Brighton Disabled People Against the Cuts and Brighton Benefits Campaign organise a demonstration against benefit cuts and in particular cuts to disability benefits. They held an extremely successful demonstration, led by two people in wheelchairs.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The march began with speeches at The Level. Kevin Dale from PCS, Andy Richards from UNISON, Shona from Youth Fight for Jobs, Pip Tindall from Brighton Benefits Campaign and Tony Greenstein from Brighton Unemployed Centre all spoke and messages of support were read from the local MP Caroline Lucas and Rob Jarrett, a Green councillor.
Marching to The Steine and then turning right up to the main shopping square, we were greeted with applause, honking and massive support. A young woman in a wheelchair came out of nowhere to join the other 2 disabled people leading the march. Finally Steph Powell, another Green Party councillor gave a rousing send-off at Churchill Square before people dispersed, mainly to a local mobile phone shop at the corner of Churchill Square and Western Road which has been squatted, for coffee and cake!
A more detailed and personal account from Tony Greenstein’s blog. Photo is with thanks from the blog.
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