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Further details about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) announced yesterday reveal who some of the biggest losers under the replacement for disability living allowance (DLA) will be.

Claimants who can walk more than 50 metres, even if they need to use some sort of aid other than a wheelchair to do so, will no longer be entitled to the enhanced (higher) rate of the mobility component, on those grounds alone.  Instead they will get only the standard rate.  Many blind claimants also look set to lose their higher rate mobility award, only recently won after years of campaigning.

Claimants who cannot prepare and cook a simple meal will not be entitled to any award of PIP on those grounds alone, whereas they are currently entitled to the lower rate of the care component of DLA.

It was only yesterday, on the day before the House of Lords debates the issue, that the DWP finally published the proposed points thresholds for getting an award of PIP in a document entitled ‘Personal Independence Payment:  assessment thresholds and consultation’.  The timing of the release gives peers virtually no opportunity to work out who is and isn’t likely to be awarded PIP and, more importantly, makes it impossible for disability groups to study the points system and write briefs for peers prior to the debate. 

At this stage both the points and the thresholds are draft ones and may be changed in the light of further consultation. However, the government has said that it expects half a million fewer people to be receiving PIP in 2016 than would receive DLA, if these proposals are accepted.

The document provides 15 case studies showing how the assessment system might work for people with various different conditions, depending on their severity.

  • In case study 2, Rachel has chronic fatigue syndrome and scores 4 points for daily living and no points for mobility.  This means that Rachel is not entitled to any rate of PIP.
  • In case study 4, Pete has epilepsy and scores 6 points for daily living and 15 points for mobility.  Pete gets no award of PIP for daily living but gets the enhanced rate of the PIP mobility component.
  • In case study 10, Sarah is blind and diabetic.  She scores 9 points for daily living and 8 points for mobility.  Sarah is entitled to the standard rates of both the daily living and mobility components.
  • In case study 13, Tom is autistic.  He scores 26 points for daily living and 15 points for mobility.  Tom is entitled to the enhanced rates of both the daily living and mobility components.
  • In case study 15, Jane is depressed and receiving treatment from a psychiatrist as well as taking anti-depressants.  She receives 8 points for daily living and no points for mobility.  Jane is entitled to the standard rate of the daily living component but no award of the mobility component.

The government are inviting disabled people and disability organisations to take part in a consultation on the scoring system between now and 30 April 2012.  Benefits and Work will be publishing a detailed analysis of the scoring and thresholds once we’ve had the opportunity to study the new document.

Meanwhile we’ve published details of the thresholds and of the points system below, so that readers can attempt to work out what they might score – bearing in mind how harshly the DWP and Atos are likely to interpret the wording of the activities.   (The points system was originally published in November 2011 in a document entitled ‘Personal independence payment:  second draft of assessment regulations’).

Daily living component  
To get an award of the daily living component, a claimant needs to score:

8 points for the standard rate
12 points for the enhanced rate

For daily living, the points need to be scored from activities 1-9 below. 

You can only score one set of points from each activity, if two or more apply only the highest will count.  So, for example, if:

4  d. Needs assistance to groom.  2 points
4  g. Needs assistance to bathe.  4 points

both apply you will receive 4 points for the ‘Bathing and grooming’ activity.

If, for example:

d. Needs assistance to manage toilet needs.  4 points

also applies to you, then you will have scored 4 points for the ‘Bathing and grooming’ activity and 4 points for the ‘’Managing toilet needs or incontinence’ activity.  This is a total of 8 points which means you would be entitled to the standard rate of the daily living component.

Mobility component
To get an award of the mobility component you need to score:

8 points for the standard rate
12 points for the enhanced rate

For mobility, the points need to be scored from activities 10-11 below. 

As with daily living above, you only score the highest points that apply to you from each activity, but you can add points from activities 10 and 11 together to reach your final total.


