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More than eight million people are one payday away from not being able to pay for their mortgage or rent.


Shock new figures released by housing charity Shelter today reveal that one in three workers could not pay for their home for more than a month if they lost their job.

Even more alarmingly, 4.4m people – 18 per cent – said that if they lost their jobs this month and couldn’t get a new one right away, they wouldn’t be able to pay their rent or mortgage at all.

As the wave of harsh benefit cuts introduced by the current Coalition government kicks in, the squeeze on people’s budgets will mean saving will become ever harder.

That will mean a surge in demand from people at risk of becoming homeless, Shelter predicts.

Campbell Robb, the charity’s chief executive, said:

“These figures paint an alarming picture of a nation where the buffer between having a home and potentially becoming homeless is a single pay check.

“The depth of the financial pressure and insecurity felt by people across the country means that millions are living on the edge of a crisis, only secure in their homes for a matter of weeks.

“At the same time, support for people who have lost their homes is being stripped away – it’s easy to see why every fifteen minutes, another family in England finds themselves homeless.”

The research shows that families with children are at most risk of losing their home.

Some 43 per cent admit they could not pay for their home for more than a month, and nearly a quarter – 23 per cent – say they could not meet their payments at all.

Overall, 3.9m British families could be just one pay check away from losing the family home, Shelter warned.

That’s already happened to Peter in Kent. His wife and two children lost their home after both partners were made redundant within months of each other.

After struggling for over a year, their home was eventually repossessed.

Peter said:

“We knew there was no hope. We looked for help from the council and even tried renting the house out, but things spiralled out of control right away. There were debts secured against the house and there was no money coming in. My mental state wasn’t good. It was inevitable that we lost our home.”

More and more families are living on a financial edge with no financial safety net to help them, Mr Robb warned.

“More and more people are coming to Shelter desperate for advice on how they can stay in their homes, and our services are straining to meet the demand,” he revealed.

“Anyone who can’t meet the payments on their home should seek advice as a matter of urgency to help prevent them going through the devastation of losing their home.”

The Independent

See also

YOUR ‘Challenging your ‘bedroom tax’ decision’ toolkit by Govan Law Centre Posted on April 10, 2013


4 Responses

  1. And this Coalition government stats “Brittan for the hard working” but soon some of them hard working family’s will be facing the hash reality of this Coalition government benefit reforms not exactly the promises they gave to the hard working family’s and dote even think about clamming sickness because of all the stress of becoming jobless and homeless and unable to support your family’s because if you do that your become one of the many scroungers that are leaching off of the benefits system according to this Coalition government… so if your feeling hopeless because you’ve loss your job become homeless and unable to support your family just join in the cue of the many people committing suicide because this Coalition government will be happy you made the right chose for all concerned.

    On the other hand Poetic Justas to all of those that supported this Coalition government in all there benefit reforms now you’re going to pay dearly for your support and your going to feel what its like to be kicked in the gut but the very Government you supported!

    • So true Barry. I wish people would wake up, open their eyes & see the injustice happening all around us.

      What a cruel society we are becoming. But I suppose it’s because the people who are fortunate enough to be in full time work don’t see the real picture as they’re all too busy working harder than ever to keep their jobs so they can pay their bills & keep a roof over their heads!

  2. well said barry. many of them will be chocking on their cornflakes for voting tory..
    and will soon find the harsh reality of the DWP/sanctions and refusing them benefits they so badly need to survive. harsh i know but it’s the torys and their fat banker (er, i ment to say wanker) chums that caused this mess not the poor/disabled/unemployed..

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