Black Triangle is delighted to be able to announce that the Mental Health Resistance Network’s application for judicial review has been granted!

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It means that their case can now go on to be heard and the WCA will be reviewed by the judiciary to test its legality and compatibility with both human rights and domestic legislation and common law protecting the rights of individuals from the actions of the State!

We are as yet unable to release more details until the court has issued its final judgment or we will be in contempt of court.

We will update you as soon as possible!

The fight continues!

A huge congratulations to all at the MHRN and the Public Law Project for getting through this stage!

IDS, Grayling and the ConDems will be flapping about like headless chickens! 

It’s a great day!





20 Responses

  1. It’s a big step forward for all of us-I hope this generates lots of appropriate publicity (call me an optimist) and throws this disorganised thicko Governement into Laurel and Hardy mode
    Massive cheering for MHRN!

  2. So, sorry if I’m being a bit dim here, but does it also apply to the WCA as it impacts upon people with physical illness (particularly fluctuating conditions like ME or auto-immune problems), not just to those with mental health conditions?

  3. I pray that this wil make them look again at people with M.S and Parkinsons who are told to get a job, when they have so many problems like fatigue, bladder and bowel problems and so much more. This WCA is inhuman, just like this govt. I wish it could be the end of the WCA.or at least a version of it that is HUMANE

  4. I think a positive outcome for MHRN will prepare the ground and add momentum to the fight to end WCA/ATOS for ALL with disabilities. The judge looking at MHRN’s request described WCA/ ATOS as a “pretty crude tool” to judge ANY person with ANY disabilities by.

    Once again, congratulations MHRN, you’ve done fantastic work here and I am very grateful to you all for your courage, tenacity and determination.

  5. High Five to you all! Happy to hear this – after all, with 10 years of austerity ahead of us we need all the good news and help we can get. I’M MAD AND I LOVE IT!

  6. Thank you. Sincerely, thank you for all your tireless work helping people like myself who simply do not have the ability or resources to fight. ♥

  7. Wonderful news, this WILL be the end of the WCA and ATOS involvement in benefit assessment when it is proven in a court of law that they have broken more laws than you and i have had hot dinners. Grayling and IDS should then be tried individually for disability discrimination once the case against their draconian evil is proved. After all if they were outspoken racists what would happen to them ? But they are outspoken disability discriminators, same crime , different type. Jail them both.

  8. We must get as many people as possible to watch channel 4’s Dispatches next monday. Public opinion has been corrupted by the misinformation spouted by the Daily Mail et al, we must turn the tide and make people realise what is really happening – in Britain – in the 21 st century – by this evil government.

  9. It is good news but it’s also frustrating as the duty to make reasonable adjustments, to pay due regard to substantial disadvantage, disability & detriment has been around for a while but many public authorities flout the law and it’s almost impossible to make one’s own N1 County Court Claims against disability discrimination in it’s many forms under the Equality Act 2010 as England’s C0unty Court system is riddled with “indirect discrimination’s” and disgracefully this applies to the Equality & Human Rights Commission as well.

    Many of us have “protected characteristic” under the Equality Act 2010 so many forms of disability, with or without learning disabilities will be covered, even depression is a disability for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010. Many public authorities also flout the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), EC Human Rights & Disability Rights.

    I know as I tried to make my own case against the SRA Solicitors Regulation Authority via Sheffield County Court, was a horrific experience, case 1SE06800 which was unlawfully struck out:

    This is my freedom of information request via excellent whatdotheyknow site:

    Allen Vincent.

    Wonderful news, this WILL be the end of the WCA and ATOS involvement in benefit assessment when it is proven in a court of law that they have broken more laws than you and i have had hot dinners. Grayling and IDS should then be tried individually for disability discrimination once the case against their draconian evil is proved. After all if they were outspoken racists what would happen to them ? But they are outspoken disability discriminators, same crime , different type. Jail them both.

    well put have to say, i myself am disabled and am very pleased to hear what is getting done..keep up the great work guys so full of courage love it.

    Wonderful news, this WILL be the end of the WCA and ATOS involvement in benefit assessment when it is proven in a court of law that they have broken more laws than you and i have had hot dinners. Grayling and IDS should then be tried individually for disability discrimination once the case against their draconian evil is proved. After all if they were outspoken racists what would happen to them ? But they are outspoken disability discriminators, same crime , different type. Jail them both.

    God I pray you are right. Living in perpetual fear of the hatred they have whippe dup against disabled people is a nightmare. Living in fear of being told you are fine when you know you are not (as does our specialists) is a nightmare – This Govt are all inhuman, they make this no longer ‘Great’ Britain. Soon there will be no NHS no Welfare state and nothign humane left in this once great country.

  12. “Ah ok. Thanks. Silly me I thought it might have been the end of the WCA.” No not silly at all because if this wins it could very well open the gates to further JR’s on the WCA Hold on all it is going in the right direction.

  13. Candy Floss on Facebook
    Ah ok. Thanks. Silly me I thought it might have been the end of the WCA.

    No not silly at all because if this wins it could very well open the gates to further JR’s on the WCA Hold on all it is going in the right direction.

  14. This is why I’ve changed from Unionist to Nationalist. Tory’s have historically always sickened me with their lack of understanding for the disabled. They’re the reason I can’t wait to leave this farce of a Union. Incompassionate, self-serving, ruthless, cold, cruel, discriminatory, deceitful merciless, manipulative snakes. They show no humanity, empathy or sympathy. They are money worshipers.
    Vote Tory, vote your life away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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