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Header.Bedding In

Roaring Girl Productions/Trish Wheatley


‘Bedding In Bedding Out: Reflections from the Bed’ 

Drawing on audio recordings and timelapse photography from artist-activist Liz Crow’s recent Bedding In performance at SPILL Festival of Performance, Roaring Girl Productions is pleased to announce the release of a new film, Bedding In Bedding Out: Reflections from the Bed.  

In her performance, Liz took to her bed in a gallery for three days to highlight the contradictions in the new system of benefits currently being introduced by the UK government.  


Roaring Girl Productions/Trish Wheatley

Says Liz:

“I wear a public self that is energetic, dynamic and happening. I am also ill and spend much of life in bed.

“The private self is neither beautiful nor grown-up, and I conceal it carefully. But the benefits system demands a reversal, my private self paraded to justify support.”  

“Bedding Out was a performance in which I took my private self and made it public.”

Performing what she describes as the other side of her fractured self, her bed-life, Liz says:

“Since the public me is so carefully constructed, this was a kind of un-performing of my self.”  

“I want to make a twilight existence visible. But more, I want to show that what many people see as contradiction, what they call fraud, is only the complexity of real life.”  

During the performance, members of the public were invited to Bedside Conversations, gathering round the bed to talk about the work, its backdrop, its politics.

This new film combines audio recordings from the Bedside Conversations with timelapse photography from the performance. Also released are a dozen additional audio clips from the Conversations.  

Bedding In Bedding Out: Reflections from the Bed from Roaring Girl Productions on Vimeo.

To listen to the audio clips: 

Background on the performance at: 

To arrange an interview or request further information and images: 

please contact Liz on 07702 757407 or email 





Artist Biography 

Liz Crow is an artist-activist working with performance, film, audio and text. She is drawn to drama, life stories and experimental work, and the potential of storytelling to trigger change. A former NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) fellow and founder of Roaring Girl Productions, Liz’s work has shown at London’s Tate Modern and the British Film Institute, as well as on television and at festivals internationally. 


Prior works include an appearance on the Fourth Plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square as part of sculptor Antony Gormley’s One and Other project. Liz’s provocative and controversial performance was part of a larger film-based installation, Resistance: which way the future?, that tours the UK and internationally.  



Roaring Girl Productions is a creative media projects company based in Bristol, founded by writer-director and activist Liz Crow. It undertakes media productions, training and associated projects, combining high quality creativity with practical activism.



Future performances: Liz will be performing a new version of the work, BeddingOut, which will be live streamed and will incorporate virtual participation via twitter, as part of the People Like You exhibition at Salisbury Arts Centre, 8 March – 12 April 2013. 


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