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Black Triangle Comment:

Where there was harmony, she brought discord. Where there was truth, she brought error. Where there was faith, she brought doubt. And where there was hope, she brought DESPAIR.

When you go will you send back a letter from America? 
Take a look up the railtrack from Miami to Canada. 

Broke off from my work the other day 

I spent the evening thinking 
About all the blood that flowed away. 
Across the ocean to the second chance 

I wonder how it go on when it reached the promised land. 

When you go will send back a letter from America? 
Take a look up the railtrack from Miami to Canada. 

I’ve looked at the ocean 
Tried hard to imagine 
The way you felt the day you sailed 
From Wester Ross to Nova Scotia. 
We should have held you 
We should have told you 

But you know our sense of timing 
We always wait too long. 

When you go will you send back a letter from America? 
Take a look up the railtrack from Miami to Canada. 

Lochaber no morg 
Sutherland no more 

Lewis no more 
Skye no more! 
Lochaber no more 
Sutherland no more 

Lewis no more 
Skye no more! 
Lochaber no more 
Sutherland no more 

Lewis no more 
Skye no more! 

I wonder my blood 
Will you ever return 
To help us kick the life back to a dying mutual friend? 
Do we not love her 
I think we all tell you about 

Do we have to roam the world to prove how much it hurts? 

When you go will you send back a letter from America? 
Take a look up the railtrack from Miami to Canada. 

Bathgate no more 
Linwood no more 

Methil no more 
Irvine no more. 
Bathgate no more 
Linwood no more 

Methil no more 
Irvine no more. 
Bathgate no more 
Linwood no more 

Methil no more 
Irvine no more. 
Bathgate no more 
Linwood no more 

Methil no more 
Lochaber no more.


6 Responses

  1. Thatcher put thousands on the dole and brought in the poll tax,as every Tory in power,before,during,and after her term in office,the Torries hate the working class.The use the Torries want the working class for is fighting wars.

  2. When asked her greatest Achievement Margaret Thatcher replied” Tony Blair “,he was a creation of Thatcher ,Lib Dems are a Mirror too . There is not a single party that represents anything else than the agenda for total power over the World it`s recourses and Peoples .British Democracy is bought and paid for by the Elite and their Media and organisations are used to manipulate and misinform . This is no accidental happening ,it has been planned and executed over a considerable length of time .There was a document in on display in the National museum by Albert Pike a High ranking Free Mason now removed , he writes of the things that were necessary to happen to bring about the “Great Plan “if you relate this to History you will see the plan is close to its conclusion and has been steered internationally by those who are behind it over many years . The internet gives you the tools to find the truth from the true reasons Saddam Invaded Kuwait (Billions owed to it borrowed to fund it`s War with Iran) .Declarations by Ex Cia that they knew there were no WMD`s in Iraq .The whole second campaign was diversion to take attention away from 9-11 , the biggest and most brutal heist in History .Take time and listen to firemen and others who were there at the time .See building 7 housing the FBI International Fraud department collapse on its own footmark ,building 6 stood but was ravaged by fire ,(where the FBI International Fraud department backups were kept .At least 7 passengers on one aircraft that hit the twin towers were FBI Investigators ,then look at what they were investigating .I will not say any more but look for yourself and put the pieces together including the Anthrax attack by post on those who were raising doubts about the official line. Coincidently the Anthrax strain was traced to a US Military Chemical Research unit by forensic analysis .This is not conspiracy theory but supported by fact , report and statements .I started looking for myself because I wanted to disprove it and after what I have seen and read I cant .

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