1. Preparing food and drink.
a. Can prepare and cook a simple meal unaided.  0 points
b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to either prepare or cook a simple meal.  2 points
c. Cannot cook a simple meal using a conventional cooker but can do so using a microwave.  2 points
d. Needs prompting to either prepare or cook a simple meal.  2 points
e. Needs supervision to either prepare or cook a simple meal.  4 points
f. Needs assistance to either prepare or cook a simple meal.  4 points
g. Cannot prepare and cook food and drink at all.  8 points  

2. Taking nutrition.

a. Can take nutrition unaided.  0 points
b. Needs either –
(i) to use an aid or appliance to take nutrition; or
(ii) assistance to cut up food.   2 points  
c. Needs a therapeutic source to take nutrition.  2 points
d. Needs prompting to take nutrition.  4 points
e. Needs assistance to manage a therapeutic source to take nutrition.  6 points
f. Needs another person to convey food and drink to their mouth.  10 points

3. Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition.
a. Either –
(i) Does not receive medication, therapy or need to monitor a health condition; or
(ii) can manage medication, therapy or monitor a health condition unaided, or with the use of an aid or appliance. 0 points
b. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage medication or monitor a health condition.  1 point
c. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes up to 3.5 hours a week.  2 points
d. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes between 3.5 and 7 hours a week.  4 points
e. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes between 7 and 14 hours a week.  6 points
f. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes at least 14 hours a week.  8 points

4. Bathing and grooming.
a. Can bathe and groom unaided.  0 points
b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to groom.  1 point
c. Needs prompting to groom.  1 point
d. Needs assistance to groom.  2 points
e. Needs supervision or prompting to bathe.  2 points
f. Needs to use an aid or appliance to bathe.  2 points
g. Needs assistance to bathe.  4 points
h. Cannot bathe and groom at all.  8 points

5. Managing toilet needs or incontinence.
a. Can manage toilet needs or incontinence unaided.  0 points
b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to manage toilet needs or incontinence.  2 points
c. Needs prompting to manage toilet needs.  2 points
d. Needs assistance to manage toilet needs.  4 points
e. Needs assistance to manage incontinence of either bladder or bowel.  6 points
f. Needs assistance to manage incontinence of both bladder and bowel.  8 points
g. Cannot manage incontinence at all.  8 points

6. Dressing and undressing.
a. Can dress and undress unaided.  0 points
b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to dress or undress.  2 points
c. Needs either –
(i) prompting to dress, undress or determine appropriate circumstances for remaining clothed; or
(ii) assistance or prompting to select appropriate clothing.  2 points
d. Needs assistance to dress or undress lower body.  3 points
e. Needs assistance to dress or undress upper body.  4 points
f. Cannot dress or undress at all.  8 points

7. Communicating.

a. Can communicate unaided and access written information unaided, or using spectacles or contact lenses.  0 points
b. Needs to use an aid or appliance other than spectacles or contact lenses to access written information.  2 points
c. Needs to use an aid or appliance to express or understand verbal communication.  2 points
d. Needs assistance to access written information.  4 points
e. Needs communication support to express or understand complex verbal information. 4 points
f. Needs communication support to express or understand basic verbal information.  8 points
g. Cannot communicate at all.  12 points

8. Engaging socially.
a. Can engage socially unaided.  0 points
b. Needs prompting to engage socially.  2 points
c. Needs social support to engage socially.  4 points
d. Cannot engage socially due to such engagement causing either –
(i) overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant; or
(ii) the claimant to exhibit uncontrollable episodes of behaviour which would result in a substantial risk of harm to the claimant or another person.  8 points

9. Making financial decisions

a. Can manage complex financial decisions unaided.  0 points
b. Needs prompting to make complex financial decisions.  2 points
c. Needs prompting to make simple financial decisions.  4 points
d. Cannot make any financial decisions at all.  6 points

10. Planning and following a journey.
a. Can plan and follow a journey unaided.  0 points
b. Needs prompting for all journeys to avoid overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant.  4 points
c. Needs either –
(i) supervision, prompting or a support dog to follow a journey to an unfamiliar destination; or
(ii) a journey to an unfamiliar destination to have been entirely planned by another person.  8 points
d. Cannot follow any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant.  10 points
e. Needs either –
(i) supervision, prompting or a support dog to follow a journey to a familiar destination; or
(ii) a journey to a familiar destination to have been planned entirely by another person.  15 points

