"It is quite hard work to continue to be always on the negative side of public opinion," said King, which makes me wonder if she has ever talked to the unemployed, or the disabled, both victims of a government smear campaign designed to sell the annihilation of the welfare state. I imagine they don't talk about that at Roedean. Public schools sell self-possession, not self-awareness. That could, as George Monbiot has pointed out, be fatal to the project ' ~ Tanya Gold

“It is quite hard work to continue to be always on the negative side of public opinion,” said King, which makes me wonder if she has ever talked to the unemployed, or the disabled, both victims of a government smear campaign designed to sell the annihilation of the welfare state. I imagine they don’t talk about that at Roedean. Public schools sell self-possession, not self-awareness. That could, as George Monbiot has pointed out, be fatal to the project ‘ ~ Tanya Gold

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5 Responses

  1. i feel very sorry for them but then could walk in our shoes for a year i doubt it very much then we would see public school boys crying nah self pity we aint got a chance of jeff3

  2. The guilt of the class entitled educational establishments will not be real guilt until the blood of the common people is emptied from their inkwells.

  3. Has anyone seen the new assessment scams sneaked through last week for Atos to further fuck people up? The article is in the current edition of Private Eye.
    Apparently, if they deem you could work if you had a wheelchair,or if you had a guide dog, then you’re fit for work. Doesn’t matter if you don’t have a wheelchair or a guide dog, one that they can imagine you could possibly have at some point in time is sufficient to find you fit.
    It’s all getting even more insane, fascist, and viciously eugenics driven.

  4. They are the gods on Mount Olympus, we are the plebiscites the underworld, here only too be played with for their amusement, no it’s not mythology.
    Oh what fun for the gods above too first divide us then laugh in the full knowledge
    they have once more conquered.
    How dare we plebs have the temerity to think we have any say in their private matters such as schooling, fairness ect, positive discrimination in race, religion, gender ect that they endorse is all well and good but equality in matters concerning their privileged, affluent lives is positively taboo, they must have private and separate health and schools and live in a world where they only come into contact with a pleb when said pleb is in a position of servility.
    Should be be foolish enough to forget our place and say something out of turn , yes they will cry victimhood in the media after all they own it!

  5. Moses was Angry with Evil People in his Time

    He would be Even More Angry with the Evil that is this Present ” Modern Times ”

    My Blood Boils with Rage with the Evil that Goes On in this Country

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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