AFTER last week’s column on the Olympics, I was contacted by families affected by the Commonwealth Games to be hosted in Glasgow in two years’ time.

Their plea involved the Accord day care centre, set up 20 years ago in the east end of Glasgow.

There, 120 adults with learning disabilities built a community where people with needs as diverse as cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome — as well as their families — could meet daily in a safe environment.

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Their activities included learning, hydrotherapy, art, computing, making friendships and much more.

Yet the Accord was shut this year to be demolished for a ‘coach park’ for the Games that will last only 11 days.

The Labour-controlled city council had no difficulty in financing £20million to purchase land for the Games, but wouldn’t replace the centre.

Families claim all they have got from the council is lies and broken promises.


The Games start in 2014, the centre is shut and the replacement is one rented room in Bambury Community Centre with space only for 60.

It is available for users to meet with carers, to then travel by bus elsewhere, but if the activity is cancelled they are left out in the cold, wind and rain — unlike at the Accord.

This is not a day care centre but a shabby afterthought of a ‘watertight bus stop’ for vulnerable adults

Scottish Sun


5 Responses

  1. Atos are mere babes in the wood. G4S run the LOCOG’s security. G4S believe they can magically cure 700 000 people of our disability. Cadbury’s? Use child slaves to pick cacao. McDonalds? Nestle?

    You’re not allowed to bring in any food or drink onto the Olympic village site. I’d happily presume that it is because you can fit semtex granules into the 5 gramme “Millicules” of Millicano coffee. That’s the official line anyway! You thus can only drink the Official Coffee on site, whether it causes you hypermania or not – I avoid Nescafe like I used to amphetamines because it hits me the same!!!

    Brand protection gone potty – I quit after pointing out to the IOC staff there the crimes against disabled people G4S are about to perpetrate and being put on an official warning for getting investigative…

  2. They do it because they can and we must show them enough is enough and they can’t swing the wrecking ball at vulnerable people’s amenities and lives anymore. THEY SHALL NOT PASS.

  3. welcome to modern politics where lies just get bigger our place is to accept it by their standerds wake up and get rid of them jeff3

  4. That’s Glasgow City Council fur ye renege on it’s commitment to the vulnerable and spend £ms Watching them and other locals with countless CCTV vans

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