Illustration by Andrzej Krauze
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And where, in this nightmare, is Labour?
Where indeed?
Terrified of the media, easing inexorably to the right.
The vampire New Labour rises, a symbol that Labour is cut off, perhaps fatally, from its roots and its credibility – who will take lessons from a Labour frontbench as monied and remote as this? Tony Blair might have won in 2010, he informed Bloomberg Markets last week, preening.
Yesterday Liam Byrne, the shadow work and pensions secretary, suggested that benefits under a Labour government should vary according to contributions, presumably to counter the ludicrous Tory claims that anything else will amount to being on Mick Philpott’s “side”. So they, too, will “make work pay”.
~ Tanya Gold
See also: Work makes you free Posted on March 23, 2013
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7 Responses
Why do I get the feeling they meant Britain only for the scheming, crooked, lying, mercenary Mafia would be more accurate?
I keep seeing about pensioners and how well off they are with fuel allowance,bus passes and tv licences ,for over 75’s.Pensioners have paid in their fair share over a lifetime of being taxed,will it make people feel better if pensioners are denied these age related benefits,”we are all in this together”Osborne said,I somehow don’t think he meant make pensioners worse off.
It is exactly this sort of disharmony and in-fighting amongst the poor that Murdoch and his puppets are banking on. Then they hit pensioners next!
Bulldozed into a landfill site is their intent! Wake up lame Britain, because you will be next!
Who to vote for now?
I am Glad Margaret Thatcher is Dead a Gormless Vicious Cruel Evil Tyrant
A Waster of British Life and a Nation Wrecker
the poor will sink to kill their children, if given enough welfare
I suppose it sounds better than
The rich will kill the children of the poor, by destroying our production industries and taking away their means of making a decent living, using our children as slave labour, By enrolling them into the Services and the TA, Army, Navy, Air force. Sending them to the war zones of their making, in the name of patriotism, not big business, greed and profit,Our children will be murdered, maimed blown apart to fill the coffers of the rich.
Britain: for hard workers only. If you can find a job
More people everyday are being made unemployed 1000 people chasing ONE job – if these welfare reforms had come in when there where more jobs for the people chasing them there’d be less of an impact and more people would benefit from that statement “Britain: for hard workers only” but seeing’s there are more people unemployed its not going to benefit them one iota!
Or do they mean the MPs that are struggling on £60-000 + a year or the bankers that put everyone in diet or the fat cat tax dogging rich.