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6 Responses

  1. The whole thing is one big scam the private companies who put people on to the work scheme get paid, the companies get free labour at no cost ie insurance ect plus a payment on top of that. The government gain by using sanctions too stop benefits and remove people from employment lists. In fact everyone makes money from this scheme except the poor bugger providing the free labour.

  2. Many mainstream people (not us on Black Triangle forum) miss the point of the deeper nuances of the ruling. It’s the WAY it’s being done & in any area of life, public authority we cannot have jobsworths of ANY rank acting unlawfully and arbitrarily. IDS aka Iain Duncan Smith is especially ignorant & nasty with several hidden agenda’s. DWP staff are horrific putrid creatures & many act unlawfully with impunity and unaccountability. Years ago at Doncaster DWP I asked for help finding a job where I could earn at least 20k and the response was why should they help me find a job where I earn more than them? Eventually through my own efforts I gained employment at Doncaster Nissan in 2004, did exceptionally well only to be unlawfully dismissed in 2010 when I was formally diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome & dyspraxia, despite being one of the best i.e. made Doncaster Nissan No 1 in CSI customer service index as customers felt I gave them full attention, passed video mystery shopped, highest exam score, 20+ Thank You cards that were burnt by colleagues as a joke!

    Look at me now, a complete mess!67Y1C

    Stairlift man assaulting me on 8.2.2013!1VKXFM

    Moi getting set up at Folkestone!1ISBNR

    My deaf recorded system everyone hates!1IS6RH

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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