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Sonia Poulton Smile


UPDATED: 12:19, 1 February 2012 Comments (69)

I have a question. It’s one that I can’t seem to get to the bottom of no matter how often I ask it. So, I will ask it again in the hope that something new will emerge because the desire is sufficiently strong to make sense of my confusion.


Why, when it comes to the needs of disabled and sick people, is David Cameron so hopelessly, and dangerously, out-of-touch?  And, I should add, not just with the reality of the situation facing those who are disabled and sick, many of them terminally so, but of the opinions given by those who profoundly understand disability, both personally and professionally?

I can’t compute that. Our Prime Minister, through the prism of personal sorrow, has known the devastation that disability can bring to a person – such as his own son, Ivan – and those who love them, and yet he is pursuing some of the most punishing cuts to disabled people that we have witnessed in decades, if not centuries.

What is going on? I’m shocked by the intentions and actions of his Coalition. I struggle to make sense of his proposals. Perhaps there is no sense to be made of them because the disability reforms are not about sense, common or otherwise.

Dangerously out of touch: the Government have refused to be beaten by every opposition to these disability cuts

Dangerously out of touch: the Government have refused to be beaten by every opposition to these disability cuts

I am forced to ask this question again because Mr. Cameron will attempt today to overturn the recent ruling in the House of Lords against disability cuts. He is hoping that MP’s will unanimously agree to ignore the wishes of the Lords (who voted to give our disabled and sick a halfway decent existence) – and, instead, follow his savage and breathtakingly cruel measures of reform.

I’ll give Cameron this, he’s nothing if not tenacious when it comes to achieving a goal, that much is apparent.  Or, at least, that’s what he has revealed during this fortnight of Welfare Reforms.

As our MP’s and the Lords have debated and voted on all forms of public assistance from housing benefit caps to income support, it has become increasingly clear that David Cameron’s coalition will not allow any obstacle to blight the path of their intentions.

And nowhere is his hostile aims more apparent than when it comes to disability and sickness. It’s like he’s waging his own personal war.

Cameron has displayed a ‘no low is too low’ attitude when it comes to shoe-horning his amendments through Parliament, whether the Lords back him or not, and despite the fact that his own party rejected such proposals, and very strongly, when they were first drafted during Tony Blair’s tenure as PM.

When Labour tried to push through similar disability living changes in 1999, they were opposed, violently, by the Tories and LibDems. It’s all there in Hansard, the official, verbatim parliamentary report.

Quentin Davis, Conservative MP and spokesman for social security – and under the guidance of William Hague – attacked Labour for holding an attitude towards disabled people as being ‘scroungers’.

In an extremely robust opposition he noted that: ‘Those who are disabled should get the support they need to lead a fulfilling life with dignity’. 

He said, and I must quote him fully here so as to eliminate any doubt.

‘I am proud that we in the Conservative party never thought of taking such measures when we were in power. We made our share of mistakes, and received our share of criticisms of different kinds. However, we never trampled on the contributory principle in this fashion. We never decided that the disabled were the softest target, and went for them if we needed to raise a bit of money in a hurry for some purpose.

‘I am proud that we stand today on our previous record, which is that the disabled, far from being a soft target and an easy touch for a Government, are a group of vulnerable people who should be the last people to be disadvantaged when changes are made to our welfare and benefits system.’

It is a speech not disimilar to one given by Lord Patel recently, who brilliantly led opposition to disability cuts in The Lords, when he said that we have ‘entered a different type of morality’ when we ‘rob the poor to pay the rich.’

To be clear. We all acknowledge that we have a deficit in this country, the proverbial billion pound black hole as it were, and we all understand – no matter how basic our grasp of economics – that we have to fill it somehow.

Why, though, does it have to be from the pockets of those who need help the most?  Why are we penalising people with disabilities for the misdeeds of others? Can anyone tell me that? For that is what we are clearly doing, as Lord Patel accurately outlined.

The matter of moving millions of people from DLA to PIP may be only an issue of different letters for most people but for those directly affected by the migration from DLA to PIP, the devastation will prove all too real

The matter of moving millions of people from DLA to PIP may be only an issue of different letters for most people but for those directly affected by the migration from DLA to PIP, the devastation will prove all too real

Why, instead of directing all this national vitriol at disabled people – as several newspaper columnists and MP’s have done in the past week, shame on them –  aren’t we sincerely tackling those at the top of the financial hierarchy who led us into this calamitous financial nightmare? Including, but not limited to, CEO’s and bankers? 

