Morning Star

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Saturday 22nd June 2013 

By Peter Lazenby 

Thousands will descend on London today for the People’s Assembly Against Austerity to launch a united opposition that will mobilise co-ordinated anti-cuts action at national, regional and local level.

The event is Britain’s largest political conference in recent history – outstripping the combined attendance of the annual conferences of all three main political parties – and is backed by Britain’s major unions.

The assembly will give a voice to the millions of people who oppose failed coalition government policies which are wrecking the economy, forcing down wages and decimating public services.

It takes place 48 hours after the three biggest unions – Unite, Unison and the GMB – announced plans to target the Tory Party conference in Manchester this September for a rally to defend the NHS.

The assembly has been hailed as a big breakthrough in creating a united front against the Tories and their Lib Dem accomplices.


Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said: “The People’s Assembly is the most significant step yet in building a nationwide opposition to the government’s policies of social devastation.

“Unite is proud to stand with all those demanding an end to the cuts which are pushing millions into the abyss of despair and in standing up for an alternative of social justice.”

The People’s Assembly has been endorsed by over 100 organisations including Unison and Unite, which between them represent almost three million workers across the public and private sectors.

It is also backed by thousands of individuals and groups, including academics, pensioners’ organisations and campaigners fighting to save the NHS.

Green MP Caroline Lucas, who is speaking at the assembly, said: “It offers a crucial opportunity for civil society to come together and take a stand against this government’s socially destructive and economically illiterate austerity programme.

“It is also a chance to challenge the harmful ideology which claims that public is ‘bad’ and private is ‘good’ and that everything from our health service to education is little more than a marketplace to be exploited for profit.”

With evidence emerging that austerity, pay freezes, tax rises and welfare cuts will drive seven million children into poverty in the next two years, she said: “It’s time to expose the lie that there is no alternative to austerity.”

The assembly will also launch two “People United” bus tours organised by unions Unite, Unison, GMB, PCS and CWU and the TUC to take the campaign against austerity into communities.

The tours culminate on July 5 at the NHS’s birthplace, Trafford General Hospital in Manchester, to celebrate the 65th anniversary of its foundation.

The Morning Star

The People’s Assembly: what might ‘building from below’ really mean? Posted on June 21, 2013


7 Responses

  1. I wonder if this lot will listen id rather doubt it theyl go happly on their way with their cuts to those 99percent who are poor and the 1percent well lets put it this way their tables and garages are full while ours are empty yes its nice to now we all in it together,iv never known a more robber government than this I now it started with thatcher who sold all our assests but then labour follows down this road also ,so whose for those 99percent who really pays the bills not that 1percent who pay hardly nowt jeff3

  2. Any opposition to this nazi styled government will hopefully put an end to the growing number of suicides amongst our sick and disabled. I hope those such as Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith will pay for their engineered atrocity. In a fairer world , they would face the hangman. Opposition to the present government should be on a continuous basis and evidence of the suicides should be forwarded to the international court of human rights with the purpose of those involved in killing these poor people to face trial.

  3. Iain Duncan Smith and Cameron like French things so what about sending them to the Guillotine, just like the ATOS WCA the whole process is over and concluded in seconds.

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