The House of Commons Health Committee has issued an invitation to submit written evidence for its inquiry into Social care. The deadline for submitting written evidence is 12 a.m. 26 October 2011.
Please post your comments, experiences and any worries you have in your own words if you wish. We will collate your responses for submission to the Commons Health Committee. Please submit comments before the 22nd of October – the day of the “Hardest Hit” marches nationwide.
The Coalition Agreement recognised the “urgency of reforming the system of social care” and the Government moved quickly to establish the Dilnot Commission with a brief to produce recommendations for the future funding of long term care.
The Government has also pledged to break down the barriers between health and social care, roll out personal budgets and to use direct payments to carers to improve respite care.
In parallel with the above developments the Law Commission published a report which makes far-reaching recommendations about the statutory framework for the commissioning and provision of social care.
The Government has committed itself to consider these proposals in discussion with all stakeholders during the Autumn of 2011 and has promised a White Paper on social care in 2012. It has indicated that legislative follow-up is likely in the next session of Parliament.
The issues
The purpose of this inquiry is to consider the issues facing the government as it prepares its Social Care White Paper, and make recommendations for consideration by the Government before the White Paper is published. The inquiry will focus on adult social care, particularly of those people of 65 years of age and older. The Committee will consider, amongst other issues:
The practical and policy implications of the Government’s plans for funding social care, and the recommendations made by the Dilnot Commission and the Law Commission
The scale and implications of existing variation in access to and charges for social care in England
The practical and policy implications of the Government’s commitment to promote personalisation of social care, including personal budgets and direct payments
The barriers faced by recipients of social care when they wish to relocate to another area, particularly with regard to the portability of assessments
Economic regulation of the social care system including a proportionate failure regime that can mitigate against the failure of social care providers
The practical and policy implications of the Government’s stated commitment to promote integration between health and social care services
The deadline for submitting written evidence is noon on Wednesday 26 October 2011.
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