And, given, we need billions to rectify our economy, why are we allowing multi-nationals to write off, literally, billions of pounds in taxes?  That sounds like a fairly simple sum to me, only those with loyalties to business rather than people would disagree.

Even this week David Cameron and George Osborne have proved utterly ineffective – and have revealed where their true priorities lie – by refusing to get involved in the issue of RBS chief Stephen Hester’s obscene, and undeserved, bonus. 

If only they were quite so reserved when it came to interfering in the financial affairs of those who are currently contemplating whether they dare put their heating on for fear of not making ends meet, it would make for an infinitely fairer world.

So, the Conservatives were repelled by the proposals when Labour wanted to instigate them but they support them wholeheartedly now. Other than party leadership, you have to wonder what happened to make them switch from a more compassionate conservatism to one that appears to lack serious understanding, or care for that matter, of the issues facing people with disabilities.

And all that from a Government led by a man who experienced the death of his own profoundly disabled child. I can’t fathom that at all. Can you?

At least the Conservatives of 1999 appeared to have some ethical framework as to how we were going to care and protect some of our most vulnerable citizens whereas David Cameron’s Tory party wants to remove significant and far-reaching support from all disabled people from the very young to the oldest.

Quentin Davies Quentin Davis, Conservative MP and spokesman for social security attacked Labour for holding an attitude towards disabled people as being 'scroungers'

(Left) Quentin Davies Quentin Davis, Conservative MP and spokesman for social security attacked Labour for holding an attitude towards disabled people as being ‘scroungers’

So far, the Government have refused to be beaten by every opposition to these disability cuts from ignoring extensive public consultation to attempting to overturn the Lords’ votes.  And even when the DWP were forced to admit that some of the new measures were insufficiently trailed, DC’s team have continued to  bulldoze their way through.

To proceed with his ghastly endeavours, Cameron has enlisted the aid of Lord Freud – a man on a mission when it comes to welfare reform.

Originally a member of Tony Blair’s Labour, Freud switched political allegiance to ensure the optimum chance of success. Clearly, then, we can deduce from his wholehearted and persistent support that like Cameron, Freud is determined to force these measures through – no matter the challenges or delays.

Over the last two weeks, the Government disability crack team – Cameron, Freud, Chris Grayling, Iain Duncan Smith and Maria Miller, minister for disabled people – have done their damndest to persuade the court of public opinion over to their perspective.

The Department for Work and Pensions have been supremely busy issuing skewed statistics and encouraging us to wage war on the fraudulent claimants (who, it turns out, amounted to less than 0.5% of claims, so not such a show-stopping figure at all).

No-one is saying that our welfare system doesn’t need to be reformed. It does. Clearly. It’s a shambolic and disorganised mess that takes billions more to administer than it needs to.  The process of assessment is problematic and riddled with anomalies and need to be reviewed.

If the reforms were targetted towards creating a system that was able to efficiently – and with some traces of humanity – manage the millions who rely on it, then we would already be saving billions.

Campaigners, most noticeably those behind the Spartacus Report, are not asking to leave the system as it stands, they are requesting more consideration in the reforms rather than rush things through at breakneck speed.

For example, the matter of moving millions of people from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) may be only an issue of different letters for most people but for those directly affected by the migration from DLA to PIP, the devastation will prove all too real.

According to the Government’s own criteria for PIP, many disabled people will not qualify for assistance and will find themselves unable to leave their homes as they will be excluded from motability assistance including wheelchairs.

People who cannot bathe independently will no longer qualify for a carer to help them and employed people with disabilities will be forced into unemployment because PIP will not be able to faciliate their role in the workplace.

So even though we are heading towards an all-time high of three million unemployed, the Government want to make those who are working intentionally job-less. No good sense there, either.

Abandoned: People who cannot bathe independently will no longer qualify for a carer to help them

Abandoned: People who cannot bathe independently will no longer qualify for a carer to help them

Over the past few weeks, and as the debates have increased, it has become clear that abolishing DLA and replacing it with PIP is neither advisable or ethical. And, yet, David Cameron has displayed a dogged determination to see it come to pass. I can’t help but wonder why.

After all, didn’t he, himself, utilise Disability Living Allowance for his own child? And yet both he and his wife Samantha, independently wealthy, would not need it in the same way as the millions who do. Pity it wasn’t means-tested.

