE  P Peters.

38. aye Sam Sharman-Dunn

39. AYE Chris Hoggins

40. AYE Helen Brown                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

41 AYE Stephen Wilson

42 AYE Susan Smith

43 AYE Paul Livermore

44 AYE Ben Maslin

45 AYE Kim Johnston

46 AYE Elizabeth Johnston

47 AYE Henry Johnston

48 AYE Sara Payne

49. AYE Dawn Smith

50.AYE Sian Rees

51. AYE Hazel Quinn

52,AYE Clive Sadler

53 AYE Angie Leach

54 Aye Pam Sanby

55 Aye Debbie Jackson

56 Aye Allgrove Tracy

57 Aye Cooper Carol

58 AYE Glyn Williams

59 AYE  Amdy Beer

60 AYE Trish Wilkinson

61 AYE Mark Charles

62 AYE Jennifer Rowe

63 AYE Leornard Rowe

64 AYE: Nigel Burke.

65 AYE David Geraint Lewis

66 AYE Helen Southwell

A67 YE Andy Cooper.

68 AYE Fiona Collins

69 AYE Jude Olds

70 AYE Victoria McMaster
71 AYE Martin Wiggins

72 AYE Michelle Skinner

73. AYE Nicci Cowdell-Murray

74 AYE Elspeth Parr

75 AYE Chris Arnold

76 AYE Sharron Gray

77 AYE Jan Bailey

78 AYE Sandra Arnott

79 AYE Suzanna Cook

80 AYE Philip Watson

81 AYE David Scott

82 AYE P Connolly

83 AYE Jason Vaughan-Philipps

84 AYE Imogen Allsopp

85 AYE Ruth Gilburt

86 AYE Martine Yates

87 AYE Dawn Willis

88 AYE Sue Longley

89 AYE Russ Hill

90 Aye David Mullen

91 AYE David Barry

92 Aye Gordon Eagling (will be an Ex Labour Member)

93 Aye Neil Anderson

94 Aye Dianne Jones

95 Aye Richard Williams

96 Aye Stephen Allsopp

97 Aye Sue Fortune

98 Aye Craig Sams

99 AYE Dayle Hill

100 AYE Judith Viikna

101 AYE Edward Viikna

102 AYE Gareth morgan ( labour voter soon to be ex labour voter)

103 AYE Moira Rusell (Labour voter but soon ex-Labour voter if he side with Tories)

104 AYE Alice Devaney

105 AYE Jacqueline Butterworth

106 AYE Jan Dodds

107 AYE Tim Cooke

108 AYE Julie Forshaw

109 AYE Mark Woolley (Will never vote Labour again)

110 AYE Kevin Leonard(We need a revolution to erase the liars cheats and self-servers)

111 AYE Rosie Baran – UNISON member Leeds

112 AYE Helena Hamilton

113 AYE Jacob Richardson

114 AYE Brenda mccormack

115 AYE Vincent Seag

116. AYE Geoff Crummy

117 AYE Mark Rogers

118 AYE Andrew Phipps (and while you’re at it why don’t labour just amalgamate with the tories and stop pretending to be an alternative)

119 AYE Gareth Parfitt

120 daye paul hitchcox

121 AYE debbie hitchcox

123 Joe Zussman   

124 Aye. Arbeit Macht Frei-We must not grant Hitler posthumous victories. John Bennett

      BA  Hons)    Dip. Ed.         

125. AYE Elizabeth Bower. RED UNTIL DEAD.

126. Aye – Rachel Guest

127. AYE – Christine McCabe

128. AYE! – Craig Lundie

129. AYE! – peter rogers

130. AYE – Sarah Ledsom. No more votes for Blue/Red/Yellow Tories!

131. AYE! Mark Earnshaw (Full-Time carer)

132. AYE –  Rebecca Smith

133 AYE – Pam Mitchell (disabled person)

134 AYE – Colin Smith   

135 AYE – June Sullivan  

136. AYE – Ayshen Arif               

137. AYE- Tim Assheton-Smith           

138.AYE- Lisa Thewles

139. AYE – Emma Segar      

140. AYE – A. Elliott (These are cloaked Tories, and as socialist as the Third Reich!)  

141 AYE – S Barksby Never vote Tory, Clearly can’t trust the LibDems anymore and Labour not supporting the working man…who the hell CAN I vote for…?? All 3 parties there to self serv in ‘POWER’ rather than to ‘SERVE’ …DEMOCRACY IS DEAD IN THE UK!     

142. AYE- M. Lawler (mental health patient)

143. AYE Pat Onions (Pat’s Petition)

144. AYE, Steven F Nemeth. (Worker)

145 AYE Andy Bean

146 AYE John Hargrave. Leicester.Disabled Labour voter.

147 AYE Roger Stoker

148 AYE M. Delain Carroll II the disparity in treatment will have grave results if not corrected!!!

149 Aye Christina Sosseh labour need to remember why they were started in the first place and get back to their roots, instead of where they currently are 🙁

150 AYE Jayne Linney

151 Aye Paul Rodgers

152 Aye Anita Bellows

153 Aye John Howard

154. AYE Guy Taylor

155.Aye Susan Archibald Archibald Foundation &

156. Aye Chris Brough

157. Aye Kerry-Anne Brough

158 Aye Doug Amos

159. Aye Stephen Harris

160. Aye, Emma Brough

161. AYE, Forrest Gump: Please remember that this is the NEW Labour party NOT the TRUE Labour party, New Labour is a different political party from the old or “true” Labour party, if you want to vote “Labour” then you need to vote for the RESPECT party who are actually TRUE Labour.

162. AYE. Tom Webster

163. Aye, Steven Gow

164. AYE! & SO SAY WE ALL! Chris George

165. AYE. Gary Dunion, co-editor,

165. Aye. David Churchley.

166. AYE. Martin Tolley ( Disabled by A/S)

167 AYE Lucy Furlong

168 Aye. Richard Haley

169 AYE Graham Barnett

170 Aye Gary Oldmeadow

171 Aye Judi Bowen

172 Aye Richard Livingstone

173 Aye Paul Bowen

174 Aye Tony Dean

175 Aye Michael Skinner

176 Aye Bill Scott, Manager, Inclusion Scotland

177 Aye Graham Billing

178 AYE Geoff Reynolds

179 Aye George Sturdy

178 Aye Steve Farrell – Recovery Coach and volunteer support worker (drug and alcohol misuse).

179 Aye Sarah Wiles

180 Adam Johannes, Co-founder, Cardiff Unemployed Daytime Disco

181 AYE John Robinson

182 AYE Julie Hutchinson

183 AYE Adrian Todd

184 Aye Sarah Tomkins

185 AYE Charlie Reynolds (leaving school soon to stack shelves) Thanks but no thanks……..

186 AYE Anastasia Zakar

187 AYE Dee Ross, pensioner and disabled with disabled son and a daughter with long term condition who is a carer for me. both being charged council tax. bedroom tax not applicable to me or son but could eventually be to daughter in private rent.

