We have just heard word that a fourth UK Uncut activist has been arrested in Edinburgh for breach of the peace. The activist was arrested at their home this afternoon and is now at St Leonards police station. There has been no further action by Edinburgh Uncut since Saturday, when two attendees were arrested and held for 5 hours, and we can only assume the current arrest relates to that action.

The fact that this activist was approached by police days after the event makes this arrest very different from the previous three, and while they could be seen as officers at the time mistaking what was happening and doing what they thought was necessary to end the actions, it is hard to see the latest as anything other than blatantly political policing and an attempt to frighten people away from future protest.

We’ll try to keep you up to date with any further information we receive and if you’re around Edinburgh and free this evening a group of people will be gathering outside the station to express their solidarity and wait for the activist’s release.


The activist has now been released, charged with breach of the peace. The terms of their bail conditions, as with the previous two people arrested, prevent them from entering or attempting to enter BHS. You might think that the imposition of that condition was why they were arrested, we couldn’t possibly comment.



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