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Posted by Mike Sivier in Vox Political ~ Politics and discussion from the Heart of Wales

Iain Duncan Smith doesn’t care that his reforms killed Brian McArdle. He’s proud of himself and Brian’s just ‘collateral damage’ in his ‘war on welfare’:
You can read all about Brian McArdle R.I.P. at ; ;
Here is the clip of IDS BRAGGING ON BBC QUESTION TIME in response to being hauled up over Brian’s death by Owen Jones. SHAMEFULLY the idiotic and ignorant SHEEP, fed on a diet of govt. & tabloid lies and propaganda to the point where they can no longer think for themselves or distinguish truth from fiction bleat and clap in approval.
‘Iain Duncan Smith Losing His Temper With Owen Jones’
When will the nation awake and arise???
How many more must DIE???
Peter Oborne’s attack on Gideon George Osborne would be extremely amusing if he was defending almost anyone other than Iain Duncan Smith.
Oborne’s article in the Telegraph suggests a rift in the Conservative leadership between Osborne and Smith, with Osborne – whose attitude to welfare comes down to numbers – trying to take over the Department of Work and Pensions covertly, firstly by knocking £10 billion off the welfare budget without telling the work and pensions secretary, then by trying to replace him with a ‘yes’ man.
I have two problems with that. The first is that Oborne is probably right in suggesting that Osborne would not make matters better for the millions who are suffering persecution due to the welfare cuts and a demonisation strategy in the right-wing press. The second is his description of Smith himself.
“A committed Christian, he ultimately understands his task in terms of human redemption,”
witters Oborne.
“He does not believe that people are out of work because of their own fault.
“He believes that the vast majority are victims of a cruel system, partly created by Gordon Brown, which creates perverse incentives that encourage men and women to stay away from the job market.
“Mr Duncan Smith believes it is his life’s work to end this monumental tragedy, and to provide the best environment for the unemployed to find work and obtain the human dignity that a job brings with it.”
That is not what we see. What we see is a monster, cruelly throwing sick and disabled people off of the benefits they so clearly and desperately need, to face a short life of destitution followed by death caused by a worsening of their condition, or suicide because they cannot see a way out.

Iain Duncan Smith: He’s no angel, even if he does say he’s a Christian.
His policies for the unemployed involve coercing them into carrying out work-related exercises that are little other than an excuse to give money to the private firms providing the so-called service, and forcing them onto Workfare programmes that keep unemployment artificially high by ensuring that the firms taking part never have to actually give any of the participants a job.
All of this has been supported by a flimsy justification narrative that says he is encouraging these people out of a disgraceful cycle of benefit dependency and back into the job market; in fact he is doing nothing of the sort. But I have already made my opinions of Smith’s policies perfectly clear in the past. Just Google ‘Vox Political Iain Duncan Smith’ and you should get the gist.
Oborne himself appears to be utterly deluded.
“There are, at the heart of this Government, only three majestic ideas,”
he burbles.
“The first is the restoration of the public finances, a task to which the Chancellor, strikingly, does not devote his full-time attention. The second is the grand programme of educational reform, masterminded with such admirable courage and verve by Michael Gove. The third is welfare reform.”
I would suggest those are the three policies that this government has got the most badly wrong.
Some readers might take joy from the thought that two Tory heavyweights (by the standards of the times) may be slugging it out, but I can’t.
Firstly, we don’t know that it is true. The Telegraph seems to have a vendetta against Osborne at the moment; I won’t be convinced by its story – well-constructed as it seems to be – until I see substantive proof. Where’s the proof about Osborne’s expenses claim paying for a paddock and why has it not been submitted to the police and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards?
Secondly, even if the story is true, it doesn’t matter who wins. The people of the UK will continue to lose.
8 Responses
“The first is the restoration of the public finances, a task to which the Chancellor, strikingly, does not devote his full-time attention. The second is the grand programme of educational reform, masterminded with such admirable courage and verve by Michael Gove. The third is welfare reform.”
Finances? Everyone paying tax except the ones who should pay most!
