Mrs Thatcher was not the wicked witch of the west …
The original story of the ‘Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ was allegorical… the wicked witch of the west represented the US West Coast banks of the 1890s… and the wicked witch of the east, the East Coast banks. (See the Money Reform Party‘s explanation below.)
However, there are unquestionably parallels between the role of the banks in the 1890s depression in America and Mrs Thatcher’s continuing impact on the UK of 2013.
As Francis O’Grady said at the Northern TUC conference: the economic and social disasters facing the people of Britain today can all be traced back to Thatcher’s rule … and the coalition government is hell-bent on completing what she started.
Specifically in regard to the banks, Mrs Thatcher built upon the policies set in place by Barber, Heath’s Chancellor, abolishing banking regulations and facilitating the financial sector’s freedom to wreak the present havoc. But rather than being one of the banking witches, Mrs Thatcher was the banks’ minion.
In fact, Mrs Thatcher doesn’t seem to have realised until far too late, that she was letting the genie out of the bottle of banking regulations:
The irony was that most of Mrs. Thatcher’s friends and heroes were businessmen, manufacturers who made or dealt in products, not financial manipulators. But inevitably, her privatization policy led her to rely on the City financiers.
Her autobiography and that of Nigel Lawson reflect their growing annoyance and even fury with the way in which the bank underwriters chosen to advise the government turned privatization into a vehicle to grow rich very fast.
Mr. Lawson is scathing as to the the City institutions’ lack of competence, exceeded only by their greed (always pointing out how much more venal their global partners were, to be sure).
But once the government had chosen these institutions as its partner, the die was cast. It was unable to find a way to control the underwriters, and feared to disengage.
It was pretty inevitable that trusting bank underwriters as advisors, the ultimate beneficiary of Mrs Thatcher’s privatisation would be the City of London:
.. the square mile of financial institutions that obtained the quickest benefits and turned the program into something rather unanticipated by Mrs. Thatcher and Mr. Lawson.
The rentiers for their part seem to have perceived the Thatchers and Friedmans as pawns, an advance infantry of promoters wrapping austerity economics in populist garb – policies that otherwise would have been difficult (if not impossible) to sell to voters.
As Owen Jones writes in the Independent:
History is not one grand soap-opera, in which Great Men (and they are – unlike Lady Thatcher – mostly deemed to be men) at the top pull huge levers that dictate the fate of millions:
“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances already given and transmitted from the past,” Karl Marx wrote over 160 years ago.
Michael Hudson explains the purpose of Monetarism, the economic theory used to justify Mrs Thatcher’s political platform of privatisation:
Ostensibly a theory of money and prices, monetarism became an ideology to attack government spending and organized labor. The theory’s guiding idea was that price levels could be determined by controlling the money supply – by the central bank managing the rate at which government deficits were monetized.
Meanwhile, wage-push inflation could be countered by taking legal steps to break the power of unions to strike and to declare boycotts. The effect was to remove economic planning from the hands of government.
The vacuum would be filled by global investment bankers. Efficient management was to take the form of maximizing stock-market gains, not the promotion of full employment and other non-market social welfare objectives….
The real reason why monetarists seek to control the Treasury or Finance Department and the central bank in every country is to achieve their political ends.
From their position in these financial control centers, they put the brakes on government operations across the board, or promote other pet policies. Monetarist doctrine provides the ideological wrapping to present this control as a form of idealism and individualism.
The solution is provided by the Money Reform Party:
Money does not have to be based on debt, nor indeed does it have to be based on precious metals. Real wealth is the goods and services that people create for each other. Money is merely a means of exchange. It could be created by HM Treasury and spent on providing public services, saving us all a modicum of taxation, and then the economy would not have to be saddled with large debts.
Courtesy of the Money Reform Party
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in Chicago in 1900. Its author, L. Frank Baum, was the editor of a South Dakota newspaper and a supporter of William Jennings Bryan who stood three times, unsuccessfully, as a U.S. Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.
The particular concern of both Baum and Bryan was the nature of the money supply then prevalent in the United States, and in the Mid-Western States in particular.
