Unum 'Back-Up Plan' - With back-up like this, who needs enemies?
“In this special….. Insider Exclusive presents… “Disability Insurance Expose – UNUM Insurance & Dr Anthony Sterling’s Story”
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!And how Frank Winkles, Member @ the Winkles Law Group successfully represented Dr Anthony Sterling to Force Unum Disability Insurance Company to honour their own disability policies.
Throughout his career, Frank Winkles has seen many innocent, hard-working people become “victimized” by their OWN INSURANCE COMPANIES… in the name of GREED !
AND BECAUSE OF THAT…..He is driven not ONLY To get Justice for these victims of INJUSTICE….
BUT To make sure that ALL POLICYHOLDERS Get 100% what their Insurance Companies Promised! AND… WHAT THEY PAID FOR….
Frank has earned the highest respect from citizens and lawyers alike…. as one of the best Trial lawyers in Tampa …. In Florida…..and across the nation.
And has built a substantial reputation nationwide by consistently winning cases other law firms have turned down.
Frank’s spirit and dedication is often compared to President Teddy Roosevelt’s…especially when it comes to being in the courtroom…in the arena he knows so well…
For it is often said that ……
…. “It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled….
or where the doer of deeds could have done better…..
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood….
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause….
Daring greatly…. so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.
Frank dares greatly and he definitely spends himself in worthy causes.
is amazing courtroom skills and headline grabbing success rate continue to provide his clients with the results they need……And the results they deserve.”

Unum 'Back-Up Plan' - With back-up like this, who needs enemies?
Watch the full 22 minute long expose here: www.insiderexclusive.com
7 Responses
I was covered by a Unum policy as part of my employment contract, I had a significant industrial injury in May of 2006…It took me 4 years to get a payment and then only after going to the Ombudsman. just before they made the payment, my employer terminated my contract, because they could not find me a suitable work place ( I cannot work), I think the contract was ended because of the ruling on holiday pay and sickness…suddenly they had to pay me 6 weeks holiday pay each year..for me not being there.
So when Unum did pay up, in stead of paying for my working life, they paid up until the date my contract terminated.
Wish I’d know the facts…..Unum only pay out if you have Incapacity benefit, so lesss IB ESA claiments, lesss Unum payouts.
Various gvt officials are attempting to silence me and to prevent me bringing evidence such as this to the attention of the public. Dr Gunnyeon, the DWP Chief Medical Adviser, is not my biggest fan and suddenly Prof Harrington, who has sent a number of perfectly reasonable letters in the past, is now sending me very defensive letters advising that he doesn’t ‘endorse’ my research…. No-one has ever claimed that he did – and one wonders why the Professor’s suddenly so defensive……?
My own MP, Steve Barclay, actually REFUSES to visit a lone, female, disabled veteran at home – I wonder why ?
I for one wish you luck in your campaign, I could never get out of them the actual qualification of the person making decisions on case,,, my own consultant was/is a Professor of Othopeadics ….. also I was slightly hamstrung early on as I had no xray evidence… now it seems that NICE guidelines say do not xray for lower back problems for the first 6 months… and I think I’ve read that Unum had input at NICE…. makes me wonder… without the xrays I was getting inappropriate treatment… Ended up paying for my own MRI and Xrays…. (ATOS Dr, never even looked at them at my exam, )
People Must Wake Up to Common Sense namely that We Need a
Better Government
5 Minutes of this Regime in Office is too much let alone 5 Years
of this Shower
Cant believe i’m reading this!!! I have an income protection policy with “UNUM” and have been out of work (as a self-employed bricklayer) for 4 months. I initially suffered with chronic upper back and rib problems but i persisted with work as i’m self-employed, until inevitably i ended up with an herniated disc in the bottom of my back. I made a claim through my income protection policy with “UNUM” and even though through my concerns i paid to see 3 different osteopaths privately, “UNUM” failed to contact any of these to get a thorougher understanding of my medical condition and instead i was sent to a medical centre in Cardiff for assessment. At no point was my back examined during this assessment, i asked to stop on numerous occasssions but the examiner kept pushing and pushing (at one point he told me to push like i was a tight head prop in a scrum!!) at this point i was in absolute agony! The day after i suffered stomach and lower rib pain following the assessment which resulted in me needing to see my GP, initially i thought it was the pain relief causing damage to my liver…….. although my GP confirmed that it was damage to my rib and stomach muscles. This can only be through the vigorous assessment i was put through via “UNUM”, at no point was my physical health his concern. Ultimately after all this my claim has been declined, i have more injuries now than what i did beforehand and feel extremely let down. After reading the comments on this site i am obviously not the only one suffering at “UNUM’s” expense, i would appreciate any advise or information on “UNUM” and their dealings or any communication regarding this matter! Surely they can’t get away with this over and over?!?!
The quotation of “the blind leading the blind” has been around for years but what does it actually mean ,to use an analogy let us take UNUM the corrupt insurance company and originator of ATOS the unfit medical assessor .UNUM is the guide dog leading I D Smith who is at the helm of the DWP or becoming known as UNUM Incorporated .Smith is followed by Shapps the Tory Party Chairman . His hobby used to be Internet Fraud ,both Smith and Shapps have used Phoney Statistics to paint a more palatable picture of the Benefit figures than is actually the fact .So the overall scenario is one of the Corrupt blind dog leading Smith who in turn leads Shapps who in turn all three try to lead the General Public .Who was it that said BS baffles brains .http://brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite.com
Unum carried out video surveillance on me and it was disgusting. They sent the video to my treating consultant before disclosing it to me, which I understand is a breach of the data protection act.
I didn’t leave the house until the afternoon because I was in so much pain and late morning in their frustration, they zoomed into my bedroom window, kitchen window and lounge window. I could have been undressed and they would have had everything on camera because the contents the room could be seen.
Then they followed me to my parents house. They disclosed my fathers personal mobile number in a report. They followed my brother in his car and his baby son, this makes me truly sick because I wasn’t even with them.
They parked outside my brothers house, waiting. I wasn’t even with my brother I was still at my parents house. They edited the video to make it look like I was walking faster, the edited the bits of them following my brother and his son so it is not obvious that they followed a *ucking baby without any need because I wasn’t with them!
They are evil and their practices unethical and illegal.