Education? A young person must put themselves in £90 grand debt too go to University, they can’t stay on at school until 18 as EMA has been abolished!
Welfare reform? Welfare denial and the privatising of the NHS also it’s not only the unemployed being forced into workfare the sick and disabled are now being mandated to this under threat of sanctions.
The torys should change their name back too the British Union of Fascists and be done with it! If they do a deal with UKIP god help us all!
“What we see is a monster, cruelly throwing sick and disabled people off of the benefits they so clearly and desperately need, to face a short life of destitution followed by death caused by a worsening of their condition, or suicide because they cannot see a way out.”
“His policies for the unemployed involve coercing them into carrying out work-related exercises that are little other than an excuse to give money to the private firms providing the so-called service, and forcing them onto Workfare programmes that keep unemployment artificially high by ensuring that the firms taking part never have to actually give any of the participants a job.”
The above comments are perfect descriptions of what is actually happening.
Osborne 1 – restoration of public finances. Deficit higher than ever = FAILED
Osborne 2 – educational reform. Is this the same educational reform that was responsible for the exams fiasco this summer? = FAILED
Osborne 3 – welfare reform. If he means destroy the benefits safety net? = PASSED
I always wondered if these Tory idiots actually believed the inane claptrap they espouse and frighteningly enough it seems they actually do.
It doesn’t say much for the private schools that churn them out like a conveyor belt of rightwing Nazi clones
Exactly which part of Christianity does IDS align himself with because it doesn’t resemble ANY of the teachings of Christ that I was taught about – unselfishness, looking out for your fellow man, helping the poorest and less well-off, charity, etc. THESE are the things that are taught by the Kirk in Scotland not the outright attacks made by this egomaniacal waste of space.
“Only the Work and Pensions Secretary has the moral authority to push through the welfare reforms ”
Oborne is talking out of his bottom – IDS has no moral authority whatsoever
I was thinking the same thing duncan. There is absolutely nothing Christian about IDS,s treatment towards the sick and disabled.
(A committed Christian, he ultimately understands his task in terms of human redemption,” witters Oborne.)
Maybe idiot Smith (and with apologies to real practising Christians) thinks he is Jesus and can cast out unclean spirits and demons to restore people to fully functioning human beings. He is going to heal us all (the sick and disabled) and therefore bring renewal to people whose lives are afflicted.
(“He does not believe that people are out of work because of their own fault.
“He believes that the vast majority are victims of a cruel system, which creates perverse incentives that encourage men and women to stay away from the job market.)
Perverse incentive – Job Seekers allowance under 25 you get £56, over 25 you get £71 Wow some incentive! These comments remember from a millionaire.
(A cruel system that pays people so much to stay away from the job market?)
Pays so much? What is he on, too much Starbucks coffee making him hallucinate?
The only cruel system I can see is that of Atos & the colluding DWP throwing the sick and disabled off benefits.
(“Mr Duncan Smith believes it is his life’s work to end this monumental tragedy, and to provide the best environment for the unemployed to find work and obtain the human dignity that a job brings with it.”)
More like sadist and bully that abuses his power and privilege to enforce a dictatorship on the unemployed, the sick, the disabled and the low waged.
This “man” doesn’t have a christian bone in his body
The only monumental tragedy I can see is that these jokers are in power for another two and a half years
Moral authority is the capacity to convince others how the world should be.
Well if the world should be the way idiot Smith views it,
Stop the world I want to get off.
You can go to church and sing as loud and as hard as you want, that won’t make you a Christian. It’s how you live your life that matters and this guy just ain’t got it. He’s not listening for a start, and if you’re not listening you can’t care for them as Jesus did because you’d want to stop whatever is hurting them.
They only might be in for another 2+ years, the penny is obviously starting to drop in Clegg that his party’s slump in votes means fewer votes next time too.
one of my friends esa stopped 23 dec no reson given,attended ATOS BRISTOL.
another friend of mine bad heart asked to undo sheo laces fit for work ATOS BRISTOL.