'On unemployment, on disability living allowance and, this weekend, on the effect of benefit caps, IDS and his ministers keep making claims that are unsupported by their own data. Much more of this and voters will surely treat each announcement from the Department of Work and Pensions as about as kosher as a Tesco value burger.'

‘On unemployment, on disability living allowance and, this weekend, on the effect of benefit caps, IDS and his ministers keep making claims that are unsupported by their own data. Much more of this and voters will surely treat each announcement from the Department of Work and Pensions as about as kosher as a Tesco value burger.’


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I'm kosher

See alsoTrades Union Congress – TUC calls on statistics watchdog to investigate minister over benefit claims

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9 Responses

  1. HI ALL in actual fact the unemployment figures are over 3.4 million. way past 2 million..
    the reason is that 900,000 were diverted to incapacity benefit and are genuine cases..and are part of the hidden unemployed..this govt was claiming the welfare reforms were working and had scared 900,000 workshy off from claiming..its utter bollocks, the just made them disappear from register…all this is documented in report last year called the real level of unemployed ..ive read it and seen it.its uncanny that 900,000 match exactly figure that the right wing media were trumpeting as worksh..

  2. I long ago came to the conclusion that the DWP have used ATOS to resurrect Joseph Goebbels.

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

  3. On a good day to bury bad new DWP have finally released copies of all the consultation responses on DLA. Suggest hurrying to download before they vanish

    Disability Living Allowance reform: consultation responses … – Gov.uk
    Research and analysis Disability Living Allowance reform: consultation responses. Organisation: Department for Work & Pensions. Published: 12 April 2013 …

  4. Went into town, Scarborough, earlier. Mid april and the shopping areas are so quiet. Shops are boarded up or laying vacant and the busiest shops are the cheapest pound type stores.
    Shoppers have baskets carrying just a few to the tills.

    Despite the lies that we are fed each day, the austerity measures are cutting deep into the pockets, hitting the poorest the hardest.

    Statistics can be manipulated to give a differing view, sadly, we are being told out and out lies!

    The economy is on its arse! You can decorate the figures as much as you want but when the giants such as TESCO report 51% drop in profits, this is reality.

    Who do they think they are kidding, people are not stupid?

    Even Thatchers funeral is an embarrassment, already they are twisting the cost to the taxpayer.
    10 million, what a load of bollocks!!!

    ” GREAT BRITAIN “, what a bloody joke!

    As we slither down the european social league tables, the likes of what we once considered to be at the bottom now overtake us.

    Nothing is sacrosanct, the government meddling has reduced us to a new nadir, the lowest point……….

    Stealing benefits might seem a bright idea of the Eton chums, wait till the shit hits the fan………..

  5. The DWP are now stealing Industrial Injury Benefit from claimants who have been awarded lifetime awards.

    Anyone injured in an industrial accident was awarded a pension in the form of a benefit dependent on the severity of an injury. The award was based on the percentage of disability as judged by specialist doctors who sat on an adjudication panel…….

    Claimants of the benefit are being summoned for a medical to be assessed by no other than the discredited ATOS.
    Apparently they deem that the original accident has now, no bearing on the condition of the claimant and the payments are withdrawn………

    The spiral of deception then takes over as appeals are drawn out as long as possible to wreak havoc on the health and pocket of the injured, whilst trying to force submission of the claimant.

    Strange how a nurse with a certificate, can now, in tandem with DWP “decision makers” , override the opinions of specialists and doctors to effectively put you on the scrap heap.

    ATOS is a killer, yet DWP supply the weapons…………

    • @geoff will they do the same with PIB permanent injury benefit awarded to NHS staff? they only get this benefit once they’ve left the NHS…..

  6. Dojn’t forget that if you are in any of the job centre schemes to prepare for work (what a joke) or are a graduate looking for work they usually will count you as employed. The statistics mean nothing, people who actually have to live on the breadline, and often below it, know exactly how bad things have gotten and won’t keep listening to lies about employment statistics, immigration and ‘best in the world Britain’ for much longer if they have any sense.

    To get out of this slump it makes better sense to raise wages and benefits for the poorest sections of society – they’re the ones who will most likely spend the money in their local communities, set up businesses and keep the cash local rather than channel it offshore. Real economic reform and a stable economy (not growth, which is ultimately pointless and is just more government point scoring) starts from the bottom, not from large corporations and tax cuts at the top.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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