Powered by Guardian.co.ukThis article titled “Society daily 01.06.11” was written by Patrick Butler, for theguardian.com on Wednesday 1st June 2011 12.44 Europe/London

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Today’s top SocietyGuardian stories

Abuse at Castlebeck care home leads police to inspect private hospitals

Mental health experts warn against pace of incapacity benefit cuts

GP consortiums ‘may not be accountable’ for £60bn NHS spend

Court of appeal ruling on Sharon Shoesmith sends out warning

Southern Cross slashes rent to avoid mass care home closure

Skills report on small charities reveals severe shortage

Royal colleges create charter for terminally ill patients

Disability hate crime must be tackled

Clare Allan: Renewed concern about Atos medical assessments

Patrick Butler: Shoesmith, Balls and the Appeal court ruling

Guardian Charity Award winners: it got our voices heard

All today’s SocietyGuardian stories

On my radar …

• The Panorama undercover investigation into abuse at Winterbourne View, a residential home in Bristol run by Castlebeck, a private care company. You can see the programme on BBC i-player here. To gauge the extraordinary impact of the programme on those who watched it – rage, sorrow, disgust, and incredulity – try the #panorama twitter feed. Here on Society Guardian will be reporting on reaction and responses to the scandal throughout the day. There’s some excellent blogging on the subject already: a superb piece on why such abuses happen by mental health nurse and trainer Connor Kinsella, and customary insightful observations on care abuses and accountability by Fighting Monsters.

• Southern Cross, Britian’s biggest private care home provider, which is on the brink of bankruptcy. Again, Society Guardian will be following developments throughout the day, and analysing the care, policy and political consequences of it going bust. Here’s a backgrounder on the crisis I wrote this morning. Blogger and commentator Roy Lilley has written an excellent post on the options facing ministers if Southern Cross goes bust. Roy is right-of-centre politically, but he warns that a form of nationalisation may be the only answer:

“I hope there are plans to bail out Southern Cross. Like the banks, it is too big to fail. If we can commit the nation’s millions to bailing out profligate bankers and keep paying their bonuses we can commit ourselves to keeping a roof over the heads of the vulnerable who, for a lifetime, kept paying their taxes.

• Conservative Home blog, which has a launched a blazing attack on our Cutswatch project. We are flattered!

“Cutswatch shows the Guardian at their worst, highlighting their luddite approach to localism where every efficiency measure is a cut and every public sector job should be for life.”

On the Guardian Professional Networks

Social enterprises need more than a bank to solve our toughest social problems, write Jack Graham of the Young Foundation and social entrepreneur Jon Huggett

Peter Cardy, former CEO of the Marine and Coastguard Agency, argues that the modernisation of the coastguard service is long overdue

Cloud computing could save organisations money, says Aba Maison of IT charity Lasa – but make sure you know what you’re doing

The Aneurin Bevan health board in Gwent is setting up a joint network with seven other local public sector organisations

SocietyGuardian blogs

Patrick Butler’s cuts blog

Joe Public

Sarah Boseley’s global health blog

SocietyGuardian on social media

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SocietyGuardian links


Guardian cutswatch – tell us about the cuts in your area

Public Leaders – the Guardian’s website for senior managers of public services

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Hundreds of public and voluntary sector jobs

SocietyGuardian editor: Alison Benjamin

Email the SocietyGuardian editor: society@guardian.co.uk

SocietyGuardian.co.uk editor: Clare Horton

Email the SocietyGuardian.co.uk editor: editor@societyguardian.co.uk

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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