Greg Wood: ‘I was told if you can press a button you get no points for manual dexterity, but it’s actually not what is in the regulations.’ Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian
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135 Responses
All incontinent people should take their leaking colostomy bags with them to their MP’s surgeries, and discuss their problems with them if possible, especially if they’re Tories! (or Labories!)
But these slime know you’re not well enough, and are only interested in sub-elitist cleansing, and their own crooked self gaining affairs.
We will not forget this decade! One day, we will come for you politicians to answer for your crimes!
I found his remark “never liked the idea that people can just say that they’ve got something wrong with them and you just accept that.” really, really annoying. It has NEVER been easy to get benefits for disability, especially if you have something that isn’t obvious to the casual observer. I had to fight for six years to get my mobility allowance. The first time I was turned down was because I walked my two daughters, aged at that time 5 and six to school. The school was only a couple of hundred yards away, and the effort often made me very ill indeed. What was I supposed to do with the kiddies? Kick them out the door on their own? I was a lone parent, and on the run from an ex. Sometimes people who are ill have to push themselves really hard in order to just get through the day – but that doesn’t make them liars. That just means they give a damn. I have never heard of anybody managing to get benefits just by “saying they had something” wrong with them. One has always needed medical proof.
“Wood joined Atos in 2010”
Took him a long time to spill the beans, I wonder why!!!.
“He is not currently working as a doctor, and is focusing on writing a book on Iraq.”
He should sell a lot more copies of his book on the back of all this, a tidy sum coming his way methinks!!!.
Sorry Jeffrey but your comments are totally incorrect, he was a Navy Doctor, and if you care to know no-one commented on my earlier comment which said, “that if you had been in the Navy then you would know where this guy was coming from” obviously no-one commenting here has a clue as to what I meant.
It’s really not good enough to vent anger or frustration unless you have the facts, so please check first.
We will never win against these people unless we know what we are talking about and have the will to make the change.
A different way to live (without Capitalism) is possible. Let’s live differently!
sorry for the mistake
but i have a pal in the navy retired 55
fit and well but me ill get a job
till 68 ill people die 20 years sooner
at about 62.5
.. jeff ..
Go and look at Greg Wood’s blog and find out about him, Annos.
“Wood joined Atos in 2010″
Karen M,
Thanks for the offer, but, I think I will give that a miss…
Agree with chrissie;
so many people think it’s easy to get benefits… it’s the doctors who see the people, the psychiatrists etc… these are the people that should count when it comes to an asessment for benefits… but it is fact that they are being ignored and the advice of non qualified strangers is being accepted.. it starts with the ROTTEN core ..the government… i only had 11 minutes with an atos worker and was unsprisingly granted nil points… when i have a long history of mental ill health which continues … waiting since august last year for full esa… 11 minutes for a full year… or could be more… it’s absoloutely ridiculous… this government should be brought down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wonder how many disabled folk would agree?
how I nall my born days hes saying whot he does ,but why now hed been there long enough with atos ,like all doctors signed that oath but didn’t hold to it like all people working there they all got that pound sign infront of their eyes called greed and this lot helped to make it worse for the sick and disabled by atos assesments ,even a few wks ago I looked into the doctors eyes after it was over there wasn’t anybody home empty alas a body taking over by others theres plenty of them about ids has made it so jeff3
Atos hold no legal responsibility it is the DWP that are the ones at fault legally. Atos is just employed by the DWP as a contractor. So it`s the DWP to be held to account. The DWP say it is Atos & Atos say it is nothing to do with them. No matter it is all breaking the Equality Law 2010 concerning disability. You can have as much proof as, it will take 5 years to go through the proof & as more time goes on it will be more proof & more years to prove the proof. Just stick with the Equality Law 2010 & prove can be proven in 10 minutes.
The guy was a Navy doctor. If you had been in the Navy you would then understand where he is coming from.
The DWP – Mark Hoban – Disability Minister Ester McVey – Minster For Work & Pensions Ian Ducan Smith. So all three of these so called people are breaking the Equality Law 2010. The proof is in their “Contradiction Policies”. A Contradiction is proving guilt in a contradiction [cover up] So it`s a contradiction cover up, which is a contradiction in terms.
Does everyone on this site know that a disgraced nurse as been told that she can only work with ATOS? This was the ruling by the NMC please see this site and read for yourself AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD THAT THE NMC DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SICK AND DISABLED
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Conditions of Practice
4 July 2013
Name of registrant: Mrs Ingrid O’Donohoe
NMC Pin: 92Y1112E
Part(s) of the register: Registered Nurse – Sub Part 1
Adult Nursing – 09/10/1995
Interim Order to be reviewed: Interim conditions of practice order
Outcome of Review: Order confirmed
Decision on interim order
The panel decided to continue the current interim conditions of practice order.
The panel carefully considered all the information before it and heard submissions by
Ms Whyment on behalf of the NMC. The panel accepted the advice of the legal
assessor and took account of the guidance issued to panels by the NMC when
considering interim orders and the appropriate test as set out at Article 31 of The
Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001. It may only make an interim order if it is satisfied
that it is necessary for the protection of the public, is otherwise in the public interest or is
in Mrs O’Donohoe’s own interest. The panel was mindful that its role was to undertake a
risk assessment based on the information before it, and not to determine the facts of the
This case was referred to the NMC on 26 March 2012 by ATOS Healthcare. This is the
fourth effective review of an interim conditions of practice order imposed on 17 April
2012. The allegations relate to Mrs O’Donohoe’s behaviour at Chelmsford Medical
Examination Centre on 19, 20 and 21 March 2012. It is alleged that Mrs O’Donohoe’s
behaviour was inappropriate when she was checking someone’s identity, and that she
asked inappropriate questions of a claimant at the examination centre. It is further
alleged that Mrs O’Donohoe became agitated and stressed and began shouting and
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swearing when carrying out another assessment. The police were called to this final
incident and Mrs O’Donohoe was allowed to leave the building.
It is alleged that this conduct was caused by a return of serious health issues.
Ms Whyment drew the panel’s attention to the on table documents sent in by Mrs
O’Donohoe’s representatives. This included:
A letter from Mrs O’Donohoe’s General Practitioner dated 20 June 2013.
“Final Report” from Occupational Health dated 26 June 2013.
A letter from Mrs O’Donohoe’s Line Manager dated 3 July 2013.
Ms Whyment accepted that Mrs O’Donohoe has fully complied with all of the conditions.