188 Aye Tony Hamon, Director Disability Enabling & Empowerment Project Ltd (DEAEP)

189 AYE Charis Hawkins human rights activist

190 Aye Lorraine Antwis, human being who values compassion and decency over profit.

191 Aye Andy McNab (Disabled)

192 Aye Cllr Dr Susan Barton

193 Aye Ms. Ni Cadlaig Disabled woman

194 Aye. Bill Hunter, Thornliebank. First time unemployed in 40 years, can’t find work.

195 Aye. Dave Rowlands

196 Aye Martin Jones

197 Aye Stephen Jewell

198 Aye David Kenna

199 Aye R. Newsome, fed up with the lot of you. You are supposed to work for us.

200 Aye. Anneliese Paterson (Disabled, and living in terror of these “reforms”)

201 Aye. robert smith

202 Aye Tina Nickeas. (Injured in work )

203 Aye Paul Ashworth

204 Aye Naiara Bazin

205 Aye Richard Comaish (Labour Party & NLBD member)

206 Aye Dominic Grace

207 Aye Ralph G Morgan

208 Aye Karen Gray

209 Aye  Marion Fallon

210 AYE Bridget Ismail (soon to be ex Labour voter)

211 Aye Michelle Brown

212 AYE~ Maureen Howlett

213 Aye Helen Trick

214 AYE Sophie Morse

215 AYE Ronnie Williams

216 AYE. Andrea Rae

217 AYE Susan Roberts

218 AYE Patricia Gibbs

219 AYE Darren Jones

220 AYE Linda Green

221 AYE Tracey McLeod

222 AYE Jay McLeod

223 AYE  Carol Jones.

224 AYE Gillian Wildman

225 AYE Sedley Bryden.

226 AYE Stanley Wildman

227 Aye Sue Wilkinson

228 AYE Dave Thomson

229 Aye Sharon Fawcett

230 Aye Mary Jackson

231 “Aye” Mary Dillet

232 Aye Sid Davis

233 Aye Helen North

234 Aye Mark Smith (

235 AYE Hugh Newsam

236 AYE  Debbie Farrelly

237 Aye Paul Stygal

238 Aye Cynthia Phillips disabled and full time carer for disabled son.

239 Aye lynn dudley, emotionally ravaged and spent.

240 Aye. Craig Cameron-Fisher, disabled former police officer.    

241 AYE Louise Cassidy  disabled

242 Aye Charles Sutherland-Boyce Disabled with a disabled wife and disabled grandson (who stays with us)

243 AYE john turnbull, newcastle upon tyne

244 AYE Lynn Dye

245. AYE Nicola Soen, Kent.

246.AYE Patrick Hughes

247. AYE Jacqueline Evans

248. AYE John Evans

249. AYE Neil Scully

250 AYE  Christine Winnan

251 AYE  John McCarthy

252 AYE L Thomas (seriously ticked off by our government)

253 AYE Keith Cooper.

254 AYE Adam Ramsay

254 AYE Daniel McGarrell

255  Aye Cameron Foulis  (pay  my wages and/or benefits to me, not to a bank account. I will not be enslaved to the banks!)

256 AYE Teresa Smith

257 Aye  Rosemary O’Neill

258 AYE Anam S Hurley

259 AYE Declan Hurley

260. AYE Joyce Boyd

261.AYE John Boyd

262.Aye Kimberley Jones

263 AYE Carole Frost disabled from birth,i will not be used as forced labour.

264 AYE Charlotte MacTavish

265 AYE Jane White

266 AYE Andy Platt
267. AYE Lydia Duddington

268 AYE Martin Bove

269 Aye Glenn North

270 AYE Paul Francis McKenna, Secretary of the Glasgow Defence Campaign

271 C.Larcombe

272 AYE Bill MacLeod

273 AYE Jill Morgan

274 AYE Francesca Newton

275 AYE Paula Donovan

276 AYE Eileen Green

277 AYE Jim Cranshaw

278 AYE Ivan Thomas

279 AYE C. Hall

280 Aye David French

281 AYE Fergus McInnes

282 AYE Suzanne Ferguson

283. Tony Greenstein, Secretary Brighton & Hove Unemployed Workers Centre

284. AYE Andrew Wood

285 AYE Jacqueline Rust

286 Aye Gregory Fenton

287 AYE Philip Grant, ex-Labour voter

288 Aye  Graham Askew ex labour

288 Linda Steers. Nearly 60, worked for 40+ years, nobody wants to employ me

290 AYE  Kevin Mullins retired mental health nurse,  ex Labour member forced out in late 80sexNEC retired member of COHSE now UNISON .Wife disabled and victim of ATOS still fighting. I am 64 and disabled as well

291 Steven Lockhart – appalled by Labour and their ceaseless apologists. No justice. No peace.

292 AYE Steven Csete

293 AYE christopher of the baker family , liverpool

294 AYE philip wood


295 AYE Thomas Kelly

296 AYE Andrew Healey

297 AYE Susan Meadows

298 AYE Boulton, Leicester

290 AYE Don MacDonald, Newcastle

291 Brian F Kirkham, Salford – Deemed Medically Unfit and Overqualified by the state, Appalled by Labour’s support of conservative policies against the disabled.

292 AYE Darren Phillips – Disgusted by Labour, appalled by Workfare, sickened by Condem!

293 AYE Louise Sutcliffe – Until I see evidence that forced labour improves quality of life and societal cohesion in any way I will disagree with the Parliamentary Party over this. I proposed an anti-workfare motion to Newcastle City Council for a reason – I do not believe in slave labour for less than minimum wage, it is not only not morally right, and contravenes minimum wage laws, but I do not believe it is a functional way to deal with unemployment. Policy should be driven by evidence, not by pandering to scaremongering Daily Mail rhetoric on “scroungers”.

294 AYE – Mark Wymer

295 AYE Matthew McVeagh

296 AYE Ian Raggatt

300 AYE Graeme Slater

297 AYE Andy Turner

298. AYE Alex Greene

299 AYE Peter Watson301 AYE Sharon Rigby

302 AYE Maureen Pilbeam disgusted by the savage cuts to welfare  

303 AYE Jon Wilson

304 AYE Mary Jackson, Socalist to the end, betrayed by Labour

305:AYE julie aldcroft,make sure you vote for ousting the government out

306 AYE Chris Munro, the last straw for this Labour  member

307 AYE John Varley

308 AYE Gerry Doe

309 Aye M. Pelfrey

310 Aye M. Greig

311 AYE Pip Tindall (Brighton Benefits Campaign)

312 AYE Ali Moon

313 AYE Paul Higgins, Tamworth, Staffs.

314 AYE Sharon Hingley Staffs Disillusioned ex Labour voter

316 AYE Roger Stoker

317 Aye david hutchinson,single parent


319 Aye Eileen Short Benefit Justice Campaign and Defend Council Housing

320 AYE Katherine Perlo

321 AYE. S.Gold. Supporter of DPAC and Black Triangle.

322 AYE Jo Urquhart, disabled widow and ex Labour voter.

323. AYE. Jacqueline Holland.

324 Aye  Raymond Tough

325 aye alan groggins

326 Aye Bernadette Pyne

327 Aye.  Bill Kerr

328. AYE Pete Lumb

329  Aye Louise Wright

330 AYE Sue Rees

331 AYE Eileen Kingstree

332 AYE Tony Crago

333 AYE Shaun Carter

334 AYE Janet Carter

335 AYE Anthony Naylor

336 AYE Martin Sumner schizophrenic

338 AYE Tom Armstrong

340 AYE Caroline Lockie  

341 AYE Gabriele Kreichgauer

342 AYE  Kate Gordon ex liberal concerned citizen parent of 2 bipolar children, daughter of elderly parent killed by Nhs neglect