11. Moving around.
a. Can move at least 200 metres either –
(i) unaided; or
(ii) using an aid or appliance, other than a wheelchair or a motorised device.  0 points
b. Can move at least 50 metres but not more than 200 metres either –
(i) unaided; or
(ii) using an aid or appliance, other than a wheelchair or a motorised device.  4 points
c. Can move up to 50 metres unaided but no further.  8 points
d. Cannot move up to 50 metres without using an aid or appliance, other than a wheelchair or a motorised device.  10 points
e. Cannot move up to 50 metres without using a wheelchair propelled by the claimant. 12 points
f. Cannot move up to 50 metres without using a wheelchair propelled by another person or a motorised device.  15 points
g. Cannot either –
(i) move around at all; or
(ii) transfer unaided from one seated position to another adjacent seated position.  15 points

From Benefits and Work:


16 Responses

  1. This Regime is Not Fit to hold Office

    Their Policies of Victimisation show that

    Bad Policies Need to Completely Reversed

    We Need a Better Government that Listens and Serves

    • The writing is on the wall but we the electorate are undecided whether we are sheep or ostriches or have been cajoled into believing we still live in a DEMOCRACY .The obvious façade of democracy started to be eroded when Thatcher smashed the UNIONS importing an American named McGregor . Thatcher spent £12 billion pounds ,£36,240,000,000.00 in today’s money to achieve her goal .Blair continued ,with his brazen disregard for cabinet meeting’s and held armchair discussions between him and his chosen advisers .Where were our representative MP’s to argue against this practice .Now we have Cameron and his fascist henchmen such as Schmidt and Grables ,Osborne and May who between them have decimated the welfare system ,made the rich ,richer and have shown scant regard for justice .The rule of Law should be executed on a level ‘playing field’ and not bits of EU law and British Law used in similar circumstances when it suits the Governments purpose. DEMOCRACY has been eroded ,things have gone too far ,there is only one vote open to us all – A NO VOTE ,let’s not support their BIG LIE .Would you buy something you didn’t want – why vote for something you know nothing about .Truth is not in a Politicians vocabulary .

  2. Mum is 75 surviving heart attack from severe stress & terror. I am autistic, dyspraxia, born deaf, clinical depression formally diagnosed and possible ADHD.
    Mum and I are very close to losing will to live, just point us to nearest concentration camp in England !! We tried so hard to fight against extreme disability discrimination & victimisation.. oppressively and indirect discriminatory hard.. This is how Mum was treated in hospital.
    This is South Yorkshire Police harassing us at my house after complaint to Police Complaints Commissioner & Mum’s care has now been unlawfully stopped.
    Please watch my video’s and help us if you can, please. Will put copies of my deaf system text relay calls on soon showing true face of DWP, DLA and many others.

      • My youtube be account was unlawfully closed down. New links here but please be aware very extreme times now & only hatred keeps me going, so much has happened unlawfully to my 76yo Mum & I since above March 3rd 2012 post. Even painted HELP at Mum’s in the evil twilight zone village of Aylesham, Nr Canterbury, Kent on 26th May 2012 which is still there but everyone, all organisations go to great lengths to hush it up. Arrested and tortured for 5th time by Canterbury Police on New Years Eve by them kicking in Mum’s 2 back doors 31.12.2012 to 2.1.2013 Same bad things happen to me similar to Sept 14th to 17th 2012 so I strip naked in fear, cover myself in excrement and wrote on walls names of bad Canterbury/Dover Police and Inspectors, police corruption, torture, one wall just all my disabilities as they ignore them all i.e. aspergers on autism spectrum, deaf, dyspraxia, adhd, clinical depression, asthma etc then again my Mum’s number on wall hoping other’s would phone my Mum. EC Human & Disability Rights, Equality Act 2010, PSED total in your face corruption from them and now Folkestone magistrate and bent solicitors join in. Hundreds more incidents over time. They lie and twist everything once again at Folkestone last 16.1.2013 and this Monday 28.1.2012 they are going to clearly delete records of all the bad things that have happened to my Mum and I unlawfully by the Police and others! I want it all there for big picture. We were forced by bent Judge back to my Edlington Doncaster address on 2.1.2013 almost straight from cell, judge ignore obvious signs of distress and torture and that my Mum is 76 and already had 4 angina attacks over police bullying etc nearly 30 times they go unlawfully to my Mum’s Beryl Aylesham house! Mum & I at corrupted Folkestone Magistrates 12.11.2012

  3. I’m disturbed to see no mention of pain, severe or extreme discomfort or if it is detrimental to your condition in the walking/mobility question… This is a draconian move if this is even close to the final product.

