Steve Bell 09.03.2013

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The Guardian Andrew Sparrow’s Politics Blog 12.11am 9th April 2013 BST

An interesting Thatcher-linked incident in London’s Theatreland this evening. The Press Association reports that the audience attending a performance of Billy Elliot, the musical set in northern England during the miners’ strike, was asked to vote on whether a song about Margaret Thatcher’s death should be performed or not.

According to PA, the second act of the musical begins with the song Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher which has lyrics that refer to celebrating the death of the former prime minister.

The news agency quotes a Billy Elliot insider saying: “It was taken seriously and debated and finally decided that it would be best to put it to a democratic vote to the audience.

“It was a near unanimous verdict to keep the song in and go ahead. It was an electric show.”

Only three audience members voted against the song being performed


The Big Bang of City deregulation was among the hallmarks of the Margaret Thatcher era in its mid-80s pomp. Photograph: Nils Jorgensen/Rex Features

The Big Bang of City deregulation was among the hallmarks of the Margaret Thatcher era in its mid-80s pomp. Photograph: Nils Jorgensen/Rex Features

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2 Responses

  1. I grew up in the north.
    Isaw first hand what thatcher did to my city
    i remember one answer to our problems was a city tour by heseltine bestowing flowers as the answer – a garden to be built as the solution to industrial demise
    charlatans, bastards, there are not words strong enough to describe her or them
    good analysis

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