343 AYE  V Evans

344 AYE Leon Carter – Disheartened Labour Supporter –

345 AYE sue spencer disabled and full time carer 4 my son

346 AYE j sneddon (soon to be ex labour voter if they join this government)

347 AYE Hannah Basson

348 AYE Celia Lawton-Livingstone (Life long labour voter no longer)

349 AYE Anne Byrne Degenerative spinal disease

350 AYE Sally Benyon- full time carer for husband with MS and soon to be ex labour supporter if you don’t start looking after those in need instead of kicking them when they are down

351 AYE Lyn Phillips – Disabled by MS Worried sick about the future!

362 AYE Denise Bellamy

363 AYE Merry Cross

363 AYE John T. Horsfall.

365 AYE David Litherland

356 AYE Carole Carrick ME for 15 years and also cancer survivor. Not on any benefit for myself

357 AYE Clive Carrick Paraplegic 31 years Cancer survivor …afraid for the future

358 AYE Franchesca Todd Not sick or disabled, but I stand in solidarity with those who are

359 AYE Alan Fergus.

360 AayeeYE Joan Twelves


362 AYE JoiE

363 AYE Nick James,

364. AYE Susan Pashkoff, London

365 AYE Jane Clout, Brighton

366 AYE Tracey Booth Birmingham Fighting Atos after lies and falsified information put on my assessment by atos d

367.AYE Alec Middleton, Birmingham

368.AYE Steven Laing – disabled person

369.AYE C White Took 3 ½ years to appeal at Upper Tier level to finally get the DWP to declare me incapacitated/unfit for work. One tribunal was an interrogation. My son’s also been deliberately sanctioned by jobsworth advisors’ actions numerous times. He’s been on the work program

370.AYE Fergy Brannigan

371.AYE Victoria Smedley


373 AYE Charlie Forth Hartlepool

374 AYE Sinead Keenan disabled since birth – Family are Labour Party members

375 AYE Maria Nelson , Newcastle-upon-Tyne

376 AYE Kim Dexter London

377 AYE Tony Bengtsson, South Shields

378 AYE Donnacha DeLong, London

379. AYE Jean Nash, Hemsworth

380.AYE Kath Gray, Aberystwyth, head trauma survivor fighting for ESA

381.AYE  Russell Hughes Brighton

382.AYE Richard Butchins London  

383. AYE Jayne Brown Newcastle

384. AYE Kevin Brown Newcastle

385 AYE Alan Wyllie Paisley

386 AYE Martin Howitt, Ex Labour voter, health professional, recently disabled and discriminated against by employer (NHS), ATOS, and the DWP.

387 AYE Eric Knight

388 AYE Daniel Linger Spalding

389 AYE Thomas G. Clark (Another Angry Voice)

390 AYE Diane K   kent


soon to be ex-labour voter. It seems we both worked over 40 yrs for nothing and NO, disability is not a life choice. Stop propping up this evil coalition!

392 AYE Laura Backhouse, Carlisle

393 Aye Robert Smith Glasgow

394 AYE Iain Murray Dumfriesshire

395 Aye Gary Urquhart Glasgow

396 Aye Colette Mengiles Edin

397 AYE John Connett, Cambridge

398 AYE David Chowcat, Brighton

399 AYE Vivienne Smith Edinburgh

400 AYE Tony Greenstein Brighton

401 AYE Thomas Ratcliffe

402 AYE  Iona MacAulay-Carer for spouse-both over 60

403. AYE Maggie West

404 Aye Beverley McKenzie

405 AYE Margaret Stanley

406 AYE Cynthia Lloyd, Wirral

407 AYE Kez Gibbons

408. AYE Laurel Duut

409. AYE Louise Cassidy

410.AYE dwatkins ex labour voter(paralysed)

411 AYE andrew j pepler

412 AYE Marie Knight

413 AYE Linda green

414 AYE Amanda Warham, Bolton

415 AYE peter schevtschenko

416 AYE Fiona Menzies

417 AYE John Ingamells

418. AYE Sandra Eveno

419. AYE Lisa Sear

420. AYE Lauren Hayes

421. Aye Francis Healy-McAdam

422. Aye Anne Healy-McAdam

424 AYE Bob English

423 AYE Neal Roberts

425 AYE Susanne Deumig – disabled, wants to work but can’t.

426  AYE Ed McArthur

427 AYE Debbie Jolly

428 AYE Rudi Affolter

429 AYE Alasdair Murray

430 AYE Philip Englehard

431 AYE Joy Gwillym

432 AYE Jamie Maloney, Glasgow.

433 AYE Sue Kelly, Edinburgh

434 AYE Dorothy Hobbs, Crawley 

435 AYE Carol Milner, Coventry

436 AYE Jo Bull Birmingham
437 AYE  Denise Longman Norwich

438 AYE Terry Snailham Telford

439 AYE Alison Herrera, Edinburgh

440 AYE H M deniz  London

441 AYE Jim Thompson, Edinburgh Sanction regime is leading to destitution

442 AYE  Gordon Whalley lancashire

443 AYE K Sharpington, Essex, keep up the fight people

444 AYE Christine Coley, Scotland

445 AYE Michael Coley, Scotland

446 AYE Jill Marks Shropshire

447 AYE Ian Evans Flintshire

448 AYE Doreen Johnson Devon disabled Atos victim, I signed a contract when I left school for NI, this was too look after me if I became ill. YOU HAVE BROKE THIS CONTRACT.
449 AYE JULIA SMITH (disabled Atos victim)


451. AYE Ramon Corria Cardiff

452 AYE Elizabeth Haley, London

453 AYE Mark Sangan, Paignton, Devon

454 AYE Pat Chaplin, Shropshire

455 AYE Sarah Raggatt

Many people already have paid employment and cannot get enough hours, despite being registered with various employers. They are constantly applying for jobs and attending interviews and having to get support from the DWP when their hours are not enough to support them, Despite being signed off for weeks on and off depending on their circumstances, they are threatened with having to take part in unpaid work schemes. This is insane barking bonkers the lot of you.. We also pay tax too and go for weeks to get reinstated on benefits whilst waiting for our meagre wages at the end of the month

451 AYE lorraine homayon-jones one of millions of carers who are devalued and stigmatised for defending our cared for.

452. AYE Ernest Ross, Easter Road, Leith, Edinburgh. Black Triangle Campaign Edinburgh  member. Solidarity to all here for this magnificent expression of support for sick and/or disabled people under attack! Let us hope against hope that the Labour Party will listen to our united voices! 461aSolidarity with John McDonnell and Michael Meacher MPs and the 41 Labour MP’s  who proudly voted against IDS’s Emergency Bill last week, honoured the founding traditions of the party and particularly, we praise Iain Mearns MP who resigned from his post as PPS this week rather than support the iniquitous complicity of Liam Byrne and the Labour front bench with the ConDem’s so-called ‘welfare reforms’. These so-called ‘reforms’ with which Labour is complicit are driving disabled people to the brink of annihilation. Let us end the barbarism now. NO to the ‘Progress’ faction and Neoliberal Labour! Let the Labour Party return to its roots! To The Spirit of 1945! If not, expect the break of the United Kingdom on 18th September 2014 as we,disabled Scots, cannot tolerate this this one second longer! People are dying! ConDemLab: AS SCOTTISH DISABLED PEOPLE IF YOU ATTACK US WE WILL RESIST AND FIGHT YOU!  WE REFUSE TO BE YOUR VICTIMS! THIS IS A QUESTION OF DISABLED PEOPLE’S SURVIVAL! YOU SHALL NOT PASS IN SCOTLAND! LET ALL PEOPLE IN THE UK UNITE NOW AGAINST THIS BARBARISM! LET THERE BE NO NO MORE ‘ABSTENTIONS’! NO JUSTICE, NO UNION!

