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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People
Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions
Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.
Click HERE to Sign
15 Responses
A waste of time asking the question. The fact is DLA has been scrapped (except for children) and PIP will come in from 8th April 2013 for all new claimants and it is extremely rare for a new administration coming in to power to scrap previous legislation.
If, at the next general election we are unfortunate enough to get the capitalist right wing Labour Party in government then people will have voted for no change.
The Labour Party will undoubtedly carry on with more austerity measures, more cuts, more welfare reform, and more misery for those of us who are not millionaires. The question to Milliband might well have been “can a leopard change it’s spots”?
Mo Stewart,
I hope you see this.
I also notice that Mo Stewart’s web site “Why Wait Forever” has a notice…”Due to illness this website is no longer updated. March 2013.”…Hope you are OK Mo ?, all the very best.
At the age of 63 I will be faced with the prospect of not being able to vote for a party in a general election. What a country we live in
hahahahaha I haven’t laughed so much thanks the answer to your questioned is nah he likes pips as nobody gets to be payed out yep and another little tory labour party questioned answered by jeff3 hahaha that’s a good one
until you’ll have a serveereley disability person as an mp in government they will make more mistakes about politics and policies and housing and education of special needs it now time that the whole of the uk make a stand against Nick Clegg and David Cameron by the time they finished there will be no free NHS or School Meals or free treatment for anyone unless people take a stand next Saturday 30th march 12.30 pm in Kidderminster town hall against the bedroom tax as it will affect alsorts of people from different walks of life in our community .
“If, at the next general election we are unfortunate enough to get the capitalist right wing Labour Party in government”… well, what is your alternative? Tory? UKIP? Lib Dem? No thanks! I’ll take Labour all day long over the above right wing parties, as the only leftist party (I wish the Greens well, but no small party has an earthly under FPTP) who actually stand a chance of getting in!
I didn’t spend my days under Labour worrying about whether I would be able to keep my home, or my income – in fact, speaking as a DLA claimant, they looked after me nicely & allowed me to live, not just exist. Maybe you have the luxury of being choosy – I don’t, it’s a matter of survival.
It will be a Good Thing For the Next Government to Scrap the Mess of the Con Dem
Regime over Welfare Provision and Restore the Old Benefits with Increased Levels
as well as Scrapping Work Capability Assessment and All Nazi Style Persecution of
the Poor and Vulnerable
It would be an Act of Decency
I no longer have any faith in a Labour party that fails to vote against slave labour and
shits on the unemployed.Class traitors.
To all those of you who now realise that the Labour Party will not help you and is a waste of time voting for – please read this from Ken Loach the film maker –
will ed miliband scrap pip and keep dla – NO
The Present Labour Leadership leaves a Lot to be Desired as with the I Am All
Right Scum Blockheads about
No to Slave Labour and the Con Dem Filth
There are 3 possibilities: change for the better, change for the worse and no change. Some may say better the devil you know!
[…] Maybe Labour just doesn’t believe people who will lose out under the new criteria. I found this footage from March where Milliband took a question from someone who will lose out. I found it a bit disturbing that, […]
As Ed Milliband is chief patron of Motability I think it’s a fair bet that the punitive PIP rules imposed by Ian Duncan Smith’s mob may well be relaxed .
Sorry made a mistake on last comment the Queen is chief patron and Ed Miliband is a patron of Motability