Therefore as there is no new information to undermine the current interim conditions of
practice order, it appears to be effective, workable and adequately address the
concerns raised in this case. Ms Whyment therefore invited the panel to continue the
current interim conditions of practice order on the grounds of public interest, and it being
otherwise in the wider public interest. Ms Whyment also asked that it remains in Mrs
O’Donohoe’s own interests.
This panel was not bound by the decisions of the previous panel on 5 April 2013.
However, the panel heard no new information that undermines the continuing necessity
of an order.
In all the circumstances the panel has concluded, on the basis of the information before
it, that there remains a risk of harm and repetition and the need for an interim order to
remain. The panel noted the letter from Mrs O’Donohoe’s Occupational Health Advisor
dated 26 June 2013 contained in the on-table document. This states that ‘Ms Donohoe’s
health is stable at present and she will require ongoing treatment, support and follow up.
Due to the nature of the condition, I am concluding that the symptoms may ‘flare up’ in
the future, but I am unable to predict the frequency or severity of episodes.’ Accordingly
the panel concluded that due to the seriousness of the allegations in this matter an
order remained appropriate and proportionate on the grounds of public protection and
the panel also concluded an order is otherwise in the public interest to protect the
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reputation of the professions and to declare and uphold proper standards of conduct.
The panel also determined that an order was necessary in Mrs O’Donohoe’s own
The panel next considered whether an interim conditions of practice order remains the
appropriate and proportionate response in this case. The panel recognised Mrs
O’Donohoe’s compliance with the conditions and was of the view that they effectively
addressed the concerns raised in this case. The panel noted that both parties were
content with the conditions imposed and it saw no reason to depart from them.
The panel considered whether the current conditions of practice order would provide the
necessary level of protection and concluded that there having been no material change
in the circumstances of the case an interim conditions of practice order remains the
appropriate, necessary and proportionate response in this matter. The panel was of the
view that the public would remain suitably protected by the continuation of the following
1. You shall only work as a registered nurse for Atos Healthcare;
2. You shall use your best endeavours to provide a report to the NMC from your line
manager, prior to the next review of this order, which comments on your conduct and
performance as a registered nurse;
3. You shall use your best endeavours to provide a report to the NMC from
Occupational Health or your GP prior to the next review of this order which comments
on your engagement and compliance with any management of your ongoing health care
4. You shall inform any employer or potential employer whether for paid or unpaid
nursing work of the conditions imposed in this order.
This order will run for the period remaining on the original order
At any review the panel may revoke the order or any condition of it, it may confirm the
order, or vary any condition of it, or it may replace the order with an interim suspension
order. In certain circumstances, it may be possible for the order to be reviewed by a
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panel at an administrative meeting. Mrs O’Donohoe’s case officer will write to her about
this in due course.
Mrs O’Donohoe should notify the NMC immediately of any material change of
circumstances that may affect the interim order.
At any time, Mrs O’Donohoe or the NMC may ask for the order to be reviewed by a
panel if any relevant new information becomes available.
This decision will be confirmed to Mrs O’Donohoe in writing.
A panel of the Investigating Committee has still to deal with the allegation that has been
made against Mrs O’Donohoe. The NMC will keep Mrs O’Donohoe informed of
developments in relation to that issue.
That concludes this determination.
This is an amazing.
“You shall only work as a registered nurse for Atos Healthcare”
The very company that caused Mrs Ingrid O’Donohoe’s woeful behaviour through its work practices is her only means of work as a registered nurse! The woman who has now been diagnosed with a mental health problem is going to rule that claimants with worse mental health problems are capable of work despite “that there remains a risk of harm and repetition”.
That is truly scary.
sometimes need to pinch myself to make sure this existence is not a continual nightmare.
labour introduced this madness but the torys made it sicker and sicker… i just dont know why we are putting up with it… those riots a few years ago…cost the taxpayer so much money no less than what this evil regime does.
Diane, the more I have read this case the more I feel for Ingrid, now bound into that horrible condition of practice. I sincerely hope Atos is giving her full psychological support.
More like ATOS giving psychological slavery.
It was the NMC that imposed the condition that she could only work for Atos.
I picked up on your site reference and was so incensed at the idea that normally healthy people have to be protected but the chronically sick facing an Atos examination don’t, that I contacted my MP about this and related matters; extract below:
“Read condition 1 on page 3 of:
This nurse is being disciplined by the Nursing and Midwifery Council because her severe health problems are affecting her behaviour and judgement and she is banned from working anywhere………..except for Atos, because “an order remained appropriate and proportionate on the grounds of public protection”
So the fit and healthy public have to be protected from this woman but not the vulnerable sick and disabled who have to attend Atos assessments. This says it all about the way the sick and disabled are treated in this country. Will you take action to ensure that the sick and disabled are protected from this woman?
Following on from this, nurses working for Atos have to be registered with the Nursery and Midwifery Council yet when complaints are made about them to the NMC they won’t deal with it because these people are “disability analysts” not nurses! As someone in the threads below asks – if they aren’t nurses, then why does the NMC register them as such? And, more importantly, if they aren’t nurses then how do they qualify for the term “Health Professional” when it is claimed that Atos assessors are health professionals?
Meanwhile yet another doctor resigns from Atos and speaks out:
Will you finally start asking questions about the Atos tests instead of just sending me ministerial waffle when I raise concerns about them?
And finally – what wonderful timing:
Strange that this was released the day after Parliament broke for recess. Presumably your party hopes everyone will have forgotten about it by the time Parliament re-sits. However, I will not forget so; will you raise this matter in Parliament as soon as the recess ends?”
I have just had a reply from my MP stating that he has asked Lord Freud to investigate and reply. I will let you know the outcome.
Totally disgusted that you have printed details of what should be a private hearing. It seems that poor Ingrid has been targetted for having had a ‘breakdown’. This was probably caused by the excessive workload and bullying from co workers who didn’t recognise a co workers struggling to cope. Shame on you all for putting this poor woman through another ordeal. She seems to have gone through more than enough. Dedicated her life to the care of others to be used by some amateur hack. We all need support . Shame on you.
I think that you need to rethink your position. This woman has been through two “ordeals” by your reckoning, but she has been part of the Atos/DWP machinery putting TENS OF THOUSANDS of seriously ill and extremely disabled people through the ordeal of the fit-to-work tests; is that your version of “dedicated to the care of others”? Would you be happy to have this woman carry out your fit-to-work test? If not, then don’t blame us for trying to put a stop to her seeing others.
