A letter from Keith Lindsay-Cameron of Bath to Prime Minister David Cameron on the Close Protection Security Ltd. jubilee pageant workfare scandal
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- pattimanner3 on Benefit-slashing bunglers hound man suffering from Parkinson’s disease
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- trevorandrewmillar@yahoo.co.uk on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
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- John Evans: Death of independent living pioneer leaves ‘massive gap’ and vital legacy
- Minister agrees to cross-party talks on strengthening rights for disabled renters
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- Concern over ‘gaps’ in safety role of DWP’s chief medical adviser
- DWP’s chief medical adviser dismisses importance of her own department’s reviews into benefit deaths
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- pattimanner3 on Benefit-slashing bunglers hound man suffering from Parkinson’s disease
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- trevorandrewmillar@yahoo.co.uk on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People
Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions
Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.
Click HERE to Sign
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- ATOS VICTIMS GROUP “Telling it How it IS” – Staunch alllies and fighters against the UK’s genocidal so-called welfare ‘reform’ programme
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- Diary of a Benefits Scrounger Sue Marshes excellent blog that shares information on Welfare cuts, illness, disability and general, current, political thought.
- Disability Arts Online A ‘must read’! Not to be missed.
- Disability History Month Scotland The official website of Disability History Month Scotland – 22nd November to 22nd December 2011
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- Double Karma Ania Waterman’s blog on everything to do with disabled people’s activism
- Down With All That Bigleyma’s excellent blog that chronicles the farce that the WCA assessments are and the major players involved in it’s execution.
- DWP Examinations Forum A friendly online community for those undergoing an Atos Medical Assessment or appeal full of loads of information and valuable advice.
- Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty Practical advice and solidarity for all those facing benefit difficulties and hardship. Excellent campaigning organisation
- Good Advice Matters Guides that haven been produced in an effort to simplify the various processes involved when trying to claim benefits.
- Inspired By Atos Origin A Facebook Group for people to post their artwork that is inspired by Atos Origin.
- Ouch Too A disability support forum founded from the ashes of the BBC’s Ouch Board after they closed it.
- Paralympics 2012 Boycott Website Dedicated to exposing AtoS’s hypocrisy as disability deniers and sponsors of the Paralympic Games! Paralympians: SPEAK OUT AND PROTEST!!!
- Rolling with the Punches Blog “33 year old with lupus since 17 and a variety of other weird awkward symptoms!” Campaigner who co-authored the Spartacus Report
- soiniciulacht – 'Taking the fight to this Morally Disabled Government' Cuts right to the heart of all that’s wrong with the neoliberal tyranny we endure today …
- Solidarity Federation Advice on what to do if you ‘fail’ your DWP/ATOS Work Capability Assessment
- The Broken of Britain Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy for people with invisible illness and/or physical & mental health conditions. Also Carers, their Families and Friends. Our individual voices are too quiet to be heard, but collectively we can shout
- The Dawn Willis Blog Dawn Willis sharing the news & views of the “Mentally Wealthy”
- The New Republic The daily tabloid of the “Age of Austerity”
- The Void Narking off the state since 2005
- Unum Insurance Blog An excellent website that exposes advisor to the UK Government on welfare reform, Unum, for what they are.
- Using the Law to Fight Cuts to Disabled People’s Services A practical guide for campaigners – disabled people and their families; carers and local groups (Updated July 2012)
- Victims of Atos Corrupton They tried to silence Atos Register of Shame and it back as Victims of Atos Corruption.