In America during the 1890s, as in Britain, there had been a severe depression. Many businesses had gone bankrupt, farmers forced to sell up, factories closed and workers made unemployed.
True, some farms in the Mid-West were suffering from drought, but most were still capable of growing food; the businesses and factories were still capable of providing the things that people needed; the workers still wanted to work to provide those things, and people would still want the goods and services produced if they had the money to buy them.
The money in the USA then, as now, was entirely created by the private banking system.
The pretence existed then that money was based on gold. (Even now some people still think that it is!) The major banks, based on the East and West coasts, could vary the amount of money in circulation, lending more to encourage commercial activity, then fore-closing on loans to put people out of business, enabling the banks to acquire their businesses cheaply.
Baum and Bryan wanted money to be based on silver, not gold, as silver was more readily available in the Mid-West, where it was mined. Such a money supply could not be manipulated by the banks. So the story of the Wizard of Oz starts with a cyclone in the form of imagined electoral success for Bryan…
Dorothy, a sort of proverbial ‘Everywoman’, lands on the Wicked Witch of the East (the East-coast bankers), killing her, so freeing the Munchkins, the down-trodden poor, but the Wicked Witch of the West (the West-coast bankers) remains loose.
To deal with her and to get back to Kansas (normality), the Good Witch of the North, representing the electorate of the North (this is less than 40 years after the civil war), tells Dorothy to seek out the Wizard of Oz (‘oz’ being short for ounce, the means of weighing both gold and silver).
She also gives her a pair of silver slippers (as they were in the book – they became ruby ones in the film). Only these silver slippers will enable her to remain safe on the yellow-brick road, representing the bankers’ gold standard, as she heads towards the Emerald City, representing Washington DC.
On her journey, Dorothy encounters a Scarecrow, representing the farmers, who do not have the wit to understand how they can end up losing their farms to the banks, even though they work hard to grow the food to feed a hungry nation. If only they could think it through!
Next, she encounters a Tin Woodsman, representing the industrial workers, rusted as solid as the factories of the 1890s depression, and who have lost the sense of compassion and co-operation to work together to help each other during hard times.
Also, a spell cast upon him by the Wicked Witch of the East meant that every time he swung his axe, he chopped off a bit of himself – he downsized!
Then the growing party encounters a Cowardly Lion, representing the politicians. These have the power, through the power of Congress and the Constitution, to confront the Wicked Witches, representing the banks, but they lack the courage to do so.
Dorothy is able to motivate these three potent forces and leads them all towards the Emerald City, whence ‘greenbacks’ had once come, and an encounter with the omnipotent and wonderful Wizard of Oz.
The Wizard of Oz is initially quite majestic and apparently awesome, but he turns out to be a little man without the power that people assume he possesses. He does, of course, represent the President of the United States. With the Wizard’s illusion of power shattered, he is replaced by the Scarecrow who would ‘be another Lincoln’.
The Wicked Witch of the West, fearful for her own power, then attempts to destroy Dorothy but is herself dissolved in a bucket of water, as rain relieves the Mid-West drought, saves the farmers’ livelihoods and prevents repossession by the banks.
The Good Witch of the South, representing the Southern electorate, tells Dorothy that her silver slippers, silver-based money, are so powerful that anything she wishes for is possible, even without the help of the Wizard. Dorothy wishes to go home. There all is now well, because the land has a stable and abundant money supply.
Still a Pertinent Message
So ends this famous modern American ‘fairy-tale’. Its true message has been lost to the mists of time and the demands of Hollywood, but its message is no less pertinent now than when it was written.
William Jennings Bryan was neither the first nor the last American politician to try to reform the US money supply. In fact, two money reformers achieved the office of President and attempted to put money reform into action, but just like in the Oz story, the ‘Most Powerful Man in the World’ was not as powerful as people believed.
In 1865, Abraham Lincoln introduced the original ‘greenbacks’, which were paper money issued by the US Government, largely to pay for the Federal war effort during the civil war. It was ‘fiat’ money, money made legal tender by Act of Congress. Unfortunately, Lincoln died suddenly a few weeks later and his plans died with him.