453. AYE Roy Davis Jobcentreplus Employee PCS Rep. P.S. Worst job I ever had.

454. AYE Anne Selby, Fleet, Hampshire. Leukaemia sufferer, Gulf War veteran, served in the Army 11 years

455 AYE Carol Lindsay,  Fife

456. AYE John Sweeney, Ucatt

457. AYE Ken Walters, Lancashire

458. AYE Jim Larkin, Edinburgh

459. AYE Sue Taylor, Manchester

460.  AYE Alison Jones, Swansea.  Disaffected Labour supporter.

461. AYE Robert Craig

462   AYE Cliff Whitefoot

463. AYE Sandra Martin. Derby


464. AYE Stephen Rice. Derby

465  AYE Peter Tullett Newbury

468 AYE Rose Seabury County Durham

469 AYE rosalyn adams

470 AYE Jimmy Elder

471 AYE Undine Downie I work as a care assistant and have seen and heard the grief these policies cause!

472 AYE Griff Roberts if you want my vote you need to start being an opposition to the condem’s

473 aye angus clayton,, its shame on our gov.

474 Aye Tina Anthony

475 Aye Phil Bates.

476 AYE Helen H Green

477   Aye Simon Roberts

478 Aye  Ann Parkes

479 Aye Sandy H Scott

480 AYE Jackie Davis, Cardiff Bedroom Tax Protest

481 Aye Graeme Speirs

482 Aye Karen Speirs

483 Aye Anthony McCann

484 Aye Mark Bates

485 Aye Stuart Stephenson

486 Aye Tina Stepenson

487 AYE Elizabeth Johnston

488 AYE Henry Johnston

489 AYE Kim Johnston

490 Aye Ray Jones

491 Aye Jane Jones

492 Aye Mick Bedford

493 Aye Avril edmeades

494 aye john Edmeades

495 aye Richard StClair

496 Aye Andrew Fyall – London – This policy is disgraceful.

497, AYE ken cowell berkshire

498.AYE Wendy Dunmore

499. AYE Joe Dunmore

500 AYE Gavin Westwood

501. AYE Gareth Westwood

502. AYE Daryl Westwood

503 AYE  Janine Callier

504. AYE Kelly Westwood

505 AYE Lynne Sutton

506. AYE Marilyn Storer

507 Aye Pete Gibson

508 Aye Lynda Barber

509 Aye Rose Ferguson

510 Aye Anne Dees

511 Aye Jez Millen

512 Aye D perry

513 Aye K Worral

514 aye N Rolsten

515 Aye H Robinson

516 Aye R Sutton

517 Aye R Culbert

518 Aye P Culbert

519 Aye D Storer

520 Aye K Storer

521 aye S Storer

522 Aye D Storer

523 Aye A Storer

524 AYE A Rice

525 Aye M Storer

526 Aye S Storer

527. Labour Councillor Peter Lockhart. Labour Councillor for Ward 8 Cowdenbeath Fife. Cowdenbeath is one of Scotland’s most deprived areas and suffers a range of problems associated with poverty. Welfare reforms are having a devastating effect on the lives of my constituents and the Labour Party should stick to what it was founded to do, protect working class people from the attacks of international capitalism. The welfare reforms espoused and pursued by the Tories are an affront to civilisation and should be  fought at all costs. Stand up for the working people Labour.

528. AYE, P Young

529 AYE, L Rolfe

530 AYE, Charlie Small

531. AYE, Nigel Tuke, full-time carer.

532.AYE Amanda Stannard.  Stand up for the people who need you

533.aye. Pete Matthews

533.AYE, Carolyn Treadwell

534 AYE andy snape Liam Byrne should be sacked instantly

535 AYE John Adey

536 AYE Terry Bishop

537. AYE  Zak Richard Jones, Swansea

538. Aye Jeremy Brand

539. AYE Rachel Blake support us in this darkest hour

540. AYE Peter Crane, Southampton

541. AYE Colin M. Dye

542 AYE Michael Stratton

543 AYE Keith Brownsword

544 AYE David Mullen, London.

555 AYE Pauline Gallagher, Peterborough

556 AYE June Dickson, Livingston

557 AYE Lucy Sparks

558 Aye Pete Jayes (soon to be ex Labour voter unless they change tack quickly!)

559 AYE Michael Jones

560 AYE Craig Bonney

561 AYE Belinda hinchliffe Carer to a husband and two children. Mother to one more.

562 Aye Jem Farmer

563 AYE Jan Hall. D

564 AYE Michael Pethard

565 AYE Robert Lister

566 AYE Maxine Cunliffe stop punishing us all.

567 AYE Richard Southwell

568 AYE Paul Woodhouse

569 Aye Peter Russell

570 AYE David Woodhouse

571 Aye Maureen Mills

572 AYE Alan Mills

573 Aye David Churchley Co Founder Black Triangle

574 AYE Julie Price

575 AYE Sean Carey

576 AYE Marie Eccles

577 AYE Craig Eccles

578 AYE Ebony Marsh

579 AYE David Owen, Margate

580 AYE Johann Owen, Margate               

581 AYE Elaine Waldron, Hackney, London, against the cuts, “austerity”, Neo-liberalism and class war on the poor.

582 AYE Chrissie (Margaret) Fryde, worked hard most of my life, like thousands of other disabled claimants. This injustice cannot last.

583 AYE Grace Whyte: Carer to partner who has Bipolar Disorder who has paid into the system for most of his working life. As have I.

564 AYE Paul Sheppard Barnsley ME sufferer.

585 AYE As a worker in social care, I know the tough-mindedness  required  ofmy clients to resist these tabloid-appeasing reforms- the agencies enforcing them are breaking their original contracts, which were clearly easy to amend, and entirely counterproductive to the point of sadism.

586 AYE Geraint James. Expel Liam Byrne from the party.



588 AYE Roseanna Grayston, London – a person’s ability to work is not just about their physical ability to complete certain tasks; it is also about their ability to be employed – whether or not those with the power to give employment think a person is “fit to work”. Until the Labour party announces a comprehensive strategy for tackling discrimination against those with physical and/or mental impairments in the workplace, the expectation that everyone must get a job or lose their means of sustaining themselves is not just unreasonable, it’s verging of eugenicist.