As one campaigner said to me: “You want my Motability car? Have it. You want my DLA care component? Have it. You want my incapacity benefit? Have that too. But also have my Cerebral Palsy, my inability to vocalise my thoughts and feelings, my inability to hear yours. So, if in spite of all this you still want everything I have, then take it all and let me have your life and your freedom of choice.”

It’s not much of a choice when you hear it like that, is it? The way some people talk you would think it was a desirable lifestyle to have inherited or contracted sickness or disability.

The argument of disability has become an exercise in de-humanisation and it must stop. The levels of anxiety that have been created among disabled and sick people as a consequence of these merciless reforms is a stain on our national character.

Personally, I’m getting used to being called a ‘bleeding heart Liberal’ when it comes to the issues of disability – even if it is entirely inaccurate – but I cannot allow that to distract from the fact that we, as a nation, are being led into measures against our disabled that lack all morality and compassion.

What David Cameron’s coalition is proposing is heinous and we should reject it in the strongest possible terms. I hope, with every fibre of my being, that our Members of Parliament give the bill a proverbial bloody nose as they are asked to overturn what the Lords’ already found so repugnant.

To be clear, this is systematic mental, physical and emotional abuse of our sick and disabled at the hands of our Government and I say again, as I have before, not in my name.

Sonia Poulton (Published in the Daily Heil)



36 Responses

  1. He is doing what he is told by his Bosses, The Central Banks that is why there is Austerity all around the world, Governments are under Control of The Central Banks (Privately owned Central Banks) via National Debt Which is electronically produced Debt repayable at interest Via Taxation,If we control our own money supply there is no need for any Taxation or Cuts.We must take Back Control of our own money supply, we will then have Control of our own Governments.

    “Give me control of a Nations money and I care not who makes her Laws”~Meyer Amschel Rothschild

    • I so agree with you Les. Its time for the public to wake up. The endless attacks against the poor, sick and disabled will come to test everyone’s sense of what it means to be human. I ask myself daily if humankind will survive. First they came for the disabled, but I was not disabled so I did nothing. Then they came for the poor but I was not poor so did nothing about it, then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak up for me. Even the richest would not survive for long as they fight each other to the death

      • The reason that Cameron is doing this in such a determined way is that he cannot bear to see anyone sick or disabled because we remind him of his son. He remembers the devastation and loss he and his wife felt when Leon was found to have disabilities. He feels that pain all over again and so he hates us for being alive when his own sweet boy is dead. BUT that’s no excuse because he is creating a Nazi style of governing when previously ordinary people see us as scroungers, lazy malingerers!

        • Not so certain of that purplewheels. I watched his speech at the Tory gathering of the faithful and, yet again he used his son’s name, condition and death, all without a glimmer of emotion. His wife, sat amongst the congregation, shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and looked a little embarrassed.

          If he had a scrap of decency, he would not use his sons’ memory to justify his attacks on the disabled, chronically sick and vulnerable. What sort of person makes a memorial, to his son, from hate and prejudice?

    • yes having just spent time fighting to get an atos decision reversed guess what in the space of four months after the last assesment another atos exam so i will fail again appeal
      again try not to end up losing everything cos i cant pay my 30 percent council tax cos ive had my benefit stopped
      in my younger days i was fighting as a paratrooper in various conflicts for this place we call england
      i only wish to god i could do some sort of alternate doctor who thing where i could go back in time and find david cameron in the sights of my faulty british made rifle(standing a foot away from him in case it was too windy and the sa80 decided to miss him)a plague upon you cameron i feel sorry for your sons death but all of us suffer i found my sister dead in a bath my mother died in my arms and my father died saying sorry to me for what i dont know but it dont make me want to beat up the sick
      cameron you are trying to bring back an age this country tried to get rid of long ago we dont want to go back to being hung for vagrancy or beaten to death for disobeying our masters do us all a favor along with the other toads that you lick in your government open a portal in hell and step thru it

  2. sonia i too am disabled from birth i have read your comment i agree with you all the way my are speaking up for all of us disabled and david cameron is out of touch hit the nail on the head over his damning policies over all disabled..there is an outcry over this ..this man should surely be able to get over the death of his son as i think he is taking his problems on us..he is a millionaire he should not want money from the taxpayer to cater for his son while he was alive he is bloody millionaire he could afford his childs welfare and needs.

