Angus Robertson MP SNP Moray

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10 April 2013 Last updated at 17:35

The leader of the SNP at Westminster Angus Robertson said Scotland “would never forget, and never forgive” the poll tax being imposed on the Scots before the rest of the UK.

He was speaking at a specially convened session of Parliament, following the death of Baroness Thatcher on Monday at the age of 87.

3.22 pm

Angus Robertson (Moray) (SNP): Thank you, Mr Speaker, for the opportunity to make a brief contribution. It is right to acknowledge that Margaret Thatcher was one of the most formidable politicians of recent times. To her family, to her friends, to her colleagues, to her supporters, I extend the condolences of the Scottish National party and Plaid Cymru.

It would be wrong, however, not to put on record our profound disagreement with her socially and economically divisive policies, which were particularly opposed in Scotland and Wales. We will never forget, we will never forgive the poll tax being imposed on Scots a year before the rest of the UK. No country should have such policies imposed on it when they were rejected at the ballot box. The existence of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh National Assembly follows this experience.

Margaret Thatcher will be remembered for a long time in Scotland and Wales. She helped remind us that we have a national consensus that values society, values solidarity and values community. For that at least, we can be grateful.



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