589 AYE M. Youll South Tyneside.

590 AYE Michelle Moloney, Notts

591 AYE M Holt, Glasgow

592 AYE Paul howes Cinderford

593. AYE Paul Ashworth, Greater Manchester.

594. AYE L Watson, Glasgow

595. AYE P Watson, Glasgow

596. AYE J Watson, Glasgow


598 AYE Sam Grayston, London

599 AYE Lorraine Shakespeare, London

600. AYE Paul McGlynn, Brighton

601  Aye  Terree Selby London

602 Aye Elaine Wilkinson. Dorset

603 Steve Wilkinson Dorset

604 AYE S Broomhall, RCT – sick of hearing the sound of Nye Bevan et al turning in their graves at what is happening to this once great country. Ex NHS medical technician and ex teacher –  I didn’t ask to be disabled by secondary progressive MS and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (amongst other things) nor did I make disability and the inability to work a lifestyle choice. Had voted Labour all my life, but think it’s time to switch my allegiance to Plaid, now that Labour have switched their allegiance from the ones they are supposed to represent and are allying themselves to the ConDems!!

605 Aye Richard Livingstone Bristol

606 Ayr Karen Gentleman Isle of Wight

607 Fenya Fischler London

608 AYE Jean Holland Merseyside Disabled plus long term illness

609. Aye J. Graham, Scotland

610. Aye Jacqueline Hewing England

611. Emma Whitford Dorset

612. Steve ?

613 AYE Sheenagh Lee O’Dwyer

614 Aye. Dee Wilde-Walker

615. Aye Yvette Cooper  disgusted Life time Labour supporter

616. Aye Jane Hawksworth disabled with disabled children

617. Anthony Hagger carer for disabled wife.

618 AYE Pam Sanby disabled

619 AYE Lucie Rogers   

620 AYE Layla Glantz, Disabled, Herefordshire

621 AYE Sean Prentice, Disabled, Herefordshire


624 AYE LYNN HANCOCK Liverpool. Labour’s stance on this is disgusting.

625 AYE Sharon Vincent  Appalled by Labours behaviour over workfare

626 Mark Wallace

627 AYE Susan Haslett

628 AYE Linda Merron Swansea

629 AYE Kenneth Blong, Lancaster

630 AYE Natalie Lyndon, Devon

631 AYE Carol Jennings, Liverpool

632 AYE Kevin Stainton, Scarborough

633. AYE Paul Smith

634.Aye Judith Heron

635. Aye Sean Gilgallon

636. Aye Emma Branley

637. Aye Dawn Taylor

638. Aye Pia Feig

639 AYE Daniel Branley

640 Aye Carole Hope Tewkesbury Glos

641. Aye Jean Buckham

642 AYE  Jodie Timson

643 Aye Doug Troup

644. Aye Faye Currey

645 Aye Bob Robinson

646 Aye Thelma Punton

647. Aye james Cameron

648. Aye Nichola Peake

649. Aye Rebecca Farr

650. Aye Judith Smith

651. Aye Vanessa Morris

652. Aye Hayley Morris

653. Aye Tracy Smith

654. Aye Dawn Teasdale

655. Aye Jemma Marriot

656. Aye Tim Webb

657. Aye Sam Stelling

658. Aye Ian Ward (currently working part-time and living in social housing).  I like the idea, in theory, of a job guarantee for the truly long-term unemployed.  However it should be catered to individual needs and interests.  I do not have enough details about Labour’s latest idea so I am signing this petition.

659. AYE Diane Jones

660. AYE Jillian Cranston

661. AYE: C. Archard  

662. AYE Ryan Burkwood

663 AYE Graeme Slater

664 AYE Gordon Brown

665 AYE Bill Kruse

666 AYE Steve Smith ( Oh dear )

667 AYE Michelle McLeod

668 AYE Philip Todd MIMI

669 AYE Mark Scally

668 AYE Mary Stuart

669 K J Budworth

670 AYE Marie McKay Glasgow

671 AYE Mike Cleverley.

672 AYE Caroline Hudson.

673 AYE David Picknell

674 AYE Vicky Ayec


675 Aye Andrew Patrick Longworth-Dames

676 AYE Lisa Pieca Cake

676 AYE Linda Leyshon

677 AYE Jonathon Maguire

678 AYE Anne-Marie Wigley

679 AYE Sam Francis

680 AYE Gill Berry

681 AYE Linda Hill

682 Aye S Dyer

682 Chris mack, bullied by Mp
683.AYE Lindsay McKeown

684. AYE Ian Smith

685. AYE janice devlin

686. AYE Karen Ashbery

687 AYE Paul Backhouse

688 AYE Louise Ellis – Labour Party member

689 AYE Sharon McCarthy

690 AYE Sam Pateman

691 AYE Rachel Offley

692 Aye Malcolm Burt.

693 AYE Steven Wright

694 AYE Karyn Smith

697 AYE Olive Bennett

698 AYE Carol

699 AYE Saoirse MacSeoin

700. AYE Carol Larkin

701. AYE Wayne Blackburn, WOWpetition Campaign Team

702. AYE Kevin Larkin

703 Aye Kathleen Archibald

704 AYE June Partleton

705 aye paul gorgon ex forces and disabled

706 Aye John mills.

707 aye teresa stewart gorgon carer

708 Aye KPBishop

709 AYE Daniel Langford

710 AYE Michaela Armstrong.

711 AYE Kim Burns. Disabled and unemployed.

712 AYE Jan Burchell ex-labour supporter

713 AYE Margaret Burden Disabled

714 AYE Carl Eckett Employed and disgusted

715 AYE June Hackett

716 Lee Berry Cornwall

717 Aye Sally Wallis Gwent/

718Aye Trevor Garman North Devon  

719 Aye Councillor Denise Michell Glastonbury Somerset

720 Rosie Berry Cornwall

721 Aye Colin Wilson, Liverpool (Chronic pain syndrome, Aspergers Syndrome)

722 Aye Melody Brown, London (Bipolar Affective Disorder)

723 Aye Rob Wills, Bath
724 Aye- Vicki Nikoloska, Wiltshire.

725 Lyall Hakaraia london

726 Jean Stones

727 Aye Beverley Rawsthorn, Merseyside

728 Aye Paige Rawsthorn, Merseyside

729 Aye Margaret Keavey, Merseyside

730 Aye Eddie Keavey, Merseyside

731 AYE Russell Williams – Newport

732 Aye Maxine Oliver, Wales

733  Aye Nichole Brennan

734 AYE C. WELTON, 81 and carer for my wife.

735  Aye Michael Sheridan

AYE Elaine Edwards

736 Aye Debbie Pearson

John Mortimer, High Peak

737 AYE Amanda Warham

738 Peter Thompson Bristol

739 AYE Liz Sannachan

740 AYE pat morris

AYE Angela Theresa Marie Trainer

742 AYE Steve Winter

743 Aye Peter Smith

744 AYE Mal Sainsbury

745 AYE L Corballis
746 AYE E Stratton

747 AYE S Hunter

AYE v sales

748 Aye M Sergeant Hull

749 AYE Roisin Robertson Green Party – the only party calling for taxes to pay for education, health and protection of the vulnerable and the only alternative party to the ConDemLab troika

750 aye marie hitchen

751 aye ray fellows

752 AYE J Holt, Glasgow

753 AYE K Holt, Glasgow

754 AYE C Devlin, Glasgow

755 AYE Colin Symonds

756 Linda McCully, cheshire

757 Valerie Waring, Cheshire

758 AYE Jenny Abbott Manchester

759 AYE J.Williams London.. Liam if you do not support the rights of the unemployed, sick and disabled to be treated as human beings, resign and join the Tories. This is not a Labour Party I will support without the fundamental protections of a civilised society.