  3. Grateful too see that there are people who see the truth, great article. Sadly there are two things you cannot reason with in life arrogance or ignorance both blind people to reason. Reason requires the ability to listen to all facts not selective facts that fit in with your own perception or comfort zone. Politics has been dictated by the mores, the takers of society who believe themselves to be superior in every way and therefore will hear nothing profitable from lesser persons than themselves. Their only value in life is their money. They are worthy of our pity nothing more.

  4. These intentions to enact far right eugenics policies were signalled by The Tory (Nazi) Party a few years ago when it removed itself drom the mainstream conservative grouping in Europe and wholeheartedly allied itself with the far right representatives.
    This coupled with the rabid neocons who learned their trade from the discredited Chicago School adherents in America, allied with actual psychopaths like The IDS Gang has created the perfect storm for wholesale death and misery, occurring already, with Cameron and the odious toady, Clegg, as the stooges-in-chief for a totalitarian culling of society in which serfdom will be the norm.
    The survival of the fittest/most desperate. Those who cannot will starve and/or die.
    Those who can will be worked to the bone in the service of these monsters, as they look after the toff/aristo/ bankster /gangster clas as they profiit from misery and death.
    The ConDemNation in 2013. Things were better even in 1313.

  5. Cameron is following a NEOLIBERAL agenda that wants to Reduce Government control & increase Privatisation. Thus the attack on the NHS. Now this Agenda comes from the Bilderberg Group.Look it up on “net”.There you will find George with his Pal The new governor of the Bank of England.(Cronies).
    This means if you take away gov’t Control via The BofE (our Central bank for the £) then whatever you put into private hands costs you money(Via Ins Premiums in the case of NHS)via Private School Fees for Education and so on. If Gov’t pays for these things with FUNDING from the BofE then it comes from CREATED money which only the Central Bank shud be allowed to do. B’cos there are 1or2 rules that apply. Most important CREATED MONEY must only be used inside the shores of the Country whos Currency being used. In other words the £CREATED MONEY must not TOUCH any other currency. It is INTERNAL and therefore FREE.
    What do you think is best for Britain FREE MONEY with noTAXES or Taxes paying for everything?
    At the moment TAXES pay for NOTHING it is money being taken out of peoples Pocket for no Good reason because there is no INTERNAL INFLATION. the only inflation is prices going up from outside Britain. TAXES ONLY KEEP INTERNAL INFLATION under control by taking money from the people & leaving them with less money to spend in the ECONOMY
    This also gives rise to the principle that Taxes shud only fall on those who can afford them. Thus the Taxpayers, hold back to allow the poorer to buy goods, to stop prices rising in the economy. The Taxpayers then become our Greatest Philanthropists along side the Military,Police, Firefighters, NHS And EDUCATORS. Who all devote their lives to our SAFETY & WELLBEING. I have Leftout WELFARE
    The reason CAMERON HAS CHOSEN to Maliciously attack the Sick,Disabled,Elderly &vulnerable is because there is a FLAW in the Character of NEOLIBERALS. NAZIS & DICTATORS FLOOD OUT OF THIS FLAW.
    They have no place in a DEMOCRACY wich can only exist if it Runs alongside Philanthropy.

  6. Proof if any were needed that there is no point in voting for the big three parties regardless of what they say while in opposition, vote with your feet but not for the big three.

  7. If he ignores the will of both houses in Parliament, what’s left? Did he so enjoy the Tottenham riots, that he wants to see them repeated everywhere? Will they force other laws through that will end our halfbaked democracy and leave us with an ultra-right-wing dictatorship?
    The future is dark. The future is death.

    • It seems that he does enjoy riots (unlike I hasten to add me.) Who do we vote for to remove this unwanted goverment? Lib Dems are linked to the Tories, UKIP and BNP are evil,Labour have gone right wing.

      • I suppose the only choice is going to be independent MP’s and hopefully ones we can kick out if they prove to be the usual cheating, lying trash.

        Unfortunately the system we have, means they usually have to have stabbed their mothers in the back, and stomped on everyone else, just to get there.

      • I despise violence too, believe me. We need the unions to remember WHY they were foundef and the people they are meant to defend.
        Peaceful protests, letter campaigns, plastering information sheets wherever they can be pasted. Something along those lines perhaps.

        As to political party…it has to be labour. They are the only party strong enough to get shot of these muppets. A vote for any other party weakens labours vote and will allow these fascists back in….with mandate. Heaven only knows what will hapen then. Workfare in the armed forces, sort of national service for the 21st century?

