Letters to The Guardian
The Guardian, Letters, 10th July 2012
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Advisers at the Aldershot Citizens Advice Bureau are increasingly concerned about the impact of the work capability test (Letters, 3 July) on some of our clients who are ex-soldiers who have been physically and psychologically damaged while serving their country in conflicts stretching back as far as the Falklands war, but more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A number of our clients have been repeatedly called up for assessments and put on the work capability programme when they are clearly not fit to work. They have had their benefits reinstated on appeal, and then six months later have to appear for a further assessment. This harassment by the DWP has led to increases in self-harm and even suicide attempts by these men whose service in the forces has resulted in their ill-health.
It is a disgrace that we do not better support our veterans and that they have been left to the tender mercies of a system that cares nothing for their sacrifice and seems intent on punishing them.
Jennifer Evans
Aldershot, Hampshire
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7 Responses
Words fail me and my heart goes out to all who are suffering this odious abuse.
Unfortunately all through history the governments and monarchy of the time have treated our armed forces as nothing more than cannon fodder all promises broken, only after WW2 did we get a government that looked after the people and treated them with the respect they deserved. We seem to have gone full circle back to a government that cares nothing for the people of this nation including the ones who they send to fight in the name of greed. We are all being reduced to the level of slaves and beggars while they steal and sell our nation to fill their own corrupt bank accounts.
I Throughly Agree that Previous British Regimes have used People as Cannonfodder
WW1 for Instance that ” War to End all Wars ” and Not given a Toss about their
Welfare Afterwards Ivory Tower Politicians
Things would of been Diabolical certainly had the Tories of been Elected in 1945
and they Certainly are with the Tories in Government Now ( Hopefully Not for
Eternity ) as their Arrogance Sickens and Angers Me
Scrap the Work Capability Assessment Sack Politicians who Do Not Serve those
who Need Help like Champagne Celebrity Millionaires and Redistribute Wealth
from Rich to Poor including the ” Royal Family’s ” Obscene Wealth and Extravagance
No Equally to any Regime Plans for Eugenics like Dictating to People how many
Children they can Have
Hear Hear Humanity.
I am a Falklands war veteran I have not long ago received the idiotic questionnaire the government need to stop this assault on veterans before more harm them self get the real scroungers who have not served they country and deserve better.
I like many other war pensioners are becoming increasingly concerned by the way in which we are being treated ..also a two tier system seems to have been put in place whereby veterans injured prior to 2005 receive a war pension and those post 2005 receive a compensation package…this is acceptable what is not acceptable is the fact that Cameron as decreed that soldiers injured post 2005 will only have one medical which covers all benefits and that the end of the matter and those of us injured pre 2005 have to have numerous assessments and all the worry that goes with it.I for one am totally depressed and worried over the prospect of being hassled and my money being stopped to the point where i am seriously thinking that life is no longer worth living if all i got look forward to is constant harassment by people who have no idea of what i have done in my lifetime and was a hard working tax payer until injury forced me to stop working.This is all wrong and damaging thousands of peoples lives on a daily basis.