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In the interests of fairness and letting everyone decide for themselves on the rights and wrongs of the workfare programme, we are publishing the following statement from Tomorrow’s People and we await with interest a statement from Close Security UK, which we will also publish.

Posted on Tomorrow’s People website on June 6, 2012 

Abi Levitt, Director of Development said:

“What happened to our clients on their arrival in London was totally unacceptable and is contrary to the Tomorrow’s People way of operating. We are very concerned at Close Protection UK’s lack of care for our clients and lack of attention to their safety and wellbeing. We are urgently reviewing our involvement with Close Protection UK (CPUK).

“CPUK has been working with us in Plymouth and Bristol for the past six months. They have been involved in pre-employment training specifically for the security industry and supporting some of our clients through their NVQ qualification. Those clients need practical work experience and when CPUK offered the opportunity for stewarding work at the Jubilee event, our Employment Advisers notified appropriate people on the programme. None of these clients was obliged to take part and each has done so of their own choice.”

CPUK provided each person taking part with work boots and clothing, return transport to Plymouth and Bristol, all meals and accommodation at a fully equipped camp site. Most importantly, applications have been made for each participant to receive an SIA security card – essential for those working in the security and events industries. CPUK is covering the £255 pp cost for the SIA card, which is valid for three years. This collaboration with CPUK means that some, if not all of those participating in the Jubilee work will be selected for a paid contract at the London Olympics.

For the clients over 25 taking part, it is not in their interest to be paid for short term work if they are receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), because they would have to sign off the benefit when they take on a position and back on again immediately after. The clients taking part who were under 25 are part of the modern apprenticeship programme and therefore came off benefit to take up these employed positions as they are being paid the standard apprenticeship wage.

With regard to the specific incident, we have been told by CPUK that there was a timing error which meant the coaches transporting clients from the South West arrived in central London two hours early – at 3am rather than 5am. The coach company insisted that participants disembark and there was no one present from CPUK to deal with the volunteers until they arrived at 5am as arranged. Until then there was no shelter or toilet facilities available.

We are working with our staff to review of all aspects of the situation and to offer support to the clients involved. We are also in dialogue with CPUK to ensure that if our clients participate in any future work experience with the company that all measures are taken to guarantee their safety and security.

Notes to editors

Tomorrow’s People is a national employment charity which since 1984 has helped nearly 450,000 long-term unemployed people on their journey back to work. The charity helps those furthest from work to get and keep a job. Up until the recent economic down-turn 90% of the people we helped to find work were still there after three months, and 76% were still employed after a year.

Tomorrow’s People believes strongly in the value of work experience as a way of helping people to build the skills, confidence and CV they need to get into the workplace and we work in partnership with businesses around the country who help us prepare our clients for the world of work through work experience.

Press Enquiries

Abi Levitt
Director of Development Services
020 7832 2851 or 07789 688544

Cameron Penny
0207 947 5313 or 07917 682675

Tomorrow’s People


10 Responses

  1. “For the clients over 25 taking part, it is not in their interest to be paid for short term work if they are receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), because they would have to sign off the benefit when they take on a position and back on again immediately after.”

    And this is a bad thing how? Sign off for a wee while and then back on again and there’s half a chance the clock may be restarted from zero again and you avoid the Work Programme for a bit longer. If nothing else at least it makes more work for the bastards at the DWP. Years ago, before security licences were invented, I did security work just covering for odd weekends, used to sign off Thursday or Friday then back on again Monday, never had a problem with that and it made sure that I avoided the old New Deal – lovely, wish it was that simple now!

  2. Workfare is slavery, and whatever academic excuse they try to provide, there is no getting away from the fact that Tomorrows people in league with the tory government are quite prepared to use and abuse our children in this unforgivable manner. They shall not pass.

  3. no you had your 222o pounds charity thats no charity thats afirm an dshould be shown to be one slave trade no excuses you got caught out sack the lot and disband so called charity jeff3

  4. I worked in the Voluntary Sector for 25 yrs before disability robbed me of my living.
    I know bollox when I read it. This statement from Tomorrow’s People is just that.
    Shame on them.

  5. Tomorrow’s People are not the shining example they pretend to be. I am on their Work Programme, and the level of authoritarian bullying is increasing, as they fail to connect people with work. We are jobseekers: not criminals mandated to do their bidding. Freedom and liberty are principles worth cherishing. We do not need them crushed by corrupt government and false charity.

  6. These are our children who are being treated like “shit”. Not one word that comes out of the mouths of these fraudsters is worth the breath they took to say them. They are not only the lowest of the low but their association with this corrupt government shows us exactly what is in store for all of us if we do not fight them. AND FIGHT THEM I WILL. They talk about responsibility, yet failed taking any for themselves. I suffer from constant severe pain but refuse to be dragged down by filth like this, I do not fear them, I spit on them. My anger is extreme, also how much closer is the euthanasia programme progressing because if we do nothing and accept this that is where we are heading.


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