  8. thanks sonia for speaking out for us but im afraid theres no hope for us but stavation and coldness but then thats whot they want please go quietly jeff3

  9. Just my personal opinion but I’ve never believed that ‘the meek shall inherit the Earth,’ and if I have to be exterminated, I intend to make as much embarrassing and humiliating for the aggressors, – noise as possible! These puppet politicians can be our ‘collateral damage’ too, in this war of the finances.

  10. Sonia, you must be congratulated for stating so clearly the sentiments that many of us express. You have hit the exact buttons on every count, except one where my understanding is that when they start on the PIP exercise, you will be written to tell you your DLA will cease and you have 4 weeks to apply for PIP. There are numerous vulnerable groups who will not realise they have to respond to this, will not know how to and will have no-one in their lives to help them. If people don’t know what they don’t know, they won’t know what they need to know. What a clever way to cut the DLA budget without even having to assess anyone!!! The only light in the long dark tunnel is the gathering of momentum of those speaking out and getting this outrageous business into the public domain. Those without disability and those who have no experience of long term medical conditions don’t walk in our shoes and not even alongside us …. but ask them what they would expect if they were struck down with a long term illness, or had a child with a lifelong disability or were told that they were now a full time carer with no choice but to give up their job. You’re right – Cameron ought to know better but of course was always cushioned against the financial effects of disability or caring by his personal wealth. We have written to our Conservative MP – falls on deaf ears of course. And who to vote for at the next election? We need a new political party that truly represent the needs and interests of disabled, long term sick and carers – fancy being our leader? We might not get to make a government but could be an effective thorn in everyone else’ side and every vote cast for compassion and humanity is a vote lost for the rest of them

  11. Would it be worthwhile for the DWP to merge departments with the one that deals with Death,Wills and Probate. Surely this would same time looking for documents as the DWP would have information on hand from the brown envelopes they send out initially resulting in suicides.

  12. Sonia, I whole heartedly agree with everything you have written. I now longer feel proud to be British, I do not recognise or feel that this is any longer my country. I remember several years ago now that there was a poll held when Margaret Thatcher was in No. 10 it was re the question if you had a job and somewhere to go would you emmigrate? I seem to remember that 45% of people asked said yes! perhaps its time someone did a similar poll, because anything that the Thatcherite Government did pales into insignificance to the present one!

  13. David Cameron cannot correlate his son’s disbilities and death with those who will suffer under his regime as he was financially able to support his son. So assumes everyone can. I believe that David Cameron had very little to do with his son ( and the rest of his family) due to the long hours that he put into his drive to run the country, so is therefore unable to see how disability affect those who have them, whether from birth or otherwise. He certainly did not see how disabilities affected his son as an adult, so again, cannot relate to those who are dealing with so many difficulties every day. And their carers. My belief is that David Cameron wants to be known as the man who recreated “Great Britain”, by cementing the wealth of those who have it , bringing in wealth, ( ie. immigration – many are very wealthy or create wealth )”legally ” killing off the vulnerable, making every thing so difficult to obtain unless you are wealthy, and is making even the most simple thing so difficult to get through ( red tape, poor customer services, impossible and never ending hoops to jump through etc ) , so that no one will bother any more and subsequently, there will be no evidence that a service is needed or there is a problem. David Cameron is a vile, selfish, egocentric man who must be removed as PM immediately. I have written to NO 10 everyday since last June asking for his resignation. And have never had a response. Don’t moan on here people – lobby your MPs who get paid a lot of money to represent you and get them to understand just how much damage David Cameron is causing and will continue to cause. And finally, anyone who has sadly lost a loved one due to Cameron’s regime, I suggest you get Cherie Blair to sue the bloody pants off him and his cronies!

  14. It makes me laugh how he is not taking off the rich or in fact his own pocket what if we cut their wages by half to get more money how would they like it, the guy’s a idiot. Where are these jobs your sending people to work for no disrespect but you are letting far to many people in from other parts of the world that are taking the jobs start looking after your own people and not the bloody foreigners. There are no jobs hardly many people are getting made redundant. The governments wages need to be halved then maybe they will know how hard it is to live without enough money. I wouldn’t be surprised because of him suicide will be on the rise. Who agrees with me?

