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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People
Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions
Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.
Click HERE to Sign
17 Responses
charity begins at home but not this charity it seems slavery it tends to deal in with our goverments help ,but don’t choke on their monies they receive for it ,but they don’t look at the longer issue when this abusive goverments gone who will give them monies then will they be opening their hands to you and I I think they will be waitng a long time for any so its you made your bed now lye in it jeff3
The most devout are often the most Savage Slave drivers, The Sally bummers! AS thats what we called them as kids in the 60s are mysogynistic and LGBTQI PHOBIC which is a disgrace to the human race, of course it is good to have a human policy and as human beings we have a duty of care towards our fellow humans but the lees we have the less we can give of ourselves,obviously nobody is totally a slave nor totally free on this planet because we are controlled by a nasty patriachal system of abuse and disrespect for human life, how come we have a nasty tory lead government that removes waged employee,s from proper paying jobs in order to place and make slaves out of those on entitled welfare payments, You know the ones yesterdays skivers todays scroungers? right or is that RIGHT WING! to be more accurate. people need proper jobs and proper wages WHY isnt there a citizens wage? that people can earn through a socialist system that supports people in a proper standard of living which is earned through unified cooperation by doing a few days a week contributing towards their immeadiate communities in a myriad schemes to help and uplift, that would be the best definition of Workfare wouldnt it?, moreover millions of us on this planet help to mitigate the m iseries of others whilst caring nothing about the salvation of our own souls{in the most secularist sense you understand} Nobody needs god to do good we are good without sky gods
and all the reassuring fictions that belong to the religious, and the reason for this conclusion is that a lot of us had enough abuse!!!!!!!!!!!! from those that purport to love their neighbour as themselves, where only cherry pickers doing the exact opposite and causeing more damage than any kind of good, as evidenced by decades of religious destruction and devisiveness. DO GOOD WITHOUT GOD! because the likes of the beast that calls its self Ian duncan smith as a roman catholic cant do any good! with it!
“For it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”[JESUS CHRIST,aparently} And especially one that used and abused the welfare system to bring up four of his own kids IDS o yes he did!.
their kindness knows no limits hey???YMCA will ’employ’ anyone to enable their management boards obtain funds for their ‘deeds’ – I know, when I broke my back on their premises one of their staff said I deserved it!! YMCA are bastards
Salvation Army, that old time religion – can pee off too
I don’t for one second think that the capitalists who rule us are idiots or fools, far from it, I think they are some of the most clever, highly intelligent people on the planet, but, along side that, they are also devoid of anykind of humanity, morals or scruples, being a megalomaniac is indentured into their very being. Many socialists and (inspite of what they say) almost all capitalists don’t believe that God exists, for them to say they do is just a tool to gain adventage with those who truly do. To socialists it makes no differance, we should all live our lives in a loving, caring and thoughtful way to all our brothers and sisters, we are all one big family, to capitalists it means, there is no God, therefore, there is no sin, we shall act and do as we please and never have regrets at what we do. Indeed, capitalists cultivate their children into their way of thinking, it goes on through their generations, they send them to very expensive schools to out think those who would oppose them.
i agree with your insights and i too maintain that we have always been slaves to Sociopaths in higher echelons.
Everyone should read up on what King Richard the first did to the defenceless women, children and old people which was mostly what inhabited the city of Acra when he took it. The people he murdered in the picture in the above link were women, children and old people. The link above doesn’t make that clear!!!. Things have NEVER changed…
An Unjust Measure is an Abomination unto the Lord
Faith Hope and Charity but the Greatest of these is Charity.
National Socialists ( NAZIS ) Persecuted the Poor and Vulnerable
Anyone who Follows that Evil Nazi Way is Not a Christian
I will also Add the Words
Deuteronomy Chapter 25 Verse 16
For the Lord thy God abhorreth him that doth these things, and he Hateth all InJustice.
I Doubt God would Approve of the Evil Victimisation of the Poor and Vulnerable
which is a Crime against Humanity a National Disgrace and Utterly Nasty
National Socialist Regime Time 1933 1945 Con Demable Britain 2010 …. ?
Her here ,well said.
I have to say my faith in humanity is being supported by the people who post here ,I believe there is much more to our existence than we can yet comprehend and live in hope for all to become enlightened to the truth when as benevolent writings predict we learn it . I have friends that do not believe in religion but in their treatment and behaviour to others live in a civilised manner which is much like religious teachings instruct & behave more Christian or Muslim or Judean than those who profess to be such . There are laws within those dominations that are the basis for our societies to operate but many who profess to follow them ignore or twist these rules for gain or to manipulate others .May life treat you who live with love , compassion & hope for others well . We must never stop exposing the wicked and cruel.
That’s what they would like us too think those that rule us is that they are in some way superior and more intelligent, just because they have a regimen in place which renders us powerless.
Just as when an adult abuses a young child it is not because they are clever it is because they know the child is powerless against their amorality.
I’m an atheist I think mans inhumanity to man is proof enough there is no god. What inspired Hitler was the power the the catholic church had with the holy roman empire, he wanted national socialism to be the new religion with himself as the figurehead. In this modern age religion has been substituted by politics. why do we need rulers at all is the question we need to ask? Why do opposition parties get paid when they are not in power they should be on JSA.
Will the Salvation Army and other religious groups pay people to work for them? The whole argument from job seekers is that they want a job, and a payed one at that, not useless workfare that is deemed to be nothing more than slave labour, and has already been determined by the courts to be illegal.
Shame on those who support workfare.
Indeed Cruelty such as Oppression of the Poor must be Exposed and Opposed
Jesus Christ Drove the Merchants Out of the Temple Not the Poor
I Support Redistribution of Wealth from Rich to Poor and a More Genuinely
Caring Society
Jesus was the greatest revolutionary of his time. He castigated the holier than thou Pharisees calling them “whited sepulchars” for those non Christians he was likening them to graves white on the outside but rotten inside. We have plenty of those today. It was the money lenders who were robbing the poor by charging them gross exchange rates for Temple money as Roman money was not allowed to be used to by sacrificial doves or lambs.
Pope Francis sent out a very powerful message yesterday to politicians around the world about protecting the poor the disabled the elderly and the vulnerable I wonder what IDS an alleged good Catholic makes of that or did he sling a deaf one. “Give to all in need lend to all who ask” yet again the words of Jesus. The Bible is full of references against USUARY i.e. the charging of interest on loans. A thing that is crippling millions world wide.
People can only become rich quickly by taking from others basically legalised theft.
Finally Jesus said do not Judge do not Condemn this applies to everybody and his ultimate commandment was LOVE everybody. Meaning care for the whole of humanity AMEN
For ALL those Charities (and they are becoming a filthy word now!) THEY should bear in mind their Master’s warning: “The LEAST ye do unto THESE: ye DO unto ME!” As far as I am concerned (ATHEIST that I am) I doNOT acknowledge the Supremacy of the Church or its Affiliates when they PROFIT through Government “corruption.”
So. You are condemned, cursed and spat out. Your end will be wretched and ALL your former good works ..erased.
No Forgiveness. No forgetting.
It’s a very dangerous sign of the times when an Illegal act by a Government can be altered as though it never occurred .What if the Tories had not got rid of Fascist Smith as their leader where would we be now ,he has done enough damage to this County and the Public as the head of DWP. Workfare was found to be Illegal so the Tories re-wrote the script and will have to reimburse Workfare Claimants £130 million .Sad thing was Labour voted with the Government for this change .