760 AYE derek defalco, hertfordshire.

761 aye Sonia Thatcher, herts

762 Vicki Cooke, Dukinfield Cheshire (Disabled, Long term ill)

763 AYE Mike Craig

764 AYE Ian Gaylard

765 AYE  Trish Dennis (severe pathological anxiety due to years of domestic violence

and controlling abuse)  Norfolk

766 AYE Mike Caics, Cumbria.. If the Labour Party do NOT oppose any of this Coalition’s heinous policies – it will be judged by them and we will bankrupt them!

767 Rosanna Singler, London. 768

Stephen Williams – ex labour supporter, Merseyside

769 Tracy Nash. London

770 Jon Driver, London

771 AYE Laura Henretty, Edinburgh

772 AYE Kate Thomson,disabled High Peak

773 AYE Shannon Thomson High Peak

774 AYE Sarah Lawry

775 AYE Mark Destry, Glasgow

776 AYE Patricia Matthews Bedford

777 AYE Lynne Maguire Gloucestershire

778 AYE Flora Cumming Glasgow

779 Gaynor M Owen,  Rhondda, S Wales.

780 AYE Georgina Carrington Birmingham Disabled – severe Fibromyalgia and severe Depression cared for by my hubby and 9 year old. I have no hope for the future, in fact I’m downright terrified!

781 AYE Mandy Carty, Leeds

782 AYE Andrew Ingram  Benfleet, Essex

783 AYE Lewis Monk, Malvern

784 AYE Karen Orosky Bedford


785 AYE ALF RAMSFIELD, MANCHESTER – They are coming for all of us, abled bodies and all.

786 AYE Craig Willis Norfolk

787 AYE Iolanda Masuccio

788 Tim Cooke Manchester

789  AYE Barry Whittaker Norfolk

790 Susan Skinner, Manchester

791 Jade Airey, Manchester

792 Emma Adshead, Whitworth, Lancs

793 Lorraine Hammonds, Shawforth, Lancs

794 Samantha Duffy, Rochdale

795 Suzanne Davis, Guildford, Surrey

796 Anita Westwood, Dudley, West Midlands

797 Kay Smith,west yorkshire

Gavin Harrison   Midlands

798 Caroline Egglestone, Bracknell, Berkshire

799 AYE Ann Driver Tyne & Wear

800 AYE Peter Driver Tyne & Wear

801 deborah dunne keighley west yorkshire

802 karen mccrudden west yorkshire

803 stephen lee west yorkshire

804 Carol Mallon, Glasgow

805 Geri Underhill, Wiltshire
806 Peter Maddison (Carer), Derby
807 Janet Maddison (Disabled), Derby

808 Anya-Nicola Darr (UNITE)

809 Colin Finch (UNITE)

810 Janet Mandeville (disabled)

811 Sue Doyle, Widnes

812 Tracy Allen (carer)

813 Chris Hoolihan, Salford

814 David Thompson, Southampton

815 AYE Janet Varley West Yorkshire

816 Aye Derek Beveridge, Sotland

817 Jeanette Young, Essex

818 Aye Danielle Young West Yorkshire

819 Aye Hazel Measures West Yorkshire

820 Aye Stephen, Barkby, Manchester If we’re going the american way on welfare and Health    Care, lets at least have a President who can be impeached when he breaks the laws like Scameron and IDS

susan denton london

mary quant london

821 AYE mel atkinson

822 AYE Warren Simpson Lancashire

823 AYE Michelle Byrom PTSD/Depression assessed fit for work

824 AYE Christine English

825 AYE Stuart English.

826 AYE Michael English.

827 AYE Denise McKenna Mental Health Resistance Network

828 AYE Stuart Cox Deal Kent Labour Party member Dover/Deal CLP, we need real jobs not sanctions and workfare.


830 AYE Ian Springham, London, Mental Health Survivor

831 AYE Rosalind Alexander befriend a

832 AYE Jane Carroll

833 AYE Helena Hamilton Mental Health trying to get better


835 AYE Bill Lawrence, Stevenage.  Disabled not through choice.  Ex Mental Health Worker

836 AYE Emma Schumann,London

837 AYE Rachel Gallagher, Gravesend, Kent

838 AYE Chris Delcourt, Belgium

839 Sue Jones, County Durham
840 Tariq Ahmad Cambridge

841 Janet Varley, Halifax , West Yorkshire

842 Jay Evans, disabled, Scotland.

843 Usama Dafaalla, Malvern, Worcestershire

844 Alf Ramsfield, Salford, Manchester

845 Debbie Jackson Accrington Lancashire

846 Rachael Kirby, Darlington, Co. Durham

847 Michael Bassett

848 Gai

849 Aye  Linda McGivern

850 Judy Bright Cornwall

851 Donna Burrows Manningtree Essex

852 Danny Mitchell Clacton on Sea

853 Tommy Mitchell Clacton on Sea

854 Johnny Bannon Clacton on Sea

855 Layna Bannon Clacton on

856 Sean Bannon Clacton on Sea

857 Mark Smith Weston Super Mare

858 Kim Bennett Clacton on Sea

859 linda mcully, cheshire

860 Sarah Wiles Peterborough

861 valerie waring, cheshire

862 Elizabeth Bowers Jedburgh Scotland

863 Michael Grimes

864 Caroline Dougan   disabled Scotland

865 Colin Walker

866 Sharon Roberts

867 Kathleen Archibald   

868 Elizabeth Packham

869 Vincent Parker

870 John Mills

871 Tracey Ann

872 David Skinner

873 Ryan Cregan

874 Mary Harrison

875 AYE John Harrison

876 AYEGreen Councillor Denise Michell

876 AYE LORD steven haddon

877 AYE Trish Wilkinson, Doncaster

878 AYE Helen Sims, Bristol.

879 AYE Roddy mac kay. Glenrothes, Fife

880 AYE Hulme, Chorlton, Manchester

881 AYE Michael Sheridan,

882 AYE  Drew Miles, Romford, EKay Slane, Hastings.

883 AYE maureen gardner newcastle

884 AYE English Isleworth

885 AYE Tina English Isleworth

886 AYEKate Thomson, disabled, high peak

889 AYE David Lindsay Sheffield

890 AYE cheryl guillot west yorkshire

891 AYE Jenny Abbott, Flixton Manchester

892 AYE Stephen Williams, Merseyside

893 AYE Susan Skinner, Shawforth, ROCHDALE

894 AYE Emma Adshead, Whitworth

895 AYE Lorraine Hammonds, Shawforth, rochdale

896 AYE Jade Airey, Whitworth, Lancs

897 AYE Shannon,Thomson,High Peak

898 AYE Eleanor Skidmore, Darlington Co. Durham.

899 AYE Roz Fenton Cocks, West London (signed on her behalf by her fond neighbour P.     Pelfrey because Roz died of a heart attack on Feb.4th, two months after being found fit to work.)