  15. Cameron is NOT out of touch. They know all too well what they are doing, that is eliminating the elderly, sick, and poor…enslaving to work for little in return. Its is naive to say Cameron is out of touch. Welfare reforms started with labour. How is it that nobody remembers Hodge and Blunkett saying that everyone should be able to work, except those who are paralyzed from head to toe? The ethos in this country has always been to over burden the poor, with taxes and difficult complex laws to inhibit entrepeneurship, social mobility etc.. France and Germany are not going as far as the UK. There is no justification to cull the sick, not even economic. Cameron spending billions on Welfare, the money is joing into his chum’s companies. Many of those contractors are making a “killing.” Now for the backbenchers, if they really, really wanted to do something about it, they would have by now..

  16. I agree. They know exactly what they are doing, and we should all realise few care either, until it affects themselves or their relatives/friends, and many of those that might be concerned are being fed the BS by what they choose to read as news. This media black-out is an age old skill of the controllers. Trust the BBC like you would IDS with your dying granny’s life support switch!

  17. All the billions in aid supposedly being given to Africa which will eventually find it’s way back to London through offshore accounts, It’s one big scam politics, how did we sleepwalk into this?

  18. [No-one is saying that our welfare system doesn’t need to be reformed. It does. Clearly. It’s a shambolic and disorganised mess that takes billions more to administer than it needs to. The process of assessment is problematic and riddled with anomalies and need to be reviewed.]

    This statement, along with the one about the Camerons disabled son, are repeated constantly by the British media.

    Must radically change (reduce) disability benefits, oh and by the way, Dave had a disabled boy so he must understand, right ?

    Media mantras now heavy in the general publics mind.

  19. don’t people in prison have there human rights after all the goverment do there utmost for people who have commited crime and give them £1500 when they get out of jail and a place to live plus free lcd television and playstation whilst in prison and read in paper there is rights to mobile phones from certain jails basically a holiday camp isn that money better spent on the disabled people who have spent there whole lifes fighting there rights for some sort of respect as it takes someone in that situation to be strong and be as independent as possible

    for we are the strong ones body mind and soul

    maybe the goverment will end up in jail for mass murder but atleast there is a silver lining they will still be able to watch the politics channel

  20. ali
    don’t people in prison have there human rights after all the goverment do there utmost for people who have commited crime and give them £1500 when they get out of jail and a place to live plus free lcd television and playstation whilst in prison and read in paper there is rights to mobile phones from certain jails basically a holiday camp isn’t that money better spent on the disabled people who have spent there whole lifes fighting there rights for some sort of respect as it takes someone in that situation to be strong and be as independent as possible
    for we are the strong ones body mind and soul
    maybe the goverment will end up in jail for mass murder but atleast there is a silver lining they will still be able to watch the politics channel

    Comment awaiting moderation.

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  22. The tories have studied nazi eugenics and ethnic cleansing and crowd control and every sick sceme to steal tax payers money which politics agreed to be used to secure social securitys and healthcare to line their back pocket bank accounts, these people are not PUBLIC SERVANTS they are evil royslist rich thieving scum that are just machevelian microcephalic monsters that thrive on bullying and stealing little kids sweets rtc, in s just society yhey would be put to death at the guilotine!, kick em out on their asses an let em live upon the citys streets with terminal illnesses an deny them NHS treatment too!

  23. Hey people, please explain what is wrong here. David ‘The dog’ Cameron, as many call him, has caused many poor and needy to die via his welfare cuts, suicidal incitement, starvation etc, so although he has not effectively ‘pulled the trigger,’ surely, if investigated, he would be found guilty of Murder – in the 2nd degree, and punished. Ok ok, in prison he may be sentenced to serve with a large black gay who will do to him what he is now doing to the poor and needy he actually did say should had no fear…’that I will ensure they suffer and die’ he neglected to add…
    David Cameron is without question a murderer, even though this may be due to his ignorance and hence lack of study into his decisions…unless of course he was told, ‘but David, some poor and needy will die…’
    ‘Yes,’ he’d smile, ‘acceptable losses!’
    ..if the public under threat are aware of this attempt on their lives, and as ALL other means of defense have been ignored and rejected by this killer, the possible action necessary will be to defend yourself – or other citizens under threat – by Justifiably killing aforesaid killer…
    Watch out David, ..people know you are killing people – details are often hidden..but they are there if you, people under threat may be thinking, ‘he wants me dead…so..kill, or be killed!’

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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