As to shame:
She should be ashamed of her part in this attack on the vulnerable.
Atos should be ashamed of being part of this attack on the sick and disabled.
The DWP should be ashamed of implementing this policy.
The Government should be ashamed of having dreamt up this policy in the first place.
The RCN should be ashamed of this decision. Read it carefully. They have decided that the generally healthy and strong of mind who have a short-term illness have to be protected from her yet it is OK for her to mix with the extremely ill, chronically sick, and most vulnerable of society.
Either she is too ill to work and EVERYBODY needs protection from her, or else she is fit to work and NOBODY needs protection from her. And if the RCN had to make a split decision, surely the chronically sick should be the ones most needing protection, not the short-term illness generally fit part of society?
We have to fight what is going on by whatever means we can to show how unjust it all is, and if one of the enemy’s “foot soldiers” can’t take it, then let them leave the Atos/DWP army.
YET MORE TAX PAYERS MONEY WASTED ON COVER UPS. IDS is breaking the Equality Act 2010. Simple – not pages & pages of cover up Bulls**t that is not worth the paper it`s written on.
I am waiting for the DWP to sue me. If I can not prove I am disabled I have been defrauding the DWP for 30 years & they want their £100,000 back. Ha ha ha what a unpresidented test case. I have not filled out the ESA maybe claim form & are still getting my SDA monies. So if you want me the fill in the ESA default form [which I will not] The DWP will have to take me to court. Very high profile test case. I have been disabled from birth. You can not cut my benifit because I have not filled in the ESA form. 30 years of knowledge on the Welfare State. & yes lets talk about Thalidomide I don`t have that but les talk about it IDS.
1st loop hole Not Fit For Purpose.
The ATOS System is riddled with loop holes to comit fraud if one is not disabled & have knowledge of the Welfare State. It is to prove I am not disabled not for me to prove I am disabled. Another loop hole.
There should be an imminent public inquiry and the contract between the DWP and ATOS made public.
Training, instruction methods and directives to ATOS should be made available for the scrutiny of the COURTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
Directives to instigate sanctions, league tables and payments to workfare employers should also be made available as should the impact of the bedroom tax and the spiraling list of persons who have taken their lives as a consequence.
Government Ministers and there bully boy Generals should face court action on the biggest single attack on the poor and disabled in the history of this once proud natiob
You can access the contract at Why Wait Forever. A lot of the Atos protocols and training materials are accessible at the Freedom of Information website What Do They Know. The ESA 2013 Regulations and Handbook can be downloaded from the Government’s own website.
This is about the best comment I have seen on this issue so far. I can’t understand why so many people who post on here have very little knowledge of politics or the law, it seems that anger and frustration are enough. Well it isn’t!!
The Black Triangle should be getting more radical and helping the people who post here instead of being apologists for the Labour Party.
Thank you John. I admit to having been angry and passing comment/having a good rant about individual politicians etc when I first added my comments here but I now realise we have got to use the information on BT, Kitty Jones’ blog, Why Wait For Ever, What Do They Know and many more because the authors have worked bl**dy hard to get the information for us. We can help each other this way.
I do not get emotional I get blatant. The Welfare Reform is a `Emontional Contradiction Policy` = To get disabled people worked up to became emtional wrecks. Blatant.
Has that had any effect?
IDS – Esther McVey – Mark Hoban –
`Emotional Contradictions Policy`
1. Threats.
2. Harassment.
3. Some sort of ESA bogus form.
4. Benefit cuts.
5. Contradictions.
6. £300+ an hour for the aboves lawyers.
7. Trying to scrap the appeal system.
8. Playing god with people`s lives.
9. Mistakes.
10. Stopping people going to the European Courts Of Human Rights.
11. Gobbledegook.
12. Policy in Contradiction gets Emotional.
see above the DWP/ATOS Disability Minister Esther McVey – Mark Hoban [Bodyguard] – Ian Ducan Smith [pimp]
Copywrite Laws & Publishing Laws – Music Publishing Laws – Eqaulity Act 2010
Let not forget the lying scum that make up the Liebour Party as they the ones who started the Welfare Reform Bill in the first place, and who set the agenda for the attack on the sick and disabled.
That is good because when Cameron is in front of the European Courts Of Human Rights he will say it is the last labour govenments Fault. So if Cameron is going down he will be taking Tony Blair down with him because it is all Labour fault.
Political Clowns.
Mark Hoban on Twiiter –
He says he has just arrived in Malta on the 27th July & is looking forward to a siesta. 30th July 2013 It is hot & he is looking for someone to put suntan lotion on his back because it`s getting sunburnt already.
Shut up Mark Hoban we don`t want to know want colour socks you got on today & that you picked your nose 6 times yesterday.
When you get back from holiday Hoban yoou won`t be so happy with the mistakes of your latest rushed through policy riddled with contradictions & mistakes. Your Twitter page is a private PR about the real bastard that you really are. It is not slander – It is get off your lazy arse & start doing some work because it is all going wrong in the work place Mark Hoban, yes your workplace slacking off Mark Hoban.
Follow the sexy Mark Hoban Twit – Hobans comment “Hot Hot Hot Top Girl” – “Can`t Wait For The Tennis Tonight”
It seems Mark Hoban has spent the last month watching TV – sport. Even before he went on holiday.
Just finding out what Mark Hoban does = Nothing but Twatter Twits Twitter needs to be banned. Close Down Twitter,
Sorry Wrong Mark Hoban
I have just been informed that a chinese lady has had her account suspended on the “What do they know” Freedom of information site.
Apparently she used the story regarding Dr Greg Wood, the one published above, as an annotation to requests to the DWP.
Her account was suspended and the story removed quickly to deny information to other FOI subscribers.
The government control the media, especially with regard to ATOS theft of disability benefits…………..
Meredith Ong’s annotation was removed by the moderators.
The chinese lady is called MEREDITH ONG.
She put some really embarrassing requests in to the DWP, they are worth viewing.
What Do They Know to Meredith Ong “Your account has been suspended for continuing to make annotations in violation of our policies after being warned about them.”
She used the Greg Wood story, from these pages as an annotation and it was removed. I HAVE ALSO BEEN BANNED, AS HAS MY FRIEND, ADRIAN TODD.
OK back on track after wasting time looking at twitter.
Why don`t the DWP chase me up for defrauding them of £100,000. I want them to because I am A Benefit cheat as you keep saying, so why don`t you take me to court. If you do not the Welfare Reform Is Not Fit For Purpose the whole thing.
