(L-R) Fergus Shanahan, Chris Pharo, Graham Dudman and Mike Sullivan all Sun hacks arrested in 2012 The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/9046405/Phone-hacking-four-Sun-journalists-arrested.html

(L-R) Fergus Shanahan, Chris Pharo, Graham Dudman and Mike Sullivan all Sun hacks arrested in 2012 The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/9046405/Phone-hacking-four-Sun-journalists-arrested.html


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On 23rd September 2008 Shanahan wrote in The Sun:

‘Dangerous streets are Labour’s fault. Too few police, soft courts, not enough jails, rampant truancy. Yobbish schools are down to heads being undermined by Labour politicians. 

‘Domestic violence is made worse by Labour’s welfare culture in which millions are paid to booze their lives away in front of the telly. How many kids are caught in the crossfire as rows erupt in homes where nobody has any purpose beyond the next trip to the offie?’

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0bd_vwitHg]



See also: The truth – why the Telegraph dropped Kelvin MacKenzie’s column

Has Kelvin MacKenzie become unemployable? Two weeks ago the former Sun editor lost his online column on the Daily Telegraph after just one effort (see here).

In July last year, he parted company with the Daily Mail after spending barely a year there as a columnist. Prior to that, from 2005 onwards, he wrote a column for the Sun.

Kelvin MacKenzie's first and only column for the Telegraph took aim at teaching, reality TV producers, banks and British Gas. Photograph: Paul Hackett/Reuters

Kelvin MacKenzie’s first and only column for the Telegraph took aim at teaching, reality TV producers, banks and British Gas. Photograph: Paul Hackett/Reuters


It is also apparent that he is no longer the maverick right-wing voice of choice for BBC1’s Question Time or Radio 4’s Any Questions.

Why should this be? In a word, Hillsborough. Twenty-four years on from the tragedy he cannot escape the fury of the people of Liverpool for his front page that defamed the city’s football fans.

One disastrous decision, to refer to the disgusting and false allegations about Liverpool FC’s fans as “The Truth”, has haunted him ever since.



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7 Responses

  1. I cannot Stand Tabloid Press Rubbish

    I Abhore the Degradation of Women in Filthy Tabloids as Well as
    the Nazi Victimisation of the Poor and Vulnerable

  2. Having worked, when I was well enough, for a number of years in the field of Domestic Abuse it is clear that this man is talking off-the-cuff and has no understanding of the reasons behind Domestic Abuse. It has NOTHING to do with alcohol or unemployment. Alcohol is often cited as an excuse but that is all it is.

    Domestic Abuse is born of beliefs such as superiority and entitlement to obedience and subservience. It crosses all classes, creeds and colours. It is a human problem, not a welfare problem.

    When an ill-informed man, such as this, in a position to have his erroneous views spread, as he does, writes guff off-the-cuff it does huge damage to the tireless work of many agencies and charities to bring awareness and change to our society on this subject.

    Shame on his arrogance and irresponsibility. I wonder how easy he is to live with?

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