- Where's the Benefit A blog on all things that affect sick and/or disabled people under the ConDem jackboot
- Why Wait Forever – DWP ATOS Veterans An amazing website containing interesting detailed research carried out by Mo Stewart into Atos & Unum Insurance
- YOUR CALL – National Freephone Telephone Counselling Service for Disabled People in Scotland This is the first service of its kind in the UK. The service takes calls to its appointment line from 11am until 3 pm Mondays to Thursdays. Calls are free from a home telephone, and from most mobile networks(including T-Mobile, Vodaphone, O2, 3, Orange a
Called in for an ESA by Atos? You are not alone, join DWPExaminations Forum
Recent Posts
- John Evans: Death of independent living pioneer leaves ‘massive gap’ and vital legacy
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- DWP’s chief medical adviser dismisses importance of her own department’s reviews into benefit deaths
Recent Comments
- pattimanner3 on Benefit-slashing bunglers hound man suffering from Parkinson’s disease
- MarkCarlisle on Fit For Work – Three Part Series on BBC Radio 4 by Jolyon Jenkins
- trevorandrewmillar@yahoo.co.uk on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
- trevorandrewmillar@yahoo.co.uk on DWP criticised in parliament for ‘hiding’ information on starvation death
- trevorandrewmillar@yahoo.co.uk on Coffey’s DWP watered down key parts of plan to prevent suicides
3 Responses
Magnificent letter , superb in every way and makes every point that needed to be made.
TBH. I doubt Cameron will give much thought to the above letter, however well it is written or how comprehensively it covers all the concerns listed. He KNOWS fine well what is happening to those affected, and he also knows that – while the stick and lash are being applied to the unemployed, sick, disabled and mentally ill – the rest of the country can applaud his ‘visionary’ ideas’ about getting shiftless bastards (like us) to work: by whatever means are necessary. You notice that NONE of Ed Miliband’s cowardly crew have spoken out or condemned the PM or his Minister for Employment (or should that be for “Forced Labour” ?) Ian Duncan Smith: and, I can almost guarantee few (if any) will. The unpleasant thing about all of this is Britain will never revolt! Not even if they saw their fellow men being interned in Labour Camps or being surruptitiously bussed around London in vast numbers. Hell, no-one seems to be crying about the fact that some Londoners are being moved (against their will) to other ‘cheaper’ parts of the Country? And why not? Because, for anyone to say anything is perceived as a ‘Vote Loser.’ Yes: that is correct. The Politicians of Parliament are ALL concerned that, if they stop beating the poor, sick and disabled (the hypocritical blood-lust of this Country being what it is) they will LOSE votes and voters. Why do you think they want to move unemployed and disabled people OUT of London? To ensure they have a fixed number of votes they can count on! So your misery, hardship and trouble doesn’t amount to a “hill of beans”- as long as those who ARE working, have victims they can point at and accuse of being ‘lazy.’ Be assured it will all get far, far worse before anything happens: and when it does it will have the effect of.. well.. possibly a paramilitary invasion: or just out-and-out rioting, the like of which hallmarked the Poll Tax in the eighties! For now, ‘Workfare’ is here to stay – the PM’s dismissal of the complaints made to him, even the intercession of John Prescott left him unmoved. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was an ‘unspoken’ referendum about the Monarchy and the Class System – and over a million people sleepwalked into its rapture. Now the Government thinks it can do anything it likes to their ‘inferiors’ because the Country ‘voted’ with a fucking Union Flag. They might as well have been waving Swastikas! As for The Queen – she couldn’t really give a monkey’s, purely because she got her four days of blind, sycophantic, sickening and gut-wrenching ‘servitude.’ So all the stuff I have said about the Olympics being Cameron’s ‘Hitlerite Triumph’ like the Berlin Olympics of 1936 is right on the money! Watch and you will see worse exploitation in this nation than you ever thought possible… but remember. There is always a price to pay for injustice and cruelty! Always….
As as an old timer who was once a punk, I listened to the Sex Pistols “God save the Queen”
at the weekend because the jubilee nonsense was getting me down. The lyrics are as apt today as they were in the late 1970s-which shocked me and depressed me-there is less galvanised and well organised protest now than back then.
I find these times more frightening than even the thatcher years and boy those were bad times. We need a coherent strategy possibly with a couple of media faces attached to help us fight the bigoted propaganda machine that is the tory party and their bedfellows-large sociopathic corporations. ideas anyone??
Arthritically yours, Kasbah