The government’s Work Programme was introduced in June 2011 at an estimated cost of between £3bn and £5bn over five years. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian
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18 Responses
300 million to get a person of, jsa, incapacity payments, if i could have 1persent id be rich, what a price to punish the unemployed/sick al because its pay back time about mp exspenses, we all lose, its daft
Damning Woeful Percentages
Taxpayers money wasted because they cannot accept their policies are not working. They will try to persuade everyone otherwise whilst cooking the books.
People are not stupid…………
Meanwhile, the death toll is rising day by day and the costs spiral out of control.
18 companies vying for rewards to find jobs that do not exist. How many employed in each company? Of these, how many will go to the wall?
More and more companies filing for bankruptcy each day, yet statistics telling us that we are on track……
Pull the other one………………
” pay back time about mp exspenses “…….spot on there… alan
“It is shocking that of the 9,500 former incapacity benefit claimants referred to providers, only 20 people have been placed in a job that has lasted three months” . It looks as though people found “fit for work” have a much higher chance of dying than getting a job.
The way the DWP tries to put a postive spin on this is quite incredible.
They sound a lot like IDS with their statistical proclamations but never any evidence to back their claims up.
200,000 people placed in work!
I wonder how many of these are being paid for their work? And if paid work what kind – part time or zero hour contracts?
Long term unemployment fell by 15,000!
Did they all find a job or do these figures include those sanctioned or put on the work programme without pay?
But let’s all be pleased 3 to 5 billion shoved into the hands of these private companies is apparently good value for the tax payer.
George Orwell doublespeak at it’s finest
“What is really important in the world of doublespeak is the ability to lie, whether knowingly or unconsciously, and to get away with it; and the ability to use lies and choose and shape facts selectively, blocking out those that don’t fit an agenda or program.”
A perfect desription of the language used by Atos, DWP, UNUM and the CON-DEM government.
And of course the 20 incapacity benefit claimants found a job lasting three months may not have been found a job that lasted four months, so they may well all be back on the dole now.
The 22nd of February 2013 Mark’s the 165th Anniversary of the Start of the French Revolution of 1848 .
This Revolution Started after the Regime of the Usurper Louis Philippe Cancelled
a Banquet and upon the 24th of February 1848 the Usurper Louis Philippe had
Abdicated his Stolen Throne .
The French People in 1848 AD Certainly had Revolutionary Spirit in them and Life
in them as Well a Contrast to the Gormless Race of Zombies that are ” Modern
Day Britons ” Content with Poor Quality Government Arrogant Politicians and a
Gulf between Rich and Poor that is a Crime against Real Morality
I Am All For a Peaceful Change of Government but how do People Expect
Things to get Better Acting like a Bunch of Zombies ? ( The General Public
at Large )
We Need Massive Public Demonstrations Every Day Massive Public Lobbying
and Pressure to Bring about Political Pressure for Peaceful Revolutionary Change
in Government and Society with Redistribution of Wealth from Rich to Poor
Now Not Never
Iain Duncan Smith has just announced that unemployment in the UK no longer exists as his policies are now proving work pays – everyone formerly unemployed is now a gardener on his vast estate and are all happy , very happy …………..
IDS needs the sack and now. How can such a discredited fool continue in his position. What he has wasted will be more than the entire benefits budget that he keeps whining about. The man is clearly delusional and should in my opinion seek psychiatric help immediately.
put this in info graphics like this one, much better marketing of the point being put across. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=585289628167716&set=a.570580759638603.143609.570562126307133&type=1&theater
Do the people at the DWP realise that every time they open their mouths to defend the indefensible, that they are causing great damage to the reputation of the DWP, and that people will not forget?