In 1963, John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 which would have removed the power of money creation from all US private banks, including the privately-owned Federal Reserve, and invested that power in the US Government. Unfortunately, Kennedy died suddenly a few weeks later and his plans died with him.
The Problems of Debt
In the USA 100% of the money supply is created by the private banks. In Britain the figure is over 97%. In the rest of the world, the figure is estimated to be over 95%. All this money is created as a debt. It is created when people borrow money, as banks do not lend existing money; they just create new money out of thin air to lend.
Money created as a debt by the banks bears a charge of interest. This increases the amount of money that the economy owes by an amount greater than the amount in existence. This means that the economy is a saddled with a debt that can never be paid off, merely passed around like a game of Pass-the-Parcel in a Belfast pub. It is like a game of musical chairs, where someone has to lose out.
A Solution
Money does not have to be based on debt, nor indeed does it have to be based on precious metals. Real wealth is the goods and services that people create for each other. Money is merely a means of exchange. It could be created by HM Treasury and spent on providing public services, saving us all a modicum of taxation, and then the economy would not have to be saddled with large debts.
The Money Reform Party
Like Baum and Bryan, the Money Reform Party recognises that the money supply is a political issue. The MRP has been created expressly to educate the British people about the money supply so that, through the greater awareness of the electorate (good witches, scarecrows, tin-woodsmen and Munchkins all), our cowardly lions… sorry, our politicians will no longer be able to ignore this vital issue.
The Wizard of Oz is an allegorical tale just begging to be used .. Martin Rowson’s latest cartoon succeeds brilliantly in depicting Cameron as ‘Dorothy’, Fat cat (the bankers) as ‘Toto’ leading the way; Osborne as ‘the lion with no courage’, IDS as the ‘straw man with no brain’ and they carry aloft the ‘tin man with no heart’, Mrs Thatcher.
All dancing along the ‘yellow brick road’ of the BBCs timidity in playing the Munchkin song ‘Ding dong, the witch is dead’… but the BBCs ‘yellow brick road’ could also stand for the non-reporting of Lansley’s privatisation of the NHS; the true impact of the Benefit cuts; Gove’s education plans; the 30% cuts in local government; Osborne’s lies about the economy… And the true nature of ‘money’ disguised by Margaret Thatcher’s ideology of ‘Monetarism’.
See also: IMF’s epic plan to conjure away debt and dethrone bankers ~ The mainstream media is begining to cotton on! Posted on October 25, 2012
3 Responses
August 20, 2013 at 10:25 am
On last nights BBC news there was a snippet of a story relating to physiotherapists being given the right to prescribe medicines. This morning the story had mysteriously vanished….
Forgive me for my tenacity in following up things, but i have a feeling that something else is unfolding without our knowledge.
I found this article in the Independent;
Physiotherapists in the UK will be the first in the world to be able to independently prescribe medication to their patients, the Department of Health has announced.
Confirming plans that were first outlined last year, the care and support minister Norman Lamb said that the new legislation, which will also empower podiatrists to prescribe medicines, would speed up treatments and free up GP’s time.
Currently, physios and podiatrists must refer a patient to a GP in order to get a prescription. Practitioners who want to issue prescriptions will have to complete a training course and will only be able to prescribe medications in their specific area. The changes will come into force when the first wave of training courses has been completed in summer 2014.
“This change will not only benefit patients by making it more convenient to get treatment but it will also free up valuable GP time,” Mr Lamb said. “We are showing the world that the NHS is at the forefront of healthcare, paving the way for other countries. Physiotherapists and podiatrists are highly skilled professionals and these changes will allow them to give better care to the millions of people with acute and long term conditions.”
Phil Gray, chief executive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said: “This is a landmark moment that will lead to patients receiving faster, more effective treatment for their condition.”
Nothing may seem sinister, but on the BBC news it also reported that at present, nurses can also prescribe medicines as well……..
When you put Physios and Nurses into one sentence the word ATOS and HCP’s, springs to mind.
Our government, the crooks who purport to pull the strings on behalf of their paymasters, have just come up with a plan to try and introduce the disabled back into mainstream work. It is mandatory to attend a briefing by a HCP, ALTHOUGH TAKING PART IS SAID TO BE VOLUNTARY.