900 AYE Jenni Small Edinburgh

901 AYE P. Pelfrey, West London

902 AYE Ali Moon, Harlow, Essex, Disabled

903 AYE Yvonne Parmenter – Leicestershire.

904 AYE Darren Nelson – Suffolk

905 AYE John Heckles – Halifax west yorkshire.

906 AYE Lisa Snaith ~ Disgusted in County Durham

907 AYE David Jones~ voluntarily not claiming JSA in County Durham

908 AYE Jonathan Snaith (currently sanctioned) Consett

909 AYE Matthew Snaith (currently sanctioned) Consett

910 AYE Helen Pilgreen ~ Isle of Arran

911 AYE Jennifer Mc Partland ~ County Durham

912 AYE Nicholas Pilgreen ~ County Durham

913 AYE Freda Clarke ~ County Durham

914 AYE Yvonne Troth, West Midlands

915 AYE Lynn Bleasdale, Essex

916 AYE Dave Thomson, Gorebridge Midlothian.

917 AYE Ann Thomson, Gorebridge, Midlothian

918 AYE  Julie griffiths South Wales , worked hard all my working life, until ill health stopped play.

919 AYE Joanna crowe, North Yorkshire

920 AYE Linda Benbow, Northampton

921 AYE  Claire Newton, London.

922 AYE  glasgow against atos

923 AYE Theresa Small, Edinburgh

924 AYE please let the labour party regain its soul, without care and compassion for the most vulnerable in our society the labour party is nothing sharon cooper lancashire

925 AYE Angela Mallon glasgow

926 AYE Janette Clancey glasgow

927 AYE Derek Clancey glasgow

928 AYE Chris Small Edinburgh

929 AYE Mary McGregor glasgow

930 AYE Heather Small Edinburgh

931 AYE Brian McGowan Glasgow

932 AYE Christine Albert Dorset

933 AYE Rachel Hoare, Bridgend

934 AYE Jodie Hoare, Bridgend

935 AYE Jonathan Mitchell, Bridgend

936 AYE Margaret Pemberton

937 AYE Stephen Cousins

938 AYE Nichola Rumble

939 AYE Colin Dadswell, Stoke on Trent

940 AYE Danielle Dadswell, Stoke on Trent

941 AYE Caroline Brown, Gwent

942 AYE Susan O’Mahony, Milton Keynes

943 AYE Lucy Macdonald, Glasgow

944 AYE Rose Hall

945 AYE KEVIN SMITH stowmarket

946 AYE Sally Burton, Leeds

947 AYE Denis English, disgusted. Isleworth

948 AYE Mark Giblin, Nottingham

949 AYE John McGroarty, Glasgow

950 Yasmin Jasiak Newcastle

951 AYE Carol Spragg Newcastle upon Tyne

952 Debbie Winfield, Kent.

953. Damon Lee, Totton

954. AYE Malika Steed, Broadland Labour and disgusted about the whole workfare!!!

955. AYE Lynne Forgie

956. Aye; George Caldow, Fochabers

957. AYE Lucia Pawlak South Wales

958 AYE Albie Davies Gloucestershire

959 AYE Cassie Garner

960 AYE Collette Ashworth S-O-


961 AYE   nicci page full time carer for disabled partner

962    AYE Lou Phillips disabled since 1999 live on my own, cope just, medical 6th April I expect to be failed regardless of DRs Notes and other evidence, then go to tribunal, how I will live I have no idea, im petrified!

963 AYE susan denton

964 AYE Sandra Tuer

965 AYE John Evans South Wales

966 AYE Stephen Thompson – Hull Full Time Carer

967 AYE Annette Brown

968 AYE Lynne Davis, disabled, cold and hungry already, you will never get my vote again

989AYE julia austin terrified at all this…….

970 AYE Kara Brown

Babs Aye

971 AYE Helene Ayton

972 AYE lewis Reid

973 AYE Sacha Reid

974. Darren Kennedy …ashamed of our gov

975 AYE Laura Barrow

976 AYE Carl Harris, very ashamed of our government

977.AYE David West.

979 AYE Malcolm Hunt
980 Chris I

981 AYE J Thornley full time carer and afraid for our future

982 AYE Merv Smith  disabled, heart problems and stripped by ATOS of my benefits.

983 Jeanette Young

984 AYE Karen Bolton.several health problems  including fibromyalgia and copd been called in for work focused interview

985 AYE christopher baines    bad with nerves stopt ATOS

986 AYE Kate Ashdowne – I am no longer proud of the country I’ve served all my life.

986 AYE Janine Gorin-Macneil.

987 AYE Susan Giddings

988 AYE George Young

989 AYE Allan Giddings.

990 AYE Elizabeth Douglas

991 Lorn Slack

992 AYE pauline Baines

993 AYE  Steve Wallis  

994 AYE Alexandra Quinn


996 AYE Morag Cumming

997 AYE Glyn Foulkes – this will not be forgotten !!

998 AYE Linda Cox (King’s Lynn Against Welfare Reforms –

999 AYE Cheryl Foulkes

1000 AYE Chloe Foulkes

1001 AYE David Cox (King’s Lynn Against Welfare Reforms –

1002 AYE Jeanette Brown.

1003 AYE Emma Matthews, Cardiff UK

1004 AYE Mike Veitch

1005 AYE Graham Clarkson Hemsworth Pontefract West Yorkshire

1006 AYE Paul Mellors Mansfield Nottinghamshire

1007 AYE Dave Murphy, DPAC, Unite Community Portsmouth

1008 AYE Rob Carolan

1009  AYE Deborah Hall

1010 AYE thomas connors pontypridd south wales

1011 AYE charlotte connors pontypridd south wales

1012AYE Helen Benson, Cumbria…Disabled, Depressed, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia & now without hope for the future!! Worked all my life until physically unable.Praying for decency at last in those in power

1013AYE Alison Chesterton Aylesbury Bucks

1014AYA Pete Perkins + We-the-People Campaign 1720 Members & followers throughout the UK

1015 Aye Barry Hall Cannock Staff’s

1016 AYE Carolyn Oke Disabled Devon

1017 AYE Sue Crutchley Stoke on Trent

1018 AYE Graeme Reid Edinburgh

1019 AYE Alison Phillips Berkshire

1020 AYE Barbara Mellors Mansfield

1021 AYE Kyle .E. Mellors Mansfield

1022 AYE Geoff Duncan, Edinburgh

1024 AYE J Edwards, Stafford

1025 AYE I Wilson Caithness

1026 AYE Alice Wedderburn, Edinburgh

1027, AYE, Ann Sanderson, Leeds

1028, AYE Alan Sanderson, Leeds

1029, Aye, Ruth Hulme, Leeds

1030, Aye, Lee Porter, Leeds

1031, Aye, Barbara Guyan, Leeds

1032, Esther Hulme, Leeds

1033, AYE, Laurence OReilly, Norfolk

1034,Aye, Bryn Kinnaird, Dyfed

1035, Aye, Jason Garside

1036 AYE Dominique Payne, Bicester

1037 AYE Jenny Martin, Kings Lynn

1038 AYE Nick Howitt, Cardif

1039 AYE David Fallan Wishaw

1040 AYE Debbie Sayers Cornwall

1041 Mary Jones, SWANSEA.  Seriously concerned for my future and the future of other citizens in this country.

1042 AYE Pauline Martin Canterbury kent

1043 AYE  Hazel Fallan Wishaw

1044 AYE Kathleen Hunt Disabled Devon

1045 AYE Rosemary Spencer                                                   

1046 AYE Geraldine Giles Lancs

1047 AYE Thea Watson


1049 AYE J Gordon

1050 AYE Rosie Oxley Cardiff

1051 AYE Jon Mason Brighton

1052 AYE janice anderson manchester cancer and bipolar patiant

1053 AYE clive smith

1054 aye gwyneth morse

1055 aye t morse

1056 AYE Linda Strickler

1057 AYE Owen Walsh

1058 AYE Anthony Turtle

1059 aye margaret burke

1060 AYE Andy Murtha

1061 AYE Jason Gilzean, Herts

1062 AYE Alan Bennett, Cheltenham

1063 AYE Margaret Bennett, Cheltenham

1064 AYE Dawn Street Guildford,Surrey

1065 AYE Pam Douglas London

1066 AYE Tracey Curtis Norfolk

1067  AYE Chris Hubbard South Yorkshire

1068 AYE Yvette Broadhurst Wolverhampton

1069 AYE Christina Klein-Bissett, Edinburgh

1070 AYE  Andy Jones, Malvern, UK

1071 aye noel o’mahony northampton.