Bench marks in a legal test case. I will be representing myself so no need for legal aid which is no more. What are you waiting for IDS a miracle. So you let the real benefit cheats get away.
its a bloody disgrace they allow a nurse like this ay still work for atos sers is money worth more now than a life it seems it does to these the greedie tikes who plunder our services selling them off to their mates ,but this woman who was abused by our system how can she even think that this is justice nah just a cover up shes been so through the mill with this treatment of our loving government she a main carer but falling down with all she had to bare nah were do we go this is not society treating its sick and disabled to care its just the torys kicking you to death but hope something will be done when I don’t now but hope its soon for people like victedy who put up with so much jeff3
GPs in Wales told not to help benefit appeals – Published 18th July 2013
National Shop Stewards Network conference – trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners discuss strategy to defeat government’s austerity
The June 2013 7th annual National Shop Stewards Network conference, held in London on 29 June 2013, brought together over 400 key activists from these struggles in a hall at the Camden Centre in central London. Among the many topics for discussion and debate was the task of ending the ‘pause’ in struggle at the top of the trade union movement and making the demand for a 24-hour general strike a reality.
Fran Heathcote, DWP group president in the PCS addresses NSSN conference 2013
What a load of bollards! The Unions are a big part of the problem as they are quite content to take your money but offer very little, if not nothing, in political terms.
They know fine well that a one day strike pacifies the workers and will do nothing to bring about change.
Two years ago, Milliband scoffed at the announcement that the Unions were coming out on a 24 hour strike against austerity cuts and publicly said that it would be a waste of time. This from an opposition government.
The reality is that we are not “all in this together”.
We are dealing with now not the past. Every union member will be up for a General Strike. 1926 was the last General Strike in the uk. The Unions by doing that will have more power & fame. Disability is not a political issues for the Unions or the politicians. Disability is about getting the changes made as quickly as possible so we can get on with our lives without slave owners control our lives.
If every Union member is up for a General Strike then it will be the first time ever. It’s usually very difficult to get members to vote on strike action never mind go on strike, and I stand by my comments about the Unions. At best they get some kind of compromise or reform but they are not serious about challenging the capitalist system, simply because they get too much out of it.
The main Unions have all been out on several one day strikes since austerity was introduced but it will take much more than that to make a dent in government policy let alone bring about a lasting change.
If we can’t get an indefinite general strike we wont make any difference. Go speak to people and ask them if they will go on indefinite strike to force the governments hand and they will tell you about the mortgage they have to pay and the kids they have to feed.
That’s how were not getting anywhere.
What do you suggest?
It’s not what I suggest that matters, it’s what the masses do that counts.
ok then straight to the European Courts Of Justice & Human Rights & bypass the uk Scam Policy.
i have been waiting since last august 2012 on reduced rate esa after a 11 minute atos interrogation…i’m frequently hungry trying to work out how to spread everything…i have suffered so many probs over the years and i feel persecuted… even phoning dwp now i feel those people have a harder cheekier attitude on the phone… like “what do you want” after you explain… etc…i want to emmigrate
· its ridiculous…. where is the compassion with doctors? surely human rights will have a case soon for the european parliament?
Unfortunately Paul it’s not as simple as that. This whole Welfare reform Act is a minefield and will take quite some time to sort out to our satisfaction. As a person who is well acquainted with the system and the law my advice to you and others is to get assistance and proper advice from a Law Centre or Welfare Rights Adviser. There is a lot of help out there if your willing to look for it (despite gov cuts) so do yourself a favour and get someone on your side to help with the battles ahead.
You most certainly won’t regret it.
hi john
i have appointed a welfare rights person… and my cpn says she will attend tribunal….
Good luck with the tribunal Paul.
thank john.:)
The Welfare state is not a minefield, it is today a rushed through policy riddled with mistakes & loop holes.
The Welfare Reform Act is a minefield in as much as it needs careful negotiation and interpretation. Try reading it! My point is that people who come up against it need to know that there is help out there from those of us working hard to change things and to get social justice for those who need it.
The Welfare Reform Act is Not Fit for Purpose.
The guy knows fine well that it’s flawed, he just got a bit fed up with being bullied when he questioned the system, otherwise he may have been taking the 60k for a few years more.
This guy is a Navy doctor and they don’t usually come with morals attached. They are part of the system that’s called Capitalism. Some people spell it more definitively as “colonialism” when it comes to the Navy mentality.
Big Loop Hole:
A big % of people are being found fit for Work or very few points WRAG. Common sense tells me that if all these disabled people are deemed not disabled [fit for work] doesn`t that mean they have defrauding the welfare benefit & should be taken to court fot Benefit Fraud. But isn`t that what the DWP/Atos IDS are blaming up [the disabled] for scrounging & defraud.
It`s all very well havinge disabled paraolympics but there are no categories for Mental Health – 100m, swimming, Rifle Shooting Range, 200m, so no paraolympics for people with mental health issues. So no one representing GB with Mental Health – which has many forms.
Read Carefully – It is no joke like a `Emotional Contradictary Policy` to brainwash the public in fixing the Welfare State. By law you have to take every one found fit for work WHO HAS A DISABILITY [highlighted] to court because the DWP/ATOS has found us fit for work. That cost money taking people to court IDS. David Cameron is making big attacks on Unions which seems to be a political party issue. Disability is not a political issue. The public sector workers [including the DWP workers] will be having a 24 hour general strike. Not since 1926 has a general strike happened in the uk. That`s what happens in a reccession. Try & convince yourself David Cameron that you was not voted in by the general public – the voters. David Cameron with will a emotional wreck in a 24 hour general strike, just the Emotional Contradiction Policy – CON/UNUM/ATOS – The only figures I can be sure of is £500 an hour for David Camerons Lawyer [at the tax payers expense] – See I am getting bored with having the Human Right Of Freedom Of Speach or does that don`t exsist in the uk any more. It is called treason Lawyer in fact it is called High Treason Against The Disabled that lives in a State – Each disability has a different state, so one day I`m in one state & the next day I`m in a different state. State in english means different things – Day Jah View.
So the disabled have defrauded billions of pounds off the taxpayer. How you going to get that back David Cameron, take everydisabled person to court for defrauding the DWP because they have no disability & they never ever had a disability – You yourself IDS/DWP/ATOS say we are not disabled by your own figures & statements. So when are you going to take these now not disabled people to court for defraud. It is sounding like Mark Hoban`s Parrott.
totaly agree,
mental health is my issue.. mainly ocd..
atos should have no place in those olympics …it’s insult to injury… imean what message are the government tyrants trying to give out?
that ruling by a high court recently… declared that the wca so called, discriminates against mental health disabilitys…..so can anyone tell me if that will benefit me at my up and coming tribunal..? can i use it to my advantage ?
