Private contractors Atos Healthcare ( sic ) are still carrying out benefit medicals at Argosy House, Marsh Mills , Plymouth. The DWP then use Atos’ reports to stop people’s benefits. The medicals and reports are flawed . The majority of those whose benefit is stopped and who go to appeal tribunal win and get the benefit back. ( in Oxford where they have a proper Welfare Rights service..92% win their appeal against DWP/ Atos)
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Sadly many people cannot face the hassle of all this and give up and can be left destitute or worse. See Citizen’s Advice report ‘Not Working………’..March 2010 with evidence from before the new tougher test , it is even worse now.
On 11th May Plymouth Claimants Union organised a picket at Argosy House as part of the national day of action against benefrit cuts and to expose Atos’ part in this. A dozen or so people with disabilities , carers , trade unionists and other anti-cuts activists let the Atos quacks know we are out to expose them for what they are ….parasites on poverty.
Keep the pressure on Atos – put people before profit.
Next picket at Argosy House Tuesday 7th June at 12.00 Midday
Further details and transport to Argosy House , contact
Sam Bennett
Plymouth Claimants Union
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