1072 Aye Patricia Jaega, Littleborough

1073 AYE Richard Harmer, London

1074 AYE Dr Vole, disability rights campaigner, Cymru

1075 AYE Xia Lane, Wiltshi

1076 AYE Yasmin Raphael

1078 AYE Giuseppina Salamone, Brighton and Hove Unemployed Workers Centre

1079 ,k c beard

1080 C E Bramwell

1081  AYE  Sam Cugie (struggling disabled student – terrified reforms will wreck education to go  

                  onto unemployment scrapheap with little prospects because education

1082 AYE Vincent Mattis

1083 AYE John Lorimer, My mother suffers from severe COPD, , doesn`t have a spare room at

the moment but will have soon, as she needs it so we can take turns to help care for her. She worked most of her life paying her way, brought us up on her own!! Didnt claim benefits but now she needs them and cant get what shes entitled to!!!!

1084 AYE Rosamond Broad

1085 ‘AYE’ Debbie Simmons.

1086 Aye  Jacqueline Redgewell, Stoke on Trent

1087 AYE Denise Garner  Leicester

1088 AYE Steven Garner  Leicester

1089 AYE Graham Hughes Peterhead. Politicians of all parties have been unable to create anything like full employment for half a century. Stop blaming those who don’t have a job and start thinking up policies that reflect the reality that paid employment no longer serves as a satisfactory means of circulating wealth around the economy

1090 AYE John O’Mahony

1091 Aye Jack Ferguson

1092 Aye John Lezemor

1093 Aye Liz Davies

1094 AYE Bill Bowring

1095 Aye  Russell Fraser

1096 Aye  Zekiye Driver

1097 Aye  Halil Driver

1098 Carol Laidlaw social welfare law practitioner

1098 Aye Sarah J Barnett

1099 AYE carol larkin .

1100 Marta Wazynska

1101 AYE Steve Brain

1102 AYE D Maher

1103 AYE Linda Benbow. I always worked, never claimed benefits. I DID NOT CHOOSE to become disabled, and in my nativity I have always voted Labour because they were the ALTERNATIVE to the Tories, they were the ones who were on OUR side. What has happened to the Labour Party?




30 Responses

  1. Papasmurf
    I may be having a senior moment but I can see now way of adding my name after I click on HERE

    I can see we’re supposed to click ‘edit’ and insert our names at the bottom, but it doesn’t work on my current device. Whose idea was it to do a petition using a Google Document?

  2. As a Labour Pary member, I fully agree with this statement. Dont write off Labour activists who are working hard to change the party’s policies but yes, the leadership are way off the mark and their “solutions” just add to the attack on disabled people and the unemployed.

  3. Our coalition government and the Labour party are just like Hospitals and Manufacturers, out of touch with what is going on at the lowest level……..

    They are all the same inasmuch as they dont know whats happening at the bottom. They think they know what the problems are, but never think to ask………..

    All of them squander vast amounts of money and ask third parties, in the form of consultants, to formulate a view.

    The view is always tainted in the favour of the paymaster who loves to carry on ignoring the shop floor in favour of men in suits who have no idea…….

    Problems exacerbate because nobody is listening. The shop floor blame the management, who in turn blame the workers..

    Nothing is ever achieved……….

    The time to listen is now. Not when the the machinery of life breaks down…..

    They call it Democracy, a simple word having endless solutions……

    For Fucks Sake Listen……….

    • True on every point Geoff ,but unfortunately as we see even at Governing level too many bull shitters get into positions of Management who listen to accountants and bankers who have no idea on the logistical front. Due to their arrogance and ignorance or greed the REST OF US suffer .

  4. A life of luxury living on benefits, sleeping all day, and generally having a whale of a time. Reality then kicks in and I am stuck indoors unable to go out without a carer, relying on other people to do things for me. God how I laugh at the wool I am pulling over the governments eyes claiming all this money for nothing. I always thought that the labour party was the party for the poor and vunrable. It now seems they are just an extension of a coalision determined to bring the most needy to their knees.

  5. The modern day labour party lost their direction after Tony Blair inflitrated it and ruined it. They are now as bad as the tories. They have lost my vote for life. It will be SNP for me from now on.

  6. Labour are a ruling class and racist party. Always have been – always will be. Look at the history of the labour party – one of imperialist attacks on oppressed people abroad and punishment of the poor in Britain. They are actually more dangerous to the working class than Tories as they disguise themselves in progressive rhetoric (on occasions) with people like Jim Monaghan (who posted earlier) either falling for their tricks or be a willing collaborator with their ruling class imperialist policies in an effort to save the privileges afforded to them by this system. We will not let the fight against the bedroom tax and the cuts be led behind or highjacked by a ruling class party; or their sympathisers. Break with Labour! This is class war!

  7. To Mr Monaghan and others…why bother trying to change the Labour party? Is there a single bit of evidence that can be seriously cited in proving that it can be forced to act in the interests of the working class. Now, having seen Ken Loach’s ‘Spirit of ’45’ there, some may claim that delivery of free healthcare and education, housing and jobs makes the Labour party of 1945 almost socialist. That will be the socialist Labour government that was torturing the Kenyan people, bombing Athens and jailing, flogging and hanging Malayan trade unionists in the rubber plantations. Very socialist! Or is it just socialism for the white folks, did the welfare state extend to India- its people were paying for it after all! Now the system is turning on the working people here, state welfare is under attack and we defend it. Labour will never lead any fight back and to argue this is to not only waste time but, more dangerously, to sow illusions that need to be thoroughly exposed and challenged.

    • Perhaps if more in Britain had spoken out about or shown more concern for at the time or since those atrocities you mention, we would not now be in this position,
      Now we are the only ones left to exploit and as the poem said!

      Then they came for me,
      and there was no one left to speak for me.

  8. “Will the UK and USA also go for the automatic seizure of money from accounts? My guess is they have been quietly planning on it but will now think twice about admitting to it. Preferring to keep it quiet until the next collapse when ‘circumstances call for desperate measures’ etc etc.”

    “The reality is the banks are still bust – even the ones making huge profits – and when – not if – when the next bubble bursts and one bank starts to bring down another – they will all come for your money and we will all be collectively punished in order to make sure the wealthy and the powerful stay that way.”

  9. I think they are going to create another housing boom what with planning laws, selling off council houses in London with a £ discount and the budget yesterday encouraging second homes and BTL.
    Then watch those interests rates rise!

  10. Labour are failing to see the problems with workfare and any inforced work, pandering to the Mail and Sun readers, this is a huge failure by Byrne and co. wowpetition

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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