If you are on medication – Then that in itself is proof of your condition – Either Physical or Mental Health or both Metaphysical.
The Special Olympics, often neglected by the press. Plus Olympians like Victoria Pembleton (depression and self-harming) and Kelly Holmes… Frank Bruno (bi-polar), Marcus Trescothick…and many more.
Atos misery: scrap work capability assessments!
The government recently announced that they will be bringing more private companies in to do work capability assessments alongside hated current provider Atos. This is after a review showed unacceptably poor reports resulting from Atos assessments.
Here a South Yorkshire Mental Health Nurse shows that it’s not only Atos’ failings but the Con-Dems’ whole approach to disability benefits that is causing misery to millions. Work capability assessments must be scrapped and previous benefit levels returned to all who’ve lost money.
This morning I sat with a 52 year old man as he wept. I’ve been a mental health nurse for more than two decades and commonly see patients in different states of distress but on this occasion the man’s tears were not caused by a psychiatric disorder. He was crying because his benefits have been stopped and he has no idea how he will survive.
I work in a mental health home treatment team. Our remit is to provide intensive community support for people who are acutely unwell. Without the input of our team, most of our patients would have to be admitted to hospital.
Despite the fact that this gentleman is unwell and has had sick notes and supporting letters from our consultant psychiatrist confirming this, his Employment Support Allowance has been stopped and he has been told that he must apply for Jobseekers’ Allowance and demonstrate that he is actively seeking work. Due to his current poor health, this is impossible for him to even start to contemplate.
I wish I could say that this gentleman is an exception, a rarity, but he is not. As the Con-Dem austerity knife cuts deeper, my colleagues and I are seeing more and more people in the same predicament. Vulnerable people who find themselves dragged to a dreaded Atos assessment or stung by the bedroom tax and have their already fragile mental health further undermined as a result.
I advised the gentleman to go to the Citizens Advice Bureau, ensured that a family member would be able to take him and moved on to my next visit.
I am angry. Furious that the most vulnerable people in one of the world’s richest countries are intimidated in this way.
If you feel the same when you hear stories like this, don’t just sit on that anger – use it. Let it motivate you to redouble your efforts to build the Socialist Party and to fight for a world where every human being is able to live with dignity and free of fear. That’s what I do. It’s how I stay sane.
A very moving story Geoff and one which I am all too familiar with through my own working experience. I congratulate you on raising this issue and hope that others will read it and be moved to take action.
Any one of us could find ourselves having to depend on benefits, it only takes an accident or a simple twist of fate to alter our lives forever. People who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances deserve not to be bullied by the establishment, but taken care of.
We all have a responsibility towards those not able to look after themselves through illness or disability so lets work together to create a decent society for all. This attack on the poor and unfortunate must stop.
I agree John. I have noticed that people with mental health conditions are far worse affected, ending up in limbo about their claims. We should aim for a fair society and start by helping youngsters understand and empathise as they will be our carers when we are old and disabled.
Published on 28 July 2013
Dear Meredith Ong,
Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 01 August 2013
You asked for:
How many people, who were disabled and were found fit to work after undergoing an ESA
examination, have now found a permanent full time job?
Please exclude part time working, short contracts and work placement.
We can confirm that the Department does hold some information falling within the description
specified in your request. However this information is not held centrally and to provide a
response would require us link together data from different sources. We therefore estimate that
the cost of retrieving and extracting this information would exceed the appropriate limit of £600.
The appropriate limit has been specified in regulations and for central Government it is set at
£600. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 3½ working days in
determining whether the Department holds the information, and locating, retrieving and
extracting the information. Under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) the
Department is not obliged to comply with this part of your request.”
Q. So how is David Cameron going to get back all the money disabled people have defrauded from the DWP.
A. David Cameron has hired ATOS to do an undercover clean up [genocide] to make the disbled cash cows before he kills them off. Taking every disabled person to court will cost too much.
Straight forward when you look at the facts & figures.
Bypass the courts & straight into ATOS/IDS Death Camps of a policy.
The onus is on the burden of proof of overwhelming evidance & facts. It is not for the disabled not only to prove they are disabled, but now have to prove they are worth it like a Emotional Contradiction Policy advert Because Your Worth It.
ATOS physiotherapists cannot give opinions on mental health assessments – official.
Posted on July 26, 2013 by admin
The case involved a claimant, with mental health problems, who suffered from depression and bouts of uncontrollable rage. An Upper Tribunal Judge held that the opinion of a physiotherapist Healthcare Professional (HCP) was only useful for recording what the claimant said and did during the medical/assessment. Any other was useless as evidence because of their lack of expertise of mental health conditions.
The ruling affects all ESA appeals where the severity and effects of a disabled person’s mental health is at issue and expertise in this field is required to give an adequate opinion. It may also affect claimants with a wide range of physical health conditions.
ATOS physiotherapists cannot give opinions on mental health assessments – official.
Posted in appeal, ATOS, DWP, Mental Health, tribunal, Work Capability Assessment by argotina1
An important law decision raises questions about the use of health professionals on Atos Work Capability Assessments where they have no expertise on the claimant’s health condition
The case involved a claimant, with mental health problems, who suffered from depression and bouts of uncontrollable rage. An Upper Tribunal Judge held that the opinion of a physiotherapist Healthcare Professional (HCP) was only useful for recording what the claimant said and did during the medical/assessment. Any other was useless as evidence because of their lack of expertise of mental health conditions.
The ruling affects all ESA appeals where the severity and effects of a disabled person’s mental health is at issue and expertise in this field is required to give an adequate opinion. It may also affect claimants with a wide range of physical health conditions.
In addition, there is no logical reason why the Upper Tribunals’ conclusion should not apply to appeals relating to the points findings of a disputed Personal Independence Payment (PIP) medical report by Atos or Capita.
Anyone considering an ESA appeal, who disputes the health professionals’ evidence, may wish to consider challenging the HCP expert status in relation to their disability.