Hitler also made murder an instrument of government policy………
words i have not but regrete for my brother and sisters who die daily for those in power who havent any humanity at all christians not one are there nothing but greedy beings im just sorry so many have died because of them jeff3
They really are , ( the gov ) simple minded, vacuous, vapid, gormless clowns. If ever there was a case for magical thinking. They promote positive thinking for the sick and disabled telling them a spoonful of positive thinking and limbs will grow back the cripple will lift his bed and walk on too JSA and how do they implement this positive thinking? ATOS/T4 where the sick, disabled, unemployed, low paid workers or anyone unfortunate enough to be on benefits is browbeaten and tyrannised, forced into slave labour, menaced with threats of removal of their means too eat, heat with sanctions as lengthy as 3yrs not content with all of this the threat of losing your home, eviction, the insecurity of the private rental sector are also a likelihood and if this isn’t enough your benefits will be reduced too a mere pittance once all the cuts kick in. There will be no help for you when these things come to pass as the public sector has been privatised, so the only help available is being sold into hard labour for free by possibly Sue Rider.
So how does this climate of fear, dread, anxiety and horror promote positive thinking? Good question, perhaps Scameron might answer it!
They really are , ( the gov ) simple minded, vacuous, vapid, gormless clowns. If ever there was a case for magical thinking!
They promote positive thinking for the sick and disabled telling them a spoonful of positive thinking and limbs will grow back the cripple will lift his bed and walk on too JSA and how do they implement this positive thinking?
ATOS/T4 where the sick, disabled, unemployed, low paid workers or anyone unfortunate enough to be on benefits is browbeaten and tyrannised, forced into slave labour, menaced with threats of removal of their means too eat, heat with sanctions as lengthy as 3yrs not content with all of this the threat of losing your home, eviction, the insecurity of the private rental sector are also a likelihood and if this isn’t enough your benefits will be reduced too a mere pittance once all the cuts kick in.
There will be no help for you when these things come to pass as the public sector has been privatised, so the only help available is being sold into hard labour for free by possibly Sue Rider.
So how does this climate of fear, dread, anxiety and horror promote positive thinking? Good question, perhaps Scameron might answer it!
Red nose day, headbutt an MP…………….
“Leaflet entitled ‘Concentration camps for the workers’, 1934”
Must be the place where IDS gets his ideas from!!!!!!!.
Who are these architects of evil that walk our corridors f power?
Who are these spineless, gutless bastards that wish to pour scorn, poverty and death on the most fragile in our society?
There must be only one answer, the repugnant seething mass of excrement, the rich.
Wealth begets wealth. It unlocks doors to power by virtue of who you know and what you can purchase. Links are formed, circles within circles, that manifest themselves in the highest echelons of power. Power corrupts.
Its like gambling, the addiction to prevail over the lower classes and inflict maximum injury whilst getting away scot free, gives them an almighty high.
The bigger the buzz, the bigger their ego trip. Hitler loved the attention, hence the rallies and speeches.
Did they really love the fuehrer or were they so frightened of the rantings of a madman? I think it was a mix of both.
Todays politicians seek the same thrills. The bullingdon boys and their female molls seek to hurt the factions of least resistance, poor and disabled. Unable to pick on someone their own size, the equally affluent and high ranking, they take the easier option….
Its been said in the media recently, that for a fresher to join the so called Buller Boys, one must go through an initiation pursuit. Burning a fifty pound note in front of a tramp will gain you entry into this sicko clan.
Modern day coalition politics seems to exist around the ideology of this disgusting initiation. Firstly they make sure that you are aware of the privilege of their wealth before torturing you and taking away the very thing that oils your very existence, money…………
The more they squeeze you, the more they torture, hurt, maim and destroy, the bigger the buzz. They are riding high, hovering on a cloud of twisted fame.
Deep down they are really scared. Suicides and numbers of deaths caused by their warped policies are being hidden away.
Spotlights are focused upon them. They realize that the underdogs are biting at their heels. Public opinion is turning the corner, the nasty party is being slowly exposed for what it is……
My politics are simple, its no good having a roller with a scratch down it or a mansion thats been gutted.
Respect comes with its own simple rule, ” you must give it to receive it ”
These bastards dont deserve it, they need a gigantic boot in the bollocks. Hopefully, we can, united in our efforts, deliver the goods