Buying essentials in London’s West End: Britain’s super rich have seen their slice of national income grow from 7% to 10% since the 90s. Photograph: Ruby / Alamy/Alamy

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7 Responses

  1. i find it wrong why high earners get more than lowpaid employees doing the same job ..shame on this government how do they expect decent people to live and pay there way in society no wonder they tax ordinary people out of jobs..while big business enterprises profit out of this country.

  2. “The rich get richer the poor get poorer” an old but how very true saying,no more so than today.
    Tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for the poorer people,the Tory philosophy

  3. Same is happening in most economies now because the top earners own everything including everyones existance,sounds severe but they control finance,capital assets & have over the years bought up and control the worlds recources .We the people are now being gradualy catogorised or graded and starting from the least productive being eradicated by politicaly correct means .The colabaration behind the scenes between the worlds elite power mongers is becoming more evident .What enyone can do about it because of the stealthy way it is happening I cannot envisadge.When they do make an obvious and visual mistake their buddies cover up for them as the mps did for the bankers .

  4. Large areas of London are becoming no-go areas for people on average incomes or below. All the shops are luxury goods, antiques, restaurants, estate agents, delicatessens, and boutiques. this is the most pernicious death of a high street often seen as regeneration. Traffic increases but there are few people on the street and the original locals have to travel further. Many parks, libraries and museums are letting cafes to expensive franchises which are again too expensive for most people. This is depriving many people of places where neighbours used to meet.

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