26th July 2013. You can view a full summary and a link to the decision at http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/benefits-information/law-pages/case-law-summaries/latest-posted-decision-summaries
Judge Mark continues:
“I can only express my surprise that in a case where the only issue was the mental health of the claimant and its effect in relation to the mental health descriptors, the report was prepared by a physiotherapist following a 15 minute interview. It is plainly important that questions of mental health should be assessed by a disability analyst with appropriate mental health qualifications if their opinion is to be of any evidential value. Even then tribunals should beware of placing too much weight on such reports, based as they are on a very short interview with a claimant and without access to medical records.
Dear Ms Ong
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which we received on 29 July 2013. In that
request, you asked:
“How many times have HCP’s sought expert advice when dealing with persons with
mental health issues.
BILL GUNNYEON has quoted that expert advice is available although
“costeffectiveness” was mentioned also…..”
Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) are not required to hold specialist qualifications, but as part
of their induction, all HCPs receive training in mental health issues, and are required to
consider evidence based protocols on mental health conditions. In addition, all healthcare
professionals are required to engage in a programme of continuing medical education which
includes modules on mental health issues.
With respect to how many HCPs have specifically sought advice on dealing with people with
mental health issues; we estimate that the cost of complying with your request would exceed
the appropriate limit of £600. This is because it would involve an extensive trawl of paper and
computer records as the information you have requested is not routinely gathered. The
appropriate limit has been specified in regulations and for central Government it is set at £600.
This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 3½ working days in determining
whether the Department holds the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the
information. Under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act the Department is not obliged
to comply with your request and we will not be processing your request further.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number
Yours sincerely,
Business Management Team
Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)
[email address]
sorry to interrupt,
but i have been reading again about the high court decision regarding atos “hcp” training re;mental health problems…. the person i saw was a registered nurse… thats all it says on their report against me… do i have a case in challenging her qualifications (lack of)?
its states on their report i had a “comprehensive” exam or words to that effect… and it was only 11 minutes! help
i forgot to mention my issues are mental health.does a registered nurse know much about this?
Paul, this lady asked,because the HCP is not qualified to assess peoples problems, how many times has the HCP SOUGHT HELP FROM A TRUE EXPERT.
Photocopy this and send it in as well.
Dear Ms Ong
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which we received on 29 July 2013. In that
request, you asked:
“How many times have HCP’s sought expert advice when dealing with persons with
mental health issues.
BILL GUNNYEON has quoted that expert advice is available although
“costeffectiveness” was mentioned also…..”
Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) are not required to hold specialist qualifications, but as part
of their induction, all HCPs receive training in mental health issues, and are required to
consider evidence based protocols on mental health conditions. In addition, all healthcare
professionals are required to engage in a programme of continuing medical education which
includes modules on mental health issues.
With respect to how many HCPs have specifically sought advice on dealing with people with
mental health issues; we estimate that the cost of complying with your request would exceed
the appropriate limit of £600. This is because it would involve an extensive trawl of paper and
computer records as the information you have requested is not routinely gathered. The
appropriate limit has been specified in regulations and for central Government it is set at £600.
This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 3½ working days in determining
whether the Department holds the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the
information. Under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act the Department is not obliged
to comply with your request and we will not be processing your request further.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number
Yours sincerely,
Business Management Team
Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)
[email address]
HI Geoff,
thank you very much for this…
its amazing just how many pitfalls there are on the claiments side… knowledge is power … and as someone said here earlier..(maybe karen) black triangle needs to show its teeth … not diminishing what it does already though… but sometimes theres a time for words then a time for action!
No they are not qualified & even if they were a 11 minute tick box system is not qualified enough to know about any condition because they have been too busy ticking boxes for 11 minutes. There is a big difference between Professonally qualified & being medically quailified. A nurse is not medically qualified only qualified in nurse duties. They have no decisions making on the condition of a person only care.
then can i write to dwp challanging the nurse’s qualifications to judge my mental health? or should i leave that to my welfare rights officer and or care coordinator?
Why not Paul, you could certainly have a go.
Back it up by copying the story and using it as evidence to your letter.
In law, if a precedent, or example has been set in a previous case then i see no reason why it cant be used in yours…….
If multiple applications went in from many objectors they would have to take notice………….
The only way to go to end the inhuman treatment of the disabled is for it all to go to the European Court Of Justice, European Court Of Human Rights. Until then the uk policy makers will think they got away with the scam.
1st cameron & his bunch of clowns which will then implement Tony Blair & his clowns as well.
1. The uk is breaking it`s own Equality Law 2010.
2. Can you prove it. Laughable policy in itself speaks volumes of proof. They are saying we don`t have a disability so as we can`t use the Equality Law 2010. But the BMC all their workers, the ones that have been seeing these disabled people for a long time & know their condition know they are disabled.
3. To prove disability is to prove you have a right to take it to the European Courts Of Human Rights & the European Courts Of Human Rights for Justice & Equality For All.
David Cameron reaction – `No No No we can`t have that`
Cameron it has gone well over your head now.
yes, if we all managed to turn up there… or a good proportion anyway… that would show our power…
coming from a same sex relationship… cameron did do good in equal marriage agenda…… but what’s the bloody use of that to me… if i cant even get the basics of life!
i will say i have been undergoing treatment… psychologicaly for my uncertainty around my identity… and this has been well documented but is ignored by dwp/atos
Public spending watchdogs are to launch a new investigation into Atos Healthcare, the company that carries out controversial medical tests for people claiming sickness and disability benefits.
The National Audit Office (NAO) move emerged as the Government disclosed that Atos has been paid £754m for the tests since 2005. It has also landed other government contracts, including IT work for the Home Office and Highways Agency.
Lord Freud, the Welfare Reform Minister, revealed that annual spending on the medical services contract had risen from £73.3m in 2005-06 to £114.3m in the year to March. He said the increase in the budget is due to a rise in the number of tests.
He was replying to a written House of Lords question this week by Lord Alton of Liverpool, a crossbench peer who asked the NAO to intervene. The NAO has told Lord Alton the extension of the Atos contract to a new benefits regime for the disabled is “an area of interest” to it and it has begun discussions with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Lord Alton said: “The Atos contract with the Government has become like a licence to print money. Astronomical sums are involved. Worrying questions have arisen about whether the terms of the company’s tender have been met; whether performance matches promise; and whether a project undertaken on the pretext of giving value for money has done so. When millions of pounds of public money is being diverted to private companies, it is crucial that there is accountability, transparency, and public confidence. I welcome the NAO’s decision to scrutinise the Atos contract and think the Public Accounts Committee should ask Atos and the DWP to appear before them.”