  4. This is Shocking and Totalitarian .

    It is Symbolic of Politician/Bureaucratic Rule when what we Need is Common Sense
    Rule Redistribution of Wealth from Rich to Poor and Constitutional Protection for
    the Welfare Benefits of the Poor and Vulnerable

  5. I have Fibromyalgia Syndrome, which causes me a lot of pain all over, I cannot walk unaided and use a mobility scooter. I was reassessed last year after going to tribunal after having my DLA taken away. I was classed as disabled and got it back. If they are now going to take it away I will be so depressed as I self harmed after having it taken away. I will probably take an overdose and that will be that. All this is being caused by people who are on the make, with nothing wrong, claiming all the benefits they can. So why are we who are genuine being penalised because of these scums.

  6. To update my Jan 26th post above. My 76yo high risk of heart atttack Mum & I travelled down to corrupted Folkestone Magistrate as per the court summons, arrived from Edlington Doncaster to Folkestone at 1.45pm 21.1.2013 no mistake on our part….. court was closed for staff training!! Mum and I tried to change unfair, unreasonable and perverse bail via Doncaster Magistrate court but got mucked about & said still have to go too Folkestone on 21.1.2013 but logically they knew they would be closed. Extreme corruption, discrimination, victimisation, criminal misconduct & violation of all laws from Palmers Criminal Defence of Deal, BKRW Solicitors, Betts & Co of Ashford and the Judicary and Police. I have bad Dover magistrate staff on my deaf recorded system doing criminal misconduct, a horrible Sandra just mucking us about. Very scary times. We’re the one’s with HELP pls painted on Mum Beryl’s house in evil Aylesham, nr Canterbury, Kent since 26th May 2012 but everyone and all organisations unlawfully hush it up. My weakness is verbal communication & they all manipulate it unlawfully. I am aspergers syndrome now under Autism Spectrum, born deaf, dyspraxia, adhd, clinical depression, pts, asthma, high stress & anxiety, lost a lot of coping skills when unlawfully dismissed from Doncaster Nissan in 2010 when formally diagnosed with aspergers and dyspraxia, and my face does not correctly display emotions or what I think, they abuse this as it means I can be tortured and go through degrading and inhuman treatment yet “look” ok. Extreme scandal, so very scared and Mum is downstairs shaking as they all manipulate my Mum as well. We have no support whatsover, even charities breaking Equality Act 2010 and so many learnt how to antagonise and provoke my aspergers and the way I communicate and react. Something really bad happening at Folkestone/Ashford Magistrate’s next Monday 4th Feb 2013 but we have nothing in writing and are so confused and overwhelmed.

    Philip Hammond Minister for War was a prime example yesterday when he stated “Public opinion would not be with us” since when has he been a collective voice of the Public and since when has our opinion mattered at all .There have been numerous Marchs ,Protests ,Petitions and written complaints to Politicians and over many issues all to no avail .Hammond don’t use our name to either promote or justify any of your issues it totally misleads others into thinking a member of the Public has given voice to something of the Governments making.

    David Cameron has ordered an intelligence review after it emerged that the two men who allegedly hacked a soldier to death on a London street were previously known to MI5 .Cameron is Gesticulating rather than doing anything of substance .What is the point of a review when the Security Services were actually doing their job unless MI5 were Mind Readers they could not have prevented the horrific killing of the soldier .They were monitoring the suspects over a long period of time which was the correct procedure .I cannot recall Cameron taking such a personal interest in the Atos Assessment Victims or the unnecessary Hospital Deaths within the NHS .Bandwagon Politics.

    There is only one option for Cameron’s third way – resign .He’s like a fish out of water he must be on at least his 103rd way ,obviously he doesen’t get it the Public are sick of his and his cohorts BS.
    Cameron like Nicholson has more front than Blackpool ,we the Public have no faith in your lying Politics nor any of the other main Parties you all lie in the same corrupt bed.
    Thatcher woke us up to how draconian and malicious and self-serving you all are and we haven’t forgotten .Blair pushed the boundaries and you just continue .Unlike Nicholson ,Hester the CEO of RBS has fallen on his sword and made the Public aware that Osborne’s sell off has its flaws and quoted smug Osborne as saying “if we fail to make the desired price we’ll just blame it on Labour.Politicians are a Corrupt Minority pretending to run the country .We have only contempt rather than respect .

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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