Upon seeking clarification about the, so called course, a freedom of information request was submitted to the DWP, requesting many points to be made clearer.
These actual questions were asked…..
Can a doctor, nurse or physio employed in conjunction with the DWP, enforce a course
of action or taking of medicines, against the wishes of the claimant, the claimants own GP, or the
claimants specialist advisors?
By virtue of the fact that you have chosen to include, “they will not replace a persons GP”
casts much doubt on the inabilities of the health team who will carry out the procedures. Will the
claimants own GP have the authority to deny any procedures that are prescribed?
This is the answer they gave in response;
If the HCP was unsure of any aspect of the claimant’s treatment the claimant would be
referred back to their own GP. Claimants’ GPs will not have the authority to deny any
procedures recommended in the 18-24 months prognosis pilots.
What they are saying is, they have the authority to overrule your own GP!
Meaning a physio or nurse wields more power than a qualified doctor, in this case, your doctor, the person who knows you best and has treated you……..
I see this as being absolutely preposterous and wonder what other “SHABBY”,short cuts they will try to implement.
If your GP is in a position where, he or she, has a damning workload, will you be hived off to a “SECOND BEST”, who will have the ability to prescribe medicines and treatment?.
Watch this space carefully, the dirty tricks department is in full swing to cut costs and endanger even more lives, hiding beneath the banner of welfare reform!!!
Yesterday i received a plea from the 38 DEGREES website………..
Apparently, government officials are trying to get rid of on-line websites that utilise the voice of the people to try and change government policy.
38 DEGREES actively promote people power by the use of of direct petitioning.
The organisation has had lots of successful campaigns which have forced government to do changes to ill thought out policies.
Their remit has been far and wide and includes issues amounting from the NHS reforms.
It is crucial that these organisations exist because they are the backbone of true democracy.
Under the guise of anti-lobbying legislation, the powers that be, are hellbent on trying to silence the voice of the people.
They control the media and now they want to control the internet……..
This is the email they sent to me;
38 Degrees is facing its biggest ever threat.
The government’s rushing through a new law which, if it passes, will stop us running the type of campaigns which have made us who we are. [1] The campaigns which have saved our forests, fought privatisation in the NHS, and defeated the snoopers’ charter. [2] The campaigns which have seen 1.7 million of us act together, locally and nationally, for over four years. In fact, if the new law passes, and we continue campaigning as we do now, the office team could even risk being sent to jail. [3]
The law’s called the ‘Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill’. And if it goes through without any changes, it’ll wipe out our campaigning by slashing what we can spend during the year before elections. Not just general elections, either. Local elections, European elections and referendums, too. [4]
But if we act now and we act together, we could make the government reverse their plan. Chloe Smith, the minister responsible for pushing this law through parliament, is coming under more and more pressure to re-think. If hundreds of thousands of us speak up now, we could swing her decision.
Can you email Chloe Smith now to tell her why it’s important that we’re able to campaign during elections, and what you think of her plans to stifle us? There’s no template email, because it’s really important that Chloe Smith hears your personal reasons for being a member of 38 Degrees. Anything you write to her now is better than her not hearing from us at all.
Click here to get started:
This is the thin end of the wedge, imagine what power the government would wield if they could close sites like ” BLACK TRIANGLE”, down.
No dissent from the people is the first step towards a fascist state.
Strangely we choose to highlight China’s freedom of information controls and the way it controls the internet and media.
We are following this trend very closely. Already we are seeing hidden courts, hidden inquiries, classified material and evesdropping by GCHQ Cheltenham on private phone information and computer logging……………
Where will it all stop?
Your rights to challenge the laws have been taken away piece by piece. The overall picture is becoming alarming. What happened to appeal rights and legal aid?………….
Your voice is the mainstay of what happens in our nation.
Politicians are no longer representative of the views of the electorate, this disappeared many moons ago as the multinationals and banks poisoned the chalice of right and wrong.
We have to act fast and form a resistance to the onslaught of corporate greed as it engulfs its victims like no other time in history…………………………
“Margaret Thatcher tax shock: £12m mansion where she saw out her days registered in TAX HAVEN”