Greater Manchester police said that while shoplifting offences overall were falling, the proportion involving groceries was increasing. Photograph: Denis Closon / Rex Features
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7 Responses
Iain Duncan-Smith, George Osborne, David Cameron, Nick Clegg….YOU ate the cause of this. Even financiers and business leaders tell you, you’ve got it wrong. Deputy director of the IMF said you had it wrong. You are KILLING PEOPLE. Admit you’re all mocking this country up, and recommence investing in Britain and your countryfolk. Scrap universal credit (cos its all a gargantuan *uck-up anyway) scrap WCA and PIP….and get the disabled and sick back to the benefits they had. Well, the ones who have survived your sledgehammer tactics to crack approx1% fraud (well that’s the reason you gave, IDS, for causing untold stress and suffering).
aye kelpiemare thats quite right well said but they still got caviar and salmon on their tables while millions go without the carring tory party were his love for the disabled is killing them with his milk of kindness which he sprouts about to the papers yep thats one love i can do without jeff3
I am Sick of the Politicians ansd Their Expenses Scrounging They have NOT A Bloody
Clue about Poverty and Deprivation which their Diabolical Policies together with
Slave Driving Tyrant Bosses and Capitalist Profiteers are Responsible For
Theft from the Poor is a Crime against Humanity
I Agree with the Restoration of the Old Welfare Benefits There MUST be Enough
Pressure to Force an Improvement upon this Issue
Stuff the System We NEED Better
It’s time the British public rise up and ‘KICK’ these ‘FAT’ ‘GREEDY’ fops out, strip them of their assessets and give them to the ‘FAMILYS’ of those they have killed……….Make it ‘MANDATORY’ for DC, IDS, MM, GO and NC to ‘LICK CLEAN THE ROADS IN THIS COUNTRY’ while they are paid £71 a week for the privalage, (here’s the catch, they have to pay £71 a day ‘SANCTION’ for not doing it properly. HA HA HA HA HA …………See how they like being treated like ‘S##T’……………
Stealing too eat compare this with the bountiful, prolific, luxurious lifestyle of our politicians with their many mansions and millions in the bank living on expenses and freebies, the only thing liberal about them is their liberal, unstinting, sumptuous generosity towards themselves and their own class.
Those stealing too eat are only those with the nous to steal , what about those who are either too sick or immobile to even manage this, it is a very bleak outlook indeed trapped in your home which is now your prison and left too starve, the Americans need to invade us and stop the human rights abuse and murder of innocent citizens in this country.