Stephen Timms, Labour’s employment spokesman, said: “This Government has been warned time and again to get a grip of this contract, but the truth is Iain Duncan Smith [the Work and Pensions Secretary] has let Atos spin out of control and the taxpayer and vulnerable people are picking up the pieces. Anyone taking the Work Capacity Assessment today is now eight times more likely to end up in a tribunal than a job and the cost of those appeals has soared by 40 per cent in the last year alone. Ministers have got to fix this mess – fast.”
The multinational firm, which sponsored last year’s Paralympic Games in London, has been criticised by employment rights groups for the allegedly harsh way it assesses the sick and disabled. Some 40 per cent of people claiming incapacity benefit appealed against its rulings and 38 per cent of them were successful. Despite that, the company won a further contract to assess the new personal independence payments for the disabled. The Government has been criticised by MPs for allowing a virtual monopoly to develop. But ministers insist that Atos only makes recommendations about claims, with final decisions taken by the DWP.
Atos has said that it has met its obligations in delivering a “complex and challenging contract” and implemented all the changes recommended by the independent reviews the DWP ordered into the assessment process.
Read that yesterday. The more & more revelations that are offical the better chance disabled people have of a European Court Ruling. Onus is on the overwhelming burden of proof. On the results that we are not disabled & the Welfare Reform is breaking European Laws & the uks own Equality Law 2010.
Would be nice if we could claim for the pain and suffering caused by the policies of the DWP and its henchmen, ATOS.
Would be even nicer if the nurses and doctors and physios, who enrolled to work for ATOS, COULD BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL FOR ACTIONS AGAINST THE SICK AND DISABLED………
1st things 1st – Once we have Human Rights & has been proven that will open the flood gates for holding these people to account, Atos Nurses, Conpensation & many many more. At the moment the disabled people have no Human Rights in the uk.
The £76 i receive each week is warmly accepted. This is the total i get for a partner and 16 year old child. My partner works part time.
Today i had an 8p tin of mushy peas from asda and a slice of out of date cheese that i scraped mould from. My son had two generic weetabix with water………..
“This is the life”, Coalition luxury of being registered disabled and being found fit for work by a charlatan on the take!
thats just not right… i understand it … i rarely even plan a meal now… i pick whats left in the kitchen and do something with it… i have thus become disillusioned with food…this whole thing stinks… i just hope the right people smell that stink soon and.. save us all from this tyranny.
what about atos ptsd.
dreading the brown envelope
jeff .. ps i get upset most days…
“The Government has been criticised by MPs for allowing a virtual monopoly to develop. But ministers insist that Atos only makes recommendations about claims, with final decisions taken by the DWP.”
recommendations that stick with all the poison they were meant to have…
The govenment are draging their feet to sue me for ripping off the DWP for 30 years. £200,000+ I am putting myself up for them to take me to court to get £200,000 back. As soon as they try it goes straight to the European Courts. If they do not it proves loop holes & have let the real scroungers & fraudsters get away with it. What are you waiting for IDS, some Human Rights.
Well you say I`m not disabled. Do you still want to stick to that!!
Just had a letter from the DWP;
Dear Mr Reynolds,
About your Disability Living Allowance,
We asked you to fill in a questionnaire that we sent to you on the 06/06/2013. We needed the information to decide if we are paying the right amount of DLA.
Because you have not sent back the questionnaire we are not sure if we are paying you the right amount of DLA.
We have decided that from the 24/07/2013 we will stop paying your DLA.
You cannot appeal against this decision.
If you want us to look again at the amount of benefit we can pay you, you must send us the information we have asked you for by 29/08/2013 we may stop your benefit.
Please note, my circumstances have never changed but they are harrassing me to fill in a questionnaire so that they can say, they believe they have.
In doing this they can then send me for an early PIP ATOS examination where my benefits will be reduced even further.
Esther Mcvey said in parliament that existing DLA holders will not face PIP tests till october 2015. They are trying to circumvent the statement by sending out questionnaires.
Observe the two dates they have given to me;
from the 24/07/2013, they will stop paying me, yet i have until the 29/08/2013 to send them the information or they may stop it…………..
They will not stop your money. Just threats because if you do fill in the `questionaire they will cut your money anyway.
Full of `could`s` & `Maybes`. Some old spin – `To see if we are paying you the right money`. You also do have the right to appeal, even tho it is a lazy threat.
Full of contradictions & not worth the paper it is writen on. Because they have already decided, weather you fill out the Non Form questionaire. A questionaire is not an offical form it is a questionaire.
Whatever they say I should do, I ignore it. Right from the start of the ATOS phone calls which I just hang up on them.
The phone rang 8 times in 3 minutes & each time I put the phone down on ATOS. It is called Harrassement ATOS.
if God forbid, i find myself at another of their so called fitness checks… i’m just going to sit there without saying anything…least said soonest mended.. they cant report anything… yes and i will go shirtless
I refuse to go to any WCA assessment. I Refuse to have anything to do with ATOS.
From the start.
We may stop your Atos phone calls. There are no May or coulds about it. I will stop your illegal phones calls ATOS.
Until you write me a letter with the correct `Headed Paper` I will see it as Not Fit For Purpose – The letter & your policy.
Each persons situation is at different stages. My situation is that I have not done what they want me to do from the start. Not filling in the ESA [default form] – Refuse to speak to Atos Cold Calling & put the phone down straight away.
They have not cut or stopped my money over the past 5 months & are still getting my full SDA payment.
From the 1st stage I have not compiled.
“Responsibility, they claimed, lay with the DWP, who were responsible for the training of ATOS assessors.”
The DWP train ATOS assessors. Now we are getting some where. So no healthcare then because the DWP at not healthcare workers they are the DWP.
Published 1st Aug 2013
Published 2nd Aug 2013
ATOS had to call 999 because they are not medical people. How useless it ATOS at healthcare.
Results from the High Court Appeal against the ruling of PoundLand case will be later on today. If the government lose it will open the flood gates for 230,000 cases & £millions for the government to be paid back.
Britain is now the most unequal country in the Western world, an authoritative new United Nations report reveals. The gap between rich and poor is as great as in Nigeria.
Detailed statistics in the Human Development Report published last week also demonstrate that inequality has grown sharply during Conservative rule and that the poor in Britain now have to live on much the same incomes as their equivalents in Hungary and Korea.
While growing inequality might once have been a cause for congratulation – Margaret Thatcher called on us to “glory” in it – the consensus among experts in such bodies as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the rich nations’ club, and even the World Bank is now moving against.
