"That is woven into who I am. Alex Salmond wants to rip that out. Let's not let him." #YES, Let's.

“That is woven into who I am. Alex Salmond wants to rip that out. Let’s not let him.” #YES, Let’s.


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Education Secretary Michael Gove has told his Scottish Tory colleagues that next year’s independence referendum will be a “great battle of Britain” and despite the joint campaign with Labour and the Liberal Democrats against independence, Gove said a No vote would represent a Tory victory.

#YesFairer @YesScotland 

STV News Michael Gove addesses Tory Party Conference in Stirling


2 Responses

  1. Whit would any tory eejit know about tory victory over Scotland. The parasitic gowks only have a single tory MP in Scotland. That is one too many. When I and millions of Proud Scots vote YES to independence, the tories will be banished from our land. If we wanted a nazi party that drives sick and disabled people to suicide, then we would have one of our own that we could destroy. Keep the tory nazi party out of Scotland.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

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