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Posted by Tony Greenstein


The Most Sickening Picture of the Year – Cameron with a Disabled Child



This is a government which openly proclaims it intends to cut 20% from Disability Living Allowance by renaming it PIP (Personal Independence Payment).  The Daily Mirror recently ran an article that 32 people a week are dying because of the so-called Work Capability Assessments. 32 die a week after failing test for new incapacity benefit


















Cameron must be one of the most sickening individuals in this country, despite stiff competition from the likes of war criminals Blair and Brown. He deliberately used his dead son, who died of cerebral palsy, to ‘prove’ that he knows about disability.  In fact he’d kill off his own grandmother if it brought him any political benefits.
As someone who is helping bring up an autistic boy, I probably have a somewhat greater grasp of the problems disabled people face.
But like the charlatan Cameron is he doesn’t mind posing next to a disabled child. 


 (Liam Byrne ‘Gradgrind’:


I’ve written numerous articles for this blog in the past on the attacks on disabled people.

We cannot leave it to the ‘disability professionals’ in charities like Disability Alliance and the Autistic Trust who willingly sell out those they purport to represent if it will help their careers (& most of whom aren’t disabled anyway) 

See: The Government Dismantles Disability Living Allowance 

31 Disabled People Die Proving They’re Unfit to Work 

Is this how the Nazis got away with so many atrocities?’

G2 Reports on Welfare Cuts Deaths













4 Responses

  1. “But like the charlatan Cameron is he doesn’t mind posing next a disabled child. ” But it’s clear from the kid’s expression and body language he’d rather be anywhere else at that moment! Isn’t that child abuse?

  2. yes but whot are the rest of our mps doing about it not a lot they leaving them do the dirty work of killing us of by any means that atos and dwp jcp can use against us made by blair used by the torys to beat the lame and sick who will stand not many mps it looks like jeff3

  3. Like Celia, the first thing I noticed was the body language, particularly Cameron’s. It was very much ( look at the hands.) – “Ugh don’t touch me, don’t get near me”. Dispicable man.

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