Lady Thatcher, like Ronald Reagan, believed that if the rich got richer, everybody would benefit. Now many economists believe that inequality hinders growth. In an unpublished paper Michael Bruno, chief economist of the World Bank, says: “Reducing inequality not only benefits the poor immediately but will benefit all through higher growth.”
The United Nations Development Programme, which published the Human Development Report, said last week: “The United Kingdom, unfortunately, has an exceptionally high degree of inequality.”
The report shows that the poorest 40 per cent of Britons share a lower proportion of the national wealth – 14.6 per cent – than in any other Western country. This is only marginally better than in Russia, the only industrialised nation, east or west, to have a worse record. Measurements of the gap between rich and poor tell a similar story. The richest fifth of Britons enjoy, on average, incomes 10 times as high as the poorest fifth. Britain ties for the worst performance by this yardstick among Western nations with Australia. That country was run for more than a decade by a Labor government which has heavily influenced the policies of Tony Blair.
The gap in Britain and Australia is exactly the same as in Nigeria, much worse than in Jamaica, Ghana or the Ivory Coast and twice as bad as in Sri Lanka or Ethiopia.
The British poor are much better off in absolute terms than the poor in most Third World countries, but they are worse off than those in other Western nations. The poorest fifth of Britons have an average per capita income 32 per cent lower than their equivalents in the US and 44 per cent lower than in the Netherlands.
Comparison with earlier Human Development Reports shows that inequality is growing fast in Britain. The 1991 report ranks Britain around the middle of industrialised countries both for the share of national income that went to the poorest two fifths of the population (17.3 per cent) and for the gap between the richest and the poorest fifth (6.8 times).
Mr Bruno’s paper identifies Britain as one of only a handful of countries where inequality is increasingly rapidly. The Human Development Report also highlighted the world’s billionaires – observing that the 358 people with assets of more than $1bn were worth more than the combined annual income of 45 per cent of the world’s people.
But last week’s issue of Forbes Magazine showed that the figures were out of date. There are now 447 billionaires. According to calculations by an American think-tank, their combined wealth is now worth more than the annual incomes of at least half the world’s population.
My daughter just popped round, Apparently one of her friends partners had his ESA stolen by the Scarborough branch of “LEGALISED THEFT.” You know, the DWP in conjunction with master pickpocket, ATOS.
Upon ringing the benefits office to tell of their plight of survival, they were given numbers to ring……….
a food bank and the Salvation Army.
Marvelous place Scarborough……………..
“Donkey rides, amusements, ice cream and destitution in abundance”
donkey rides and amusements are reserved for atos/dwp staff and non disabled.
A real matter of concern is the fact that people are being taken off benefits or are having their benefits greatly reduced through sanctions. This evil system is causing vulnerable and sick people to be reduced to real destitution, and it’s affecting more and more people every day.
The remarkable thing is that food banks which were originally set up as a stop gap measure, are being used by the DWP to legitimise their sanctions, as if their existence means no one will starve due to sanctions, which is most definitely not the case.
In spite of, or maybe because of (food banks) people are going without food regularly in the UK today.
i can vouch for that… today i only had a tin of tomato soup… since my esa has been sanctioned… i havent had a decent meal regulary..
had pounding headache this morn trying to get through most of the day on tea and toast.
You are spot on John, murder by decree!
One man has links to every death that happens due to the welfare reforms……
The modern day equivalent of the dreaded doctor Josef Mengele, who performed terrible experiments on behalf of his Nazi paymasters, upon the inmates of Auschwitz concentration camp…………
He might not utilise the scalpel to do his evil bidding, but he is in the senior position of Chief Medical Officer of the DWP.
Each and every twisted, evil, inhuman act perpetrated against a claimant has his blessing.
Human life comes secondary to his agenda, laid out by the insurance industry.
Private health insurance is a mega bucks industry that needs a few corrupt figures to manipulate the system to enable a swift transition onto British shores.
The trail of dead bodies is the price worth paying. Ever noticed how many times the DWP have been asked, “How many have died under your regimes?”
They give out answers that are a vain attempt to distance themselves from the full horrors of their heinous , twisted acts.
Every death is well known to the department, three of the staff update me regularly on the pressure they endure when another sad headline hits the news.
Treble the body count of our brave heroes lost in Afghanistan since 2001………
Spotted in a freedom of information request to DWP.
DWP Stating “you cannot appeal this decision”
JULIE HUTCHINSON (Account suspended) made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions
Currently waiting for a response from Department for Work and Pensions, they must respond promptly and normally no later than 4 September 2013 (details).
From: JULIE HUTCHINSON (Account suspended)
6 August 2013
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Your department often informs claimants that the cannot appeal a
I find this totally misleading, as it is up to the judge at a
tribunal to make a decision if whether an appeal is acceptable, and
not you!
You even stated this within a FOI response:
The Department cannot provide a definitive reply to your question.
As stated in the previous
reply, the decision on whether or not to accept an appeal is for
the Tribunal judge to make.
Why do you therefore persist in telling people that they cannot
appeal, knowing full well, it is not in your remit to do so?
Yours faithfully,
Suspended for asking “wrong” question!!
Next it will be Atos sponsored food banks.
French cuisine, out of date goods. Frogs legs, parma ham, baguettes, brie cheese, snails etc………..
You could ask for the food parcel transfer to be recorded………
You would probably leave with an empty box, the same box they use to find you fit for work…..
…………and when the report went in, it would’nt resemble anything you said.
But you would have to be extra vigilant, limping from the waiting room and turning a door handle would be used against you, as would picking up the empty box……..
Best go in on a stretcher, after seeing them you usually end up leaving this world on one!
can anyone tell me if i can still make a formal complaint against the atos person who lost me my benefit? i had the interrogation in july 2012…
i get long periods of stress…. at present my heart has been racing for 4 days non stop…i wish it was over..
i feel so sick and can do nothing…
if everyone complained… look how much money it would cost them
Go for it Paul, there is no time limit on a complaint. Let the bastards know the true horror of how you are feeling, your mindset and the virtual starvation that is taking over your everyday life.
Emphasise how you cannot sleep at night and how the ill thought out torture is dragging your very existence to pieces.
Just think how many are experiencing the same mental torture as you and the amount of claimants who have succumbed to taking their own lives to free themselves from the burdens of DWP ATOS cruelty……..
While they are having a jolly up on the money they stole from you, the suffering continues for the endless amount of